Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MTV's Hottest MC's In The Game 2009: #8 - Fabolous

Fabolous comes in at #8 on the list, definitely deserved a spot and had a solid year; his twitter game might be > tho…Ha!

Why He’s Hot: Fabolous started his Loso’s Way campaign by telling the world that it was “his time,” and the boy from Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood lived up to his claim. Loso’s Way — a concept project inspired in part by the gangster film “Carlito’s Way” — became his first #1 LP on the Billboard albums chart, selling nearly 99,000 units in its first week of release. All year, we’ve been hearing “It’s Loso, in case you didn’t know, so …” for a reason: Fab never runs out of ammo with his tireless punch lines and swag.

To check out the full story & stats of Loso’s ranking click: Fabolous Is The #8 Hottest MC In The Game!

The Hills, Season 6... More of the Same

After a brief hiatus, MTV’s The Hills has finally returned to the channel’s evening lineup. It couldn’t have come too soon. As many Gen-Y and beyond young people have noticed, the other increasingly cheap, formulaic, and packaged shows have grown weary and don’t lend themselves to successful syndication. To understand what I mean, watch two episodes of Parental Control and then try not to stab yourself when the clearly rehearsed lines repeat over and over and over and over again. Such a crafted show means it succeeds only in boring the audience to tears – and the MTV lineup is chock full of them.

Part of the reason The Hills has been such a successful show is because, while it is packaged pseudoreality, it avoids beating the audience over the head with its artifice. Sure, we’re all very aware of the manipulative editing and hefty pay for the actors (I say “actors” purposefully). And we suspect that the drama that unfolds on screen is at least partially constructed to keep the show on the air and keep an actor in the spotlight – of course LC went to Speidi’s wedding in the end; what a disappointing finale it would be otherwise! And we hope – so badly – that the fights between Spencer and Heidi are real, even if it’s obvious that they’re simply stretching the storyline into another season.

But we still buy into all of it. It’s reality without being mundane; it’s artificial without being fiction. It hovers in TV purgatory – not real enough to be a documentary, yet not scripted enough to be a traditional series.

This means that the relationships among the characters, friends, individuals on the show – however one might characterize them – are also non-traditional. When Heidi and Spencer have a big fight, is it manufactured? If it is – as is often the case – to what extent is their off-screen relationship tainted by their fiction? Can they compartmentalize their relationship, or are we (gasp!) getting a small dose of reality?

These issues will likely be the pith of the new season. Kristin, from the original So-Cal pseudoreality show Laguna Beach, has a “relationship” with Justin Bobby, Audrina’s former squeeze. It’s already come out that they’re only “dating” for the show; that Kristin is actually seeing somebody else. Still, the show will manage to stay in the murky zone of reality, and we can hold on hope that part of what we see on-screen is true – even if we know otherwise.

Next time, I’ll be writing about the opposite end of the reality documentary series spectrum: TLC’s 18 Kids and Counting. Wholesome much?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Entire Purpose of the Valley Is For Hidden Camera MTV Shows. And That's Why We Need It

Look close to see the actress to MTV reality to porn career arc

When I moved to L.A., I wasn’t sure why the San Fernando Valley existed. I know it’s cheaper than living in L.A. and you can get a backyard and crappy neighbors, but can’t you do that anywhere without also having to deal with the traffic, heat, forest fires and having to tell people that you live in the Valley?

But then I was flipping around TV and I came across an MTV hidden camera prank show (the name doesn’t matter because they’re all the same) and I uncovered the reason that the San Fernando Valley exists. It’s a gold mine – no, a prime breeding pool – for wastes of life to star on reality shows.

If we didn’t have the Valley, we wouldn’t have MTV, VH1, Noggin, E!, Spike, Fuse, The Learning Channel and all the offshoots of those networks. If we didn’t have people from the Valley, there would be no one susceptible to hiding cameras in a fake art gallery and having someone walk around naked and see the Valley bro get weirded out on camera because he doesn’t know if it’s art or gay.

And all the dating show syndicates would be made null. Who could we put on a blind date, have them sign a waiver that they won’t read, then add air bubbles that make jokes about their thoughts just seconds before they actually say those thoughts? Who could we give $100 to try and date a total stranger by dating her mom first? Who will go on a date with three other guys as a competition? Who will get punched in the balls for $20 because he needs his skateboard repaired?

But the real value to the Valley isn’t just that they can live out all those career dreams by going to’s casting page and finding twenty shows they can be humiliated on. It’s that after they have their dozen fifteen-minutes of fame and no one wants them for cable anymore, all these people live ten minutes away from the largest porn studios in America.

It’s not just that Valley gives us an entire population to laugh at and endless parking lots where we can film them. But it’s that they proceed to cover up their inadequacies by joining the porn industry. And porn is responsible for both the Internet’s success and stress relief that prevents serial killers.

So go ahead and laugh at the Valley and all its nothingness and the fact that there is nothing to do north of Ventura Blvd. and that its sole contribution to newsworthy events is by telling people where the shelters are after its forest fires and earthquakes.

But try and watch TV without watching their helpful contributions to society. Who will get pranked, who will get humiliated and who will make an ass of themselves because fame is just on the other side of the Santa Monica Mountains? Laugh all you want at the Valley, but as a culture, we are nothing without it.

while you're collecting unemployment...

tonight is the season premiere of “the hills” and i’ll admit it – i will be watching it!  but that doesn’t mean i can’t hate them too. the daily beast got a hold of the reali-celebs contracts.

so while you’re slaving away in your cubicle for beer money and rent.  check out what some rich parents, fake boobs, and a loose vagina will get ya…

Lauren Conrad - $125,000 per episode (her contract also stated that nobody on The Hills could make more than her)
Kristin Cavallari - $90,000 per episode
Heidi Montag - $100,000 per episode
Audrina Patridge – $100,000 per episode
Lo Bosworth – $100,000 per episode
Spencer Pratt – $65,000 per episode
Brody Jenner – $45,000 per episode

Monday, September 28, 2009

Quem paga meu salário é o SBT, diz irmã de Faustão

Desde que Eliana estreou no SBT, o programa dela tem incomodado a Globo no Ibope. Ela fica no mínimo meia hora à frente do Domingão do Faustão, o que para a Globo é inadmissível.

