[Via http://noonegivesacrap.com]
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dick Cannon
This is an End-of-the-Decade Type of Post, But About Me, Not War or Pop Music (Mostly)
These are the moments that I remember soonest, best, and most from the past decade.
Because it’s time to write one of these blog posts, of course.
1.) Can it be eight years since I lost my virginity? Yes! Yes, it can be. I turned 21, I had sex with a boy I thought I loved or maybe could love, sort of, even though we didn’t know each other that well, but we were dating and he was cute and it was a long-distance thing and it was my BIRTHDAY! The sex was super fun but also led me to believe that it is an easy thing to climax during vaginal intercourse. Sadly, this is not true for most human women, and not for me, either, as I would eventually discover. The boy went back to his home city. The last time I saw him, he confessed that he was in love with me. Then he threw up all over my bathroom. A couple of weeks later, he told me over the phone that he hadn’t meant it, and that he’d just been drunk. He never called me or wrote to me after that.
Four years later, I moved to New York City and happened to discover through a mutual friend that he, the de-virginator who I’d loved, lived there, too. I got his number and gave him a call. We talked for awhile, and he told me about the breakdown he’d had about a year after we stopped speaking. We spoke of mental health, and family, and art, and I reminded him of that time he’d thrown up in my bathroom. We laughed about that.
“So you said you loved me and then you said you didn’t, and then we never talked again,” I said.
“Oh, Sara,” he said. “Of course I loved you. And it scared the shit out of me.”
“Well, I am terrifying, as a person,” I said.
We laughed more and talked more and he confided in me some things that helped me understand more about the person I’d thought I’d known–well, sort of known. He was in a shaky place, but a seemingly good place.
We made plans to meet for dinner somewhere in Brooklyn that Friday. We were both excited about it, giddy like little kids with crushes.
On Friday, ten minutes before I planned to leave the house, he called me.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I can’t see you. It’s just too intense for me. You represent–a lot of things to me. A particular place and time. I’m afraid of seeing you. I’m afraid it would be like a time machine and I’d freak out. I had to talk to my therapist about it because I got so anxious thinking of it. I’m really sorry. Again.”
“Okay,” I said. “I understand. Take good care of yourself.”
We never spoke again. I don’t know what happened to him. I don’t need to, either. He gave me exactly what I needed. That was enough.
2.) Eight years ago, I started taking Prozac, a drug that actually works really well for me and that enabled me to, believe it or not, lead something resembling an incredibly high-functioning adult existence. There were a few hiccups along the way, but taking Prozac was a huge step to becoming AGORAFABULOUS rather than agoraphobic.
3.) Waiting backstage with Sway Calloway at MTV’s “Total Request Live,” I watched Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson compete in a baby-diapering competition using baby dolls and Pampers. I wondered how exactly one follows these paragons of golden Hollywoodery with…Super Tuesday voting news. That was my job, for MTV News. Then I was informed I’d have to wait through one more segment, which involved a psychotically rabid Fergie fan getting a Fergalicious makeover and then…meeting Fergie live in front of the TRL cameras. I watched Fergie, a true professional, smile kindly as the truly insane girl beside her proclaimed her true love. It was terrifying, and left me with new respect for Stacy Ferguson. On the way out, I saw Martin Lawrence. He and Sway fist-bumped. I went outside to do some more reporting. It was cold.
4.) I stood onstage and peered out into the audience of graduate students at the fancy-schmancy International House student residence near Columbia. I was opening for comedians Kerri Louise and Vanessa Hollingshead at Women’s Comedy Night, part of International Women’s Week, sponsored by the United Nations and the Rockefeller Foundation. A friend of a classmate had gotten me the gig. I’d never done stand-up comedy before. Because I’ve bombed and been mediocre many times since, I feel perfectly fine and humble telling you that I killed. I did jokes about Farsi and Urdu and Hindi for future doctors, lawyers and scientists who spoke Farsi and Urdu and Hindi. That is what is called “knowing your audience.” I did 15 minutes and had the time of my life. I think at one point I pretended I was getting my pussy waxed. This particularly rocked the room. I earned $40 and got off the stage glowing. I thought that everybody laughed really hard every time you did comedy; that you got paid for every spot; that you always got $15; and that audiences were always sophisticated international elite students. This turned out not to be true. But I’m still at it, 3.5 years later, so something must have connected that night. Either that, or I’m just out of my fucking gourd. Or both.