No último domingo, a loira ganhou no Ibope por quase 40 minutos, o que levou o apresentador a se estressar nos bastidores. Por coincidência, a diretora de Eliana é Leonor Corrêa, irmã de Fausto Silva. Quem vê de fora pode até achar que isso causou uma saia justa na família, mas Leonor jura que não. Em conversa pelo telefone, perguntei se ela se preocupa em estar, involuntariamente, perturbando o irmão.

- Minha relação com ele é pessoal. Não falamos de trabalho. Quem paga meu salário é o SBT. Sou fiel a quem paga o meu salário. Minha função é fazer o meu trabalho. Há várias emissoras concorrentes no meu horário. Por acaso é o Fausto que está lá, mas poderia ser outro apresentador.

Piti na Globo

Faustão está desanimado e estressado na Globo. Andou mexendo em sua produção, trocando parte da equipe, dispensando algumas pessoas. No intervalo, brigou com a produção e, no ar, não conseguiu disfarçar o nervosismo.


Michael Jackson MTV VMA Tribute

Janet Jackson gave this awesome tribute to the one and only Michael Jackson. She performed “Scream”, song she recorded with her brother. She hit the stage dancingthe exact way like they danced on the video and they did this incredible video arrangement so it  appeared like Michael was really dancing next to her. I really loved it. Good job Janet.

Watch it here:

View This Poll

Saturday, September 26, 2009

In Honor of The City, Season 2

I wrote this piece before The City, Season 1 aired on MTV last year. Unfortunetly, a fellow blogger of mine had the same, unoriginal idea. The piece, once written as a “I hope the producers get this right,” was edited to be a “things the producer should do NEXT season as they clearly failed at living up to my high yet reasonable expectations.” In honor of  The City being picked up for another season, I’m reposting my (now timely) hopes and wishes for Season 2.

Ahh, The City. Another failed attempt at giving the rest of the world a sneak peak of what it’s like to live in The Big Apple. I admittedly don’t live on the fair isle of Manhattan, but I do work and play there enough to know that once again, we New Yorkers have been failed by the mass media.

The same way they snuck three seasons of The Real World into our boroughs, MTV pimped out our streets to camera crews; consequently cheapening the mystique that is New York. They’re pandering to the tweens of Middle America, selling the idea that ANYONE can just move here, date an Australian (presumably) indie rocker, and work alongside socialites who are only employed for the duration of a reality series.

I want to be fair and give the writers of The City a shot to make the show somewhat realistic. So, here are a couple of ways MTV (and Whitney Port) can redeem themselves in time for Season 2.

Let Whitney Ride the Subway: As low maintenance as I prefer to live, even I can go a bit taxi crazy at times. The vain, lazy part of me enjoys being chauffeured around every once in awhile. But New Yorkers take the subway, and if they don’t, they at least know how to do so, should the occasion arise. If Carrie Bradshaw did it (albeit, once), so can she.

Show Us A Real New York Apartment Hunt: This is an opportunity MTV should’ve snagged up from the beginning. Erin’s boyfriend visits for one weekend, and Whitney’s all, “oh, wow, Erin, I sooo don’t mean to be in the way. I’m out of your apartment like, two hours ago.”  

Faced with adversity, what does our blond-haired heroine do? She finds a place, in a safe neighborhood, with a good view, on the first shot. Be a real New Yorker with real estate woes, Whit! At the very least, devote more than a three-minute montage to apartment hunting. I want to see some shady brokers and leasing offices and the sacrifice of three months’ rent. Only then will I be satisfied.

Learn Your New York Men: Whitney, you were born and raised in Los Angeles! LA isn’t Nebraska. Get a clue, girl. You shouldn’t be exclusive with anyone who has an accent, a band, and a fedora. Add a narcissistic, inarticulate male-model bro to the mix, and you’re pretty much asking for a ‘girl’s night in’ routine featuring hard liquor and no sex to become a permanent fixture on your social calendar. The only guy who wasn’t man-whoring up and down the streets of Manhattan was Erin’s busted Canadian boyfriend, and that was because he was a. not from New York and b. busted. Every guy in New York is up to something, but steer clear of the apartmentless, jobless, touring, fedora-toting Australians and a dry eye you will have.

"ooh, looks like I forgots me wallet. I'll get the next one, promise"


Get Laid Off: Everyone’s doing it (although not so willingly). Nothing makes you more New York in 2009 than, well, not having a job. After all, being unemployed is the new being employed! Since Port is semi-bland and neither likable nor unlikable, I vote that Palermo loses her job with DVF. Or maybe “you’re going to London” is code for, “you’re fucking fired.” Oh, who am I kidding? I’m sure Olivia had a totally stellar resumé.

Do a Dive-Bar—During the Day: Not all the time, but at least once. Maybe after getting laid off. Sometimes we get thirsty before it’s time for happy hour. Or is that just me?

Befriend Someone Who Isn’t White: This may be some absurd rumor, but I heard there are actually Black and Hispanic people who sometimes work in fashion and sometimes go to brunch and sometimes go to Tenjune. Where are they? Maybe MTV got away with whitewashing The Hills, and maybe they thought that by featuring the four types of New Yorker (blond, socialite, US import, and model), they would somehow trick the rest of America into thinking that New York really is the playground of the over-privileged they’ve had wet dreams about. It’s not some Bible Belt Utopia or an episode of Hannah Montana. At least find a token gay friend.

Other things to consider during the taping of Season 2: More black outs, less crying. More homeless people, less Olivia. More cocaine, less wearing make-up to brunch. Sounds like the New York I know and love!

VMB'09:Está chegando...

É isso mesmo faltam menos de 1 semana para a entrega do cachorro mais querido do Brasil!E enquanto esse dia não chega,algumas novidades pra vocês:

  • Sophia Reis não apresentará sozinha o show de “Vivendo do Ócio”Os apresentadores serão ela e seu pai,Nando Reis
  • Carol Ribeiro e seu par apresentarão a categoria “Melhor Clipe”
  • A entrega de 14 categorias será no “VMB Antes”

Fique com o clipe da banda “Cine” indicados a categoria “Revelação”:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Remix All Nighter @ Matter competition & mix!

RIP PATRICK SWAYZE - centaur of attention again

They say celebrity deaths happen in THREES! I personally predict it’ll be Liz Taylor following Swayze and Floyd to Hades, but until I am proved right (or struck down by a vengeful sense of irony that screeches ’watch your filthy mouth!’ from the bellowing flames of hell) we’ve got 3 pairs of tickets for this Friday’s Remix All Nighter to give away. Woopwoop!

The party will be held at Matter, this Friday 18th September, and as well as Mixhell who we featured the other week, you’ll be watching The Whip, Pendulum and Zombie Nation.

Also present will be Eddy Temple-Morris who I actually used to really really fancy when he was an MTV presenter (I am truly showing my age now). Here’s a High Rankin remix of a track by a band called Losers which is him and ex Cooper-Temple Clause multi-instrumentalist Tom Bellamy.

Losers - No Man Is An Island (High Rankin Remix)

To win a pair of tickets simply tell us – what was the name of Eddy’s MTV show?

a) Up For It

b) Temple of Morris Dancing

c) Beard Slap

Email with your answer before midday Friday 18th September… Good Luck!



Kanye West on Jay Leno tonight talked about how hurting another’s emotions, like how he stole  Taylor Swift’s moment at the VMA Awards  is something that he  regrets for his rudeness.

He cited his mother’s tragic death and not taking time off to properly grieve, but just launching into his music  career as being an area where unprocessed grief, is  something that he needs to take time off to deal with.

Expect to see the Kanye West and Taylor  Swift duet at next years VMA  Awards. You know it. That’s how the wheels of show biz spin.

He looked extremely sincere.  Rihanna and Jay-Z were amazing too, performing with Kanye, Jay-Z’s big hit Run This Town for Jay Leno’s first show in his new time slot. All the best Jay Leno. I thought you were great!

Conana Obrien’s show concentrated on turning Kanye West’s interruption of Taylor Swift’s speech into a Kanye-esque rap song. Hilarious! I love America. Such a sense of humor! O’Brien noted how Kanye was asked to leave the VMA’s for his behavior, noting that MTV has a lower tolerance for outbursts than Washington DC’s congress sitting on healthcare reform policy.

Noted! Good point Conan!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back Off Kanye!

In his latest spree of crazy Kanye stunts, Kanye did what he does best. He made a fool of himself. Running up on stage after America’s Sweetheart ,Taylor Swift, won the award for best video, he grabbed the mic from her hands. She wasn’t even given a chance to enjoy her first VMA Awards. He started to ramble about he thought Beyonce should have won for best video saying It was one of the best video’s ever. Kanye doesnt seem to realize this is the VMAs, not the Kanye West Video Music Awards. If we wanted to know his opinion on the situation, which I’m sure someone would have, they would have asked him. Kanye made every person associated with hip hop look bad that night. Not only that, he just gave every ignorant racist in the country more canon fodder.  Poor Taylor was blindsided by a loudmouth drunk who doesn’t have a filter. She was so great even after the show saying she didn’t want to start anything, and she didn’t meet him. This made Kanye look even worse.

Lady Gaga and Her Outrageous VMA Outfits

One of the highlights of last night’s MTV Video Music Awards was Lady Gaga and her crazy fashions. This chick had me laughing and covering my eyes every time she appeared on the screen. Lady Gaga puts a whole new meaning on the statement-making and attention-grabbing outfits. I wonder who is this chick’s stylist.

Check it:




So what do you think of Lady Gaga’s VMA wardrobe?




photo: necolebitchie, gettyimages

Sunday, September 13, 2009

VMA Lineup and Results


 Janet Jackson – Michael Jackson’s Tribute: Medley Thriller/Beat It/Billy Jean (Slow Remix)

Taylor Swift – You Belong With Me

Lady GaGa – Medley Love Game/Paparazzi

Alicia Keys feat. Jay-Z – Empire State Of Mind

Cobra Starship – Good Girls Go Bad

The All-American Rejects – Gives You Hell

P!nk – FunHouse

Green Day – 21 Guns

3OH!3 – Don’t Trust Me

Pitbull – I Know You Want Me

Muse – Uprising

Beyonce – Sweet Dreams

Britney Spears – …Baby One More Time (Rock Remix)

Britney Spears – Heart Love Destroyed

Everybody – Michael Jackson’s Tribute. They Don’t Care About Us

Public Vote:

Best New Artist – Lady GaGa- “Poker Face”

Best Female Video – Beyonce – “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)”

Best Male Video – Eminem – “We Made You”

Best Pop Video – Lady GaGa – “Poker Face”

Best Rock Video – Paramore – “Decode”

Best Hip-Hop Video – Eminem – “We Made You”

Breakthrough Video – Matt & Kim – “Lessons Learned”

Best Video (That Should Have Won a Moonman) – Radiohead – “Karma Police”

Video of the Year – Lady GaGa – “Poker Face”

Professional Vote:

Best Choreography – Beyonce – “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)”

Best Direction – Lady GaGa – “Paparazzi”

Best Editing – Britney Spears – “Circus”

Best Special Effects – Eminem “We Made You”

Best Cinematography – Lady GaGa – “Paparazzi”

Best Art Direction – Lady GaGa – “Paparazzi”

Saturday, September 12, 2009

1° Fórum dedicado a um Blog do Wordpress...Participem !

Particpe do Novo Fórum dedicado a Tv Brasileira e Internacional ….

Às 11:00 do dia 12/09/09 Foi aberto o mais novo Fórum sobre TV, o AntenaTV Fórum, Lá você pode debater as nóticias que vocês vem aqui neste blog.