[Via http://sarabenincasa.wordpress.com]
Monday, December 28, 2009
Andy Nevergotakis
Andy, I think you might be projecting a tad. I would say that watching sesame street with your mom is quite gay to be honest. Though your mom is probably just trying to catch up on what her ex is up to. From the looks of you , it’s obvious you were fathered by Snufaluffogus. Lay of twitter and hop on a treadmill for once you little fat nerd!
[Via http://noonegivesacrap.com]
2009 Winners and Losers: Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino- WINNER!
Rarely in American history do we come across such cultural supernovas that can not only move mountains, but change the nature of the English language itself. Elvis Prestley couldn’t do it. Don King couldn’t do it. And no, Barack Obama couldn’t do it, either. But in the final months of 2009, America was blessed with a dazzling display of intellect that will never let you look at the word “situation” the same way again.
Mike Sorrentino, alias “The Situation” (because his abs are so ripped that they are a situation), has taken Ashley Alexandra Dupre’s place as America’s sweetheart and taken his reality TV series and the nation by storm. And when your reality TV series is the breakthrough MTV phenomenon Jersey Shore, where you’ve got to compete with a 4′10″ female getting her head snapped back by a 6-foot-plus steroid monster for attention, the feat is all that more astonishing.
Let’s get the truth out straight: Sorrentino has no talents. He has no redeeming qualities. He has not demonstrated any ability to function like a normal human being, with a job and a social network. There is no real reason for anyone to like him or remotely be interested in his existence. And yet the fact that he believes himself to be a superstar based on his steroid use is more than enough to generate a national craze. This is a man whose only appeal is that he believes he has sex appeal, and the fact that reality is constantly defying him turns this beefed-up guido (his word, not ours) into a likable dork. He claims to have “women in my bed every night,” and he does, but they usually look very uncomfortable and run away feeling molested after 3 minutes. He threatens to “make you like the Situation” if you, like every other woman in the world, are simply not interested. There were clearly only two situations The Situation could end up in: serving a prison sentence for attempted rape, or celebrity superstardom.
The Situation is also a quote machine, and rather a charmer. He made his first splash on the debut episode of Jersey Shore, with this gem: “This situation is indescribable. You’re not even going to be able to describe The Situation when you get into The Situation.” Five minutes later: “What are you going to say to a guy who looks like Rambo pretty much with his shirt off?” It only went uphill from there. Then he made the rounds on late-night tv, charming the pants off of Conan O’Brien– alias “The Solution”– on The Tonight Show while Snooki drunkenly professed the virtues of human growth hormone.
more about "
With his stripper past, reality TV present, and obvious fitness guru future, The Situation is poised to become the Richard Simmons of the next generation. Or, at the very least, the next Naked Cowboy. Congrats, The Situation, Rafaelmartel.com Winner of 2009!
[Via http://rafaelmartel.com]
Monday, December 21, 2009
MTV Reviews Monster Ball Show In San Diego
MTV.com – The delightfully ancient San Diego Sports Arena has, over the years, played host to the likes of Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, prize fights, NBA All-Star Games and the massive Kobey’s Swap Meet, where one can haggle over the price of airbrushed T-shirts or receive free legal advice. But it’s a pretty safe bet that the arena has never seen a show the likes of the one Lady Gaga put on Saturday night.
And though the show was quite a spectacle — lights! smoke! costume changes! — it was Gaga’s graciousness that made the crowd forgive the fact that at three different times during her set, she mistakenly addressed the crowd as “San Jose,” a city some 500 miles to the north.
The first instance — during a break in “Just Dance” — was greeted with puzzled, “What did she just say?” murmurs from the audience. The second, during “Love Game” (”Scream, San Jose!”), elicited a smattering of laughter. And the third, during some between-song banter (”Now, San Jose …”), got the crowd a bit agitated. It was a thoroughly surreal moment, though Gaga recovered beautifully, working the correct name of the city into the chorus of her song “Alejandro,” then, at song’s end, with a self-effacing (and crowd-pleasing) mea culpa.
“I am so lucky that San Diego rhymes with ‘Fernando’ and ‘Alejandro,’ ” MTV News’ Woman of the Year sheepishly laughed.
[Via http://gagaewebsite.wordpress.com]
Friday, December 18, 2009
Shane Sparks Of ''Americas Best Dance Crew'' Arrested On Child Molestation