Participem do 1° Fórum de um Blog do WordPress.

O Antena TV Trazendo Novidades para Você !

Quer entrar no Fórum e ser os Primeiros a participarem ?

Então clique em Registrar-se aqui em baixo…



News Roundup: 90210, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl and More

  • A 1991 Beverly  Hills 90210 -themed cover of PEOPLE and a video with Shannen Doherty (Brenda, Beverly Hills 90210) is included in’s 90s flashback.  Doherty’s words are interesting, especially when put into context via the paper I wrote about her.
  • Jason Priestley (Brandon, Beverly Hills 90210) will be hosting the Canadian Country Music Association Awards this Sunday.
  • This is the first picture I’ve seen of Tiffani Amber Thiessen (Valerie, Beverly Hills 90210) for her upcoming show White Collar.
  • Korbi has a video interview with John Schneider (Liam’s step-father, 90210).
  • BuddyTV has an interview with Robert Buckley (Clayton, One Tree Hill).
  • MTV has an interview with Taylor Momsen (Jenny, Gossip Girl).
  • While appearing on The View this morning, Mischa Barton (Marissa, The O.C.) said her hospitalization was “blown out of proportion.”
  • Flashback to Sept 11, 1998 when the Dawson’s Creek cast graced the cover of Entertainment Weekly. Click here to read the full story.


Friday, September 11, 2009

MTV confirma inserção do Fiz TV em sua grade

Emissora musical dedicará uma faixa diária para exibir a programação do ex-canal do Grupo Abril, dedicado a transmissão de vídeos e programas colaborativos   

A MTV confirmou o retorno da programação do canal Fiz TV em sua grade de programação. A partir do próximo dia 14, a emissora exibirá o conteúdo colaborativo do canal de segunda à sexta-feira, a partir da faixa de 0h30.

Extinto da TV brasileira desde o último dia 21 de julho, o Fiz TV pertencia ao Grupo Abril e era um canal que pretendia abrir espaço para a veiculação de atrações e produções enviadas pelos próprios espectadores.  Entretanto, por conta de problemas e dificuldades que inviabilizaram a continuidade da manutenção de seu sinal, o Grupo Abril enviou um comunicado ao mercado, no último mês de junho,  no qual informava a descontinuidade das atividades do Fiz TV. O mesmo aconteceu com a TV Ideal, outro canal mantido pela companhia de mídia.  

No final do mês de julho, o diretor-geral da MTV Brasil, José Wilson Fonseca, declarou as pretensões da emissora de aproveitar o projeto do canal e de encaixa-lo em algum espaço dentro da grade da MTV.  “Gostamos muito do projeto do Fiz TV e queremos inclui-lo em nossa grade da forma como ela era: com a exibição de conteúdo colaborativo e a participação direta dos internautas e espectadores”, afirmou Fonseca.

Nessa nova fase do Fiz TV, a MTV compromete-se em continuar mantendo a essência colaborativa do canal. Como incentivo, a emissora oferecerá remuneração aos autores de vídeos e trabalhos que foram aproveitados e veiculados pela emissora. A MTV promete pagar R$ 100 por minuto de cada vídeo exibido na faixa do Fiz TV.


Beatles: Rock Band DLC To Feature Unique Backgrounds

This is the 4,378th reason The Beatles: Rock Band is the most awesome game ever: The game’s downloadable tracks will feature unique backgrounds and animations.

Later Beatles tracks in the game feature animated “dreamscapes” done in the Beatles’ psychedelic style, and each of the DLC tracks that take place in later years will feature its own background.

“DLC songs which don’t end up in historical venues will have custom dreamscapes, yes,” Dare Matheson Lead Artist on the game told Joystiq. “There will be visual themes and elements that will stretch from the on-disc dreamscapes into the DLC dreamscapes, but everyone is custom, unique, and fully-crafted for the song it will accompany. It’s a bargain!”

Yeah, it’s a bargain — the tracks will cost the Rock Band’s usual $2.00 per.

Right now, three classic Beatles albums have been announced for DLC (Rubber Soul, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and Abbey Road) but I sincerely hope (and actually expect) that the entire Beatles catalog will be available eventually. How can you even call it a Beatles game without all of Revolver? Time will tell whether my prediction comes true, of course.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Veja o vídeo homenagem do VMA à Michael Jackson

Foto: reprodução

Neste domingo, dia 13 de setembro, o VMA (Video Music Awards) homenageará o rei do pop, Michael Jackson.

Já está no ar um spot do que há por vir. No vídeo, caem do céu várias daquelas luvas carcaterísticas utilizadas por Michael ao longo de sua carreira em meio a um engarrafamento na cidade de Nova Iorque.

O evento será transmitido pela MTV.

Fonte: Faded Youth blog


MTV 2009 EMA Regional Award Show

Mint ahogy már korábban megírtuk idén is öt zenekar verseng, hogy esélyt kaphasson a legjobb európai előadónak járó MTV EMA díj elnyerésére. Az Esclin Syndo, a The Idoru, a The Kolin, a The Moog, és a tavaly már egy jelölést begyűjtött Zagar idén egy fergetegesnek ígérkező party-t is csap a rendezvény örömére, mely október 9-én pénteken lesz megtartva a budapesti a38 állóhajón. A rendezvény este 19.00kor kezdődik, majd miután lementek a koncertek, és kihirdették a győztest, a Kollektíva dj-i veszik át az irányítást, és adják a talpalávalót egészen reggelig. Szavazni továbbra is lehet a oldalon!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Because We Are All in This Together: MTV's 'The Hills' and 'The City' Return on September 29

Some things in life are beyond comprehension. Like, for example, the appeal of the two most unreal (in so many glorious ways) reality television shows, MTV’s The Hills and its unholy spawn, The City.

Look, I know some of you out there live for the adventures of The Hills‘ dynamic duo of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag who have combined their stupid powers to form the attention-sucking hybrid Speidi  And you are just dying to find out what kind of havoc newest Hills castmember Kristin Cavallari will wreak.

And I see you The City fans of the other Whitney, The Hills alum Whitney Port.  You miss your slightly whiny, sleepy-eyed heroine and her very bitchy, sharp tongued nemesis Olivia Palmero.

It’s okay. Don’t judge me and I won’t judge you. (Confession: I’ve watched an ENTIRE 5 minutes of that cracked up mess featuring America’s favorite crackwhore mom, BET’s Frankie and Neffie *hangs head in shame*)

Let’s face it. I’m not well and neither are you. Reality television addiction is a powerful demon that has a stranglehold on the both of us.

So what do we do? The only thing we can do: Watch more of it.

For you Speidi and Whitney fans, you can get your fix starting Monday, September 29 when the 5th season of The Hills premieres at 10 p.m. Eastern/Pacific and the second season of The City at 10:30 p.m. Eastern/Pacific.

In the meantime, to get you through the rough spots, you can watch the shows’ trailers.


Sexo Casual

Cada vez mais mulheres aceitam e buscam o sexo sem compromisso, com amigos ou desconhecidos.

Sabe-se desde sempre, mulher é louca por um compromisso. Mas, ta dificil o parceiro ideal não chegar, cada vez mais mulheres estão aderindo a prática que já foi exclusiva dos homens: o SEXO CASUAL, do tipo uma vez só e adeus. No nosso universo feminino, sexo sem compromisso (definição: você não só não espera um telefonema no dia seguinte como foge dele) virou algo mais generalizado do que em qualquer época anterior, ocorre em qualquer faixa de idade e é praticado de maneira muito mais aberta – inclusive, discutido com as amigas que também fazem.

(O ator Alexandre Borges falou sobre o assunto) Parabéns pra ele! Adoreiiiiiiii

As adeptas das relações casuais têm até um hino, o hit dos Tribalistas Já Sei Namorar. Observe: é só tocar o refrão – “Eu sou de ninguém, eu sou de todo mundo e todo mundo me quer bem” – que as mulheres presentes se agitam e fazem coro. “O legal do sexo sem compromisso é que você não se preocupa tanto com o parceiro. Você pensa mais é no seu próprio prazer”, os tempos mudaram, mas a experimentação sexual da mulher ainda é socialmente desconfortável. Um exemplo? Uma leitora da revista veja, relatou que durante suas férias em Porto Seguro, na Bahia, ela conheceu um rapaz num bar e menos de uma hora depois estavam fazendo sexo na praia. “Eu sabia que seria só aquela noite e tratei de aproveitar da melhor maneira possível”, lembra. Para ela, o mais importante nesse tipo de relação é a atração física. “Sei perfeitamente separar sexo de amor”, garante. Só lamenta que alguns parceiros insistam em compromisso. “Por mais que eu fale que não precisa me telefonar no dia seguinte, alguns ligam e querem sair de novo.”

O professor de relacionamento amoroso do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, em  uma de suas pesquisas sobre o tema, observou um aumento significativo no número de mulheres que fazem sexo no primeiro encontro. “Muitas não mais exigem segurança ou compromisso. Precisam apenas estar no clima”, diz Amélio em entrevista em um editorial. Para gerações mais veteranas, é difícil acreditar que isso aconteça mesmo com tanta naturalidade, sem corações partidos nem auto-estimas estilhaçadas. Para especialistas, a adesão feminina ao sexo casual provavelmente foi impulsionada pela prática do “ficar”, tipo de relacionamento que cresceu vertiginosamente nos anos 90. “O ficar é um encontro de um dia ou uma noite que pode ir de uma simples troca de beijos a uma relação sexual”, A a psicóloga carioca Jacqueline Chaves, autora do livro Ficar com: um Novo Código entre Jovens, relatou em entrevista, que meio ultrajovem meninos e meninas de 11, 12 anos já ficam, diz que o relacionamento em geral acaba não passando de beijos e carícias. Quando a garota se torna mais velha, eventualmente ela continua ficando, só que em estágios mais adiantados.

Bonita e discreta, a estudante de publicidade R., de 22 anos, considera-se uma menina “totalmente normal” e não vê nenhum problema em manter relações sexuais com alguém que acabou de conhecer. “Para fazer sexo, basta eu ter vontade”, define. Ela conta que certa vez flertou com um desconhecido no balcão do check-in de um vôo para o Nordeste. O vôo foi cancelado e a companhia acomodou os passageiros em um hotel. “Fomos para o quarto e passamos a noite juntos”, lembra R. “No dia seguinte, não trocamos telefones, nada. Foi pura atração física. E foi muito gostoso.” Nem todas as experiências, claro, são prazerosas. “Às vezes, o cara não é legal, e no dia seguinte dá uma sensação ruim, meio de nojo. Mas passa.” R. também mantém relações eventuais com outro parceiro bem comum entre as adeptas do sexo casual: o ex-namorado. “Quando um dos dois está a fim, liga para o outro”, conta. “Sem sentimento e sem esperança de voltar.” A vantagem desse tipo de parceria é a baixa expectativa – além do conhecimento do histórico médico dele. A desvantagem é o vai-e-vem derrapar para um relacionamento mal resolvido. “Eu tenho o que chamo de ‘amigos de manutenção’, rapazes que já conheço e com quem rola quando dá vontade. É melhor do que sair com desconhecidos”, acredita M., universitária carioca de 24 anos.

Perguntas sobre sexo sem compromisso eram recorrentes no recém-extinto programa Peep, da MTV, no qual as apresentadoras Didi Wagner e Penélope Nova e o médico Jairo Bouer respondiam a dúvidas sobre questões sexuais. “O fato de uma garota querer ter uma noite de prazer, extravasar a libido, não é mais visto com maus olhos”, acredita Didi. Que o diga Viviane Silva, hostess de um bar na Vila Olímpia, em São Paulo, reduto de jovens de classe média onde as garotas estão cada vez mais desinibidas. “Elas chegam em grupo e pedem que eu as coloque em uma mesa perto de homens bonitos”, entrega. A freqüentadora Camila Moreira, 21 anos, aspirante a cantora, dá nome e sobrenome e comenta abertamente o assunto – até com certo tom de desafio. “Saio à noite para ‘caçar’, sim, e faço sexo sem compromisso numa boa. Uma vez transei com um cara no banheiro de uma danceteria. Não sabia nem o nome dele”, conta. Quais os pré-requisitos de um “ficante”, como são chamados os parceiros eventuais? “Ser bonito, beijar bem e saber tocar uma mulher”, lista. “Muitas meninas até gostariam de um relacionamento mais profundo, mas não acham homens dispostos a isso”, analisa a terapeuta Cláudia Marra, do Instituto Kaplan. “Aí, descobrem que o prazer pode ser algo mais objetivo e concreto.” Nem por isso deixam de tomar cuidado – muito cuidado – para não divulgar sua opção pelo sexo casual para além do clubinho de amigas que fazem o mesmo. “Transar com vários homens do mesmo grupo ainda dá o que falar”, diz S., carioca, 20 anos, estudante de direito. “Por isso, sempre escolho bem as minhas aventuras.” Em tempo: todas as garotas entrevistadas para esta reportagem juram por tudo que é sagrado que exigem do parceiro o uso de camisinha. Por precaução, também carregam um estoque na própria bolsa.

‘‘Não esqueça do uso do  preservativo,  assim você evita não só uma gravidez indesejada como doenças sexualmente transmissíveis.”

Fonte: Revista Veja


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

notorious. (a review of sorts)

Yes, I am very late but I only picked up the DVD to Notorious yesterday, because Tesco finally had it on sale and I had been interested to watch but never managed to catch it during its run at the cinema, and wasn’t about to pay £14-20 just to get the DVD straight when it came out.  So I bade my time and finally I watched it tonight.  I’m not going to give a very in-depth review, because we all know the story – Biggie gets into drugs, gets put in jail, comes out of jail, comes close to being put in jail again but his friend takes the rap (hah!) so that Christopher Wallace can fulfil his budding rap talent and become Notorious B.I.G. All goes well as Biggie takes Lil’ Kim along with him for the ride, then meets Faith Evans and wifes her up, all while keeping his first baby mama on the backburner the whole time.  A friendship with Tupac Shakur turns sour, misunderstandings occur and both rappers end up dead, 2pac 25, Biggie 24.  That’s the plot in a nutshell.

I’m not even going to attempt to address the 2pac vs. Biggie controversy.  I have both of B.I.G.’s albums on my iPod (I prefer Ready To Die, but only because I’m much more familiar with the songs – I need to study Life After Death more tbh), whereas I only have one of 2pac’s (All Eyez On Me), which again I have only listened to a couple of times.  Both were influential and towering talents, but I’m not about to compare one to another because I’m nowhere near informed enough to have a valid opinion, and I would need to research more of their material.  Again, I have no conspiracy theory about who shot either of them, nor what role Suge Knight may or may not have played in the whole business – I’m no detective, and I certainly wouldn’t be able to say something on the subject that hasn’t already been said.  The only perspective I have on 2pac and on Biggie is retrospective, because in 1997 I was only 11 years old and barely musically awakening (I received Mariah Carey’s Butterfly for my 12th birthday later that year, which is possibly when I really opened my eyes, ears and heart musically) so I didn’t really have any acquaintance with rap music past what I would hear on the radio and see on MTV and The Box.

I was pleasantly surprised with the film: as I said, I already knew the plot and yet I still found it an interesting watch.  The only character I found unbelievable was Sean “Puffy” Combs, because the guy playing him neither looked nor sounded like Puff Daddy, in my opinion.  I only caught passing glimpses of a resemblance between the two in terms of mannerisms and vocal tics, whereas most of the others nailed it at least a fair amount of the time.  Jamal Woolard did a great, great job playing Christopher Wallace himself; Naturi Naughton was a fiery if inaccurate Lil’ Kim (but more about that in a moment), but Naturi herself did a fine job and displayed a fearlessness in her acting; Angela Bassett was supreme as usual; Antonique Smith was an astonishing Faith Evans, looking the spitting image of her and displaying a similar blend of sophistication and grit.  Not knowing much about Voletta Wallace herself, other than that she played a large part in the creation, vision and focus of the whole film, I found it hard to believe that she was as naive about her son’s imperfections as she appeared to be (confusing crack with mashed potatoes?  Come on now… how long you been living in Brooklyn?). But then again the film was not as rose-tinted as I had heard it was: Biggie displayed extraordinary passion and talent, but he was also a serial womaniser and acted childishly at some points and plain idiotic at others.  So that was somewhat refreshing.

Faith Evans was portrayed as an almost angelic beauty who still kicked one of Biggie’s jump-off’s down when she found out that he’d cheated on her not long after their marriage (again, she really should have known better than to believe he would be faithful to her).  In contrast, Lil’ Kim was similarly painted as naively believing that her and B.I.G. would last forever (his marriage to Faith was quite a sore point in the film as in real life), but her part in Biggie’s life was massively downplayed; she appeared for a fraction of a second in the funeral montage whilst the photo of her weeping with Mary J. Blige outside the funeral service is one of the defining images of that era. Her talent, her look and her persona was portrayed as completely fabricated by Biggie in a post-coital brainstorm, and according to the film, Lil’ Kim was essentially nothing but a slut who fucked for tracks. Her enduring success and establishment as the premiere female MC surely contradicts this portrayal.  To quote the review from Pajiba (who put it much better than me, and in more entertaining language):

“The person who takes it up the ass the hardest is Lil Kim. Lil Kim’s always bukakked with the reputation of being the nastiest bitch, the stripper who’s empowered by her sexuality because she can use her snappin’ pussy to get all the diamonds and the rings and the bling and have any dick she chooses. (Under ten inches — ENNNT — sorry.) In Notorious, she bangs Biggie and asks if he’s got a girlfriend later. Then, her entire rap persona is supposedly imagineered by Biggie, who says men don’t want to hear about gangsta chicks but rather want girls who’ll fuck them with the lyrics. He turns her into a whore, his whore, who turns petty and jealous when he marries the sainted Faith, and basically spends the rest of the movie like a jealous psycho starting fights and trouble. Of course, when Biggie died, Lil’ Kim went into an almost two year depression. Faith Evans and Puffy remixed a Police song and essentially lived off the fatted calf of Biggie’s corpse for the same period. So you do the math. Or don’t. Both Lil’ Kim and Faith Evans have memoir/tell-alls due out sometime in the coming year.”

Being a Lil’ Kim fan, I have appreciated her at her highest peaks as well as in her tackier moments, throughout her up and down surgeries and provocative outfits, and even lamenting her stint on Dancing With The Stars whilst being glad that it was helping to rehabilitate her career.  I wrote a blog about her daring performance of “Time After Time / Lighters Up” with Cyndi Lauper recently. At the heart of it, she is a talented rapper with consistent flow, entertaining lyrics and song concepts, and buckets of sexuality, raw passion and hard-earned grit.  I’d be interested to see her movie and compare and contrast the two portrayals of Lil’ Kim… I guess we’ll have to wait and see if such a project ever materialises.

In short, I enjoyed Notorious more than I expected to.  I didn’t find anything out that I didn’t already know, and I am not educated enough in the music nor in the history of Biggie’s life to have any valuable opinion or counter-opinion.  But there was striking characterisation, solid acting and a couple of sticking points that held my interest and attention throughout.  And it’s got me listening to Ready To Die on my iPod once again.  I guess at the end of the day, even though we’ll never know everything about what happened to Biggie, if such a film gets us to re-appreciate and re-evaluate his music and legacy, and despite his moral and intellectual shortcomings, if we can admire his passion and talent, then that is definitely something valuable.


Tila Tequila a punto de ser asfixiada?

Cual fue mi sorpresa el dia de ayer al enterarme q mi amorcito platonico, la reina del reallity, Tila Tequila este domingo por la madrugada fue maltratada por su novio en turno Shawne Merriman jugador de los Cargadores de San Diego. Ella hizo una llamada al 911 aprox. a las 3 am hora de California, acusandolo de mantenerla dentro de su residencia a la fuerza y de intentar asfixiarla. Al ser arrestado pago $52000 dlls como fianza, y salio despues de 2 hrs y media. El ha declarado que no la agredio, que por el contrario se preocupo por su seguridad y no quiso dejarla manejar puesto que estaba poquito pasadita de copas… Fue trasladada a un hospital local pero no se dieron informes de su estado.

Como sea que poca madre!!

Tila Tequila


Friday, September 4, 2009



Calling all students! Have you ever wanted to appear on the No.1 music channel MTV? Well now’s your chance.

Edge, an independent education foundation, is calling on students to start an education revolution. The charity wants you to have your voice heard by uploading a video on what you feel needs to change in schools, along with subjects you would most like to study. The winning videos will then be screened on the hit music channel.

So, how does it work?

If you are 16 or over than simply film your views on education and upload it to a video site such as YouTube or MTV Flux, with the title beginning EdgesRevolution, followed by your name. Secondly all videos must be tagged with EdgesRevolution, otherwise you might not be entered.

What should you discuss in your video?

1. If you could’ve chosen a subject that would have helped you fulfil your talent – it can be anything, not just a ‘normal’ school subject – what would that subject have been and why? E.g.; Film/photography/criminology

2. If you could send a message to politicians asking them to change the education system in any way, what would it be?

3. Young people seeing this are facing some big, life-changing decisions, Edge’s mission is to encourage them to realise there are many paths to success in life. What does ‘many paths to success’ mean to you, personally?

4. Do you have a message for other young people about ‘many paths to success’?

Once you’ve uploaded your video, tell your mates about it and make sure they watch it, as the video with the most views wins. It’s that simple!! The winning videos will then be screened daily for everyone to see on MTV from Monday 7th September, so get filming!

For more information on how you could appear on MTV visit or click here to watch the instruction video


Lady Gaga "will inspire a movement"

Lady Gaga goes on record with Ramin Setoodeh in this week’s Newsweek with more grandiosity: she’s not a singer, she’s a performance artist, and she “believes in a glamorous life.”  Her VMA performance will be

less of me singing a song, and more of a performance-art installation.

She also

hope[s] to say something very grave about fame and the price of it.

I might have to borrow a TV for this one, kids.

Dodai over at Jezebel breaks down precisely why Gaga’s so intriguing:

You might think Lady Gaga is pretentious, a phony.  But if she is, it’s as someone once said of Holly Golightly: She’s a real phony…She honestly believes all this phony junk that she believes.

That’s absolutely true, even if we’re veering into Holden Caulfield territory.  And that’s why Gaga’s great.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

KNOXX brings The Far East Movement to the Bay Area!

Check out Far East Movement on Your Tube at

LA natives and unsigned hype, Far East Movement visits the City for a special night hosted by BBB Events and KNOXX to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Grab a bottle of Grey Goose and kick it with Kevnish, Prohgress, J-Splif and DJ Virman of Far East Movement before they perform their club banger “Girls on the Dance Floor” with the super producers who brought you “Damaged” by Danity Kane, the Stereotypes.

The Les and DJ J-Cue bring you an electric mix of beats to keep your heart pounding and your fists pumping. The Les throws you hip hop from every angle mixing r&b, funk, & the kitchen sink. DJ J-Cue turns it up with hip-hop electro, pop, & rock bringing people to move their feet. Choose your chaser of choice and take a shot with these rising stars!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ídolos entrará ao vivo para bater Roberto Justus

A partir da segunda quinzena de setembro vai ter início mais uma disputa interessante entre Record e SBT, desta vez, com o de um lado e o do outro. E a ordem, ao que parece, é não facilitar a vida de ninguém. A Record tem tudo armado para apresentar ao vivo toda a fase de eliminações do programa Ídolos, nas noites de quarta-feira, numa clara reação à chegada do novo produto da concorrente, que terá o comando de Roberto Justus. Acontece que o SBT também vem forte. O programa do Justus será produzido na Casablanca, uma das maiores produtores de São Paulo, porque seus cenários não caberiam nos estúdios da Anhanguera. Esta é uma estreia que vem recebendo as melhores atenções por parte de todos na emissora de Silvio Santos. Por fim, Justus no SBT, com um programa novo, aparece como fator importante a ser considerado. E o curioso é que neste embate, SBT versus Record, o futebol da Globo, com toda certeza, será o fiel da balança.

A partir da segunda quinzena de setembro vai ter início mais uma disputa interessante entre Record e SBT, desta vez, com o de um lado e o do outro. E a ordem, ao que parece, é não facilitar a vida de ninguém.

A Record tem tudo armado para apresentar ao vivo toda a fase de eliminações do programa Ídolos, nas noites de quarta-feira, numa clara reação à chegada do novo produto da concorrente, que terá o comando de Roberto Justus.

Acontece que o SBT também vem forte. O programa do Justus será produzido na Casablanca, uma das maiores produtores de São Paulo, porque seus cenários não caberiam nos estúdios da Anhanguera. Esta é uma estreia que vem recebendo as melhores atenções por parte de todos na emissora de Silvio Santos.

Por fim, Justus no SBT, com um programa novo, aparece como fator importante a ser considerado. E o curioso é que neste embate, SBT versus Record, o futebol da Globo, com toda certeza, será o fiel da balança.


Why I don't want a @mentoskiss

I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while – @mentoskiss has created a Twitter account to what I’m guessing is promoting their new Cube range, as well as their sponsorship with Australian Idol. But to be honest, if I hadn’t looked up the Australian Idol website (because I don’t watch the show), I wouldn’t have known the latter reason for the account. Not to seem bitchy, but this is probably one of the worst Twitter campaigns I have seen in a LONG time.

My reasoning:

  1. Yes, Twitter is a conversation tool, but it doesn’t help conversing with just celebrities or RT people who have tweeted about Australian Idol
  2. I have absolutely no idea what you are promoting from looking at your tweets
  3. Your ‘personality’ sounds like a fake bimbo
  4. Your product is so cheap, a Twitter giveaway would have been extremely effective
  5. There is no excuse for you to be “warming into things” a month after you set up an account (n.b. I provided the admin some feedback on Twitter at the start of August and they said that I should be nice and that they were warming into Twitter.. it seems they’ve deleted the comment)
  6. What is the PeckPashPoke application you are trying to advertise? I haven’t heard anything about it
  7. Your URL link is to MySpace

Now, I’m not trying to go on a witchhunt here and completely blast the brand, because their product is very good. But if any business is going to start a profile on Twitter you NEED to know what you are doing! Twitter has the Business 101 Presentation that you can look at for easy tips on how to create a Twitter account.

However, here are some more tips for the Mentos guys to think about with utilising their account:

  1. Stop Tweeting with Celebrities, and start getting to key target points to increase your follower account. Tweeting to Pedestrian Daily is a start – but try and start conversations with accounts who have a high follower rate
  2. Do NOT start a tweet with @ – as with the #FixReplies problem, only that person plus any person who has subscribed to you and the recipient will receive the tweet in their news feed
  3. Start promoting your product in your Tweets – links to the PeckPashPoke application, Mentos website OR Australian Idol website would be a smart move, especially seeing you have an Australian Idol promotion going on
  4. Stop sounding slutty/dumb (i.e. don’t finish tweets with xoxo or say you’re being baffled) and make it sound like you’re a fun and flirty brand – there is a difference, and it is hard to differentiate but you need to make this distinction
  5. GIVE AWAY FREE PRODUCTS! Being a student, I love free stuff, and I don’t know anyone within my age group (which I believe I’m square in the middle of at 20y.o.) who doesn’t. I sent you a list of brands who have done an amazing job including UBank, IMAX, Levis and MTV Australia who have all given away free products in some way. Get people to Retweet an advertising campaign or link, because most people on Twitter will do a small advertising tweet to get something for free.
  6. Do your research on how to use Twitter before you start Tweeting – there is seriously no excuse for not being completely organised before you start any other advertising promotion, and Twitter is no different.
  7. Link to your official website or Australian Idol promotion website. MySpace is so 2006.

P.S. If anyone from Mentos is reading this, I’m happy to have a chat with you – comment back, or @jessnichols me on Twitter.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gods Of Ink? Don't Make Me Laugh.. Bitterly.

Readers in the UK may recognize this grimacing mess being tattooed as Kerry Katona, being filmed here for her show Crazy in Love. Five months pregnant. No lie. Head tattooist Mark, benefit cheat, should be ashamed of himself, however, he seems proud of the fact. “Gods Of Ink Tattoo: As Seen And Filmed On MTV” is what’s plastered all over their website, along with pictures of other peoples’ work and garish pictures of footballer Wayne Rooney. Three words spring to mind when it comes to this joke: just don’t bother.

Thanks to Hayley Parkin, who knows a real tattoo artist doesn’t think of money or MTV.


Prévia: "Vende-se Um Véu de Noiva" e "Poder Paralelo" não vão bem nessa segunda!

A novela do SBT – “Vende-se Um Véu de Noiva” – e da Record – “Poder Paralelo” – registraram baixo índice de audiência nessa segunda.

No SBT, a novela que foi exibida das 22:23 às 23:08, “Véu de Noiva” registrou  4,1 pontos de audiência, conquistando apenas o 4º lugar no ranking de audiência. No mesmo horário a Globo marcou 30.8, a Record 6.9 e a Band 5.6.

Já na Record, “Poder Paralelo” também não registrou bons números, mas garantiu a vice-liderança. A novela exibida das 22:21 às 23:20 registrou 6,8 pontos. No mesmo horário a Globo marcou 30.6, a Band, em 3º, registou 5.5 e o SBT, em 4º, 4.3 pontos.
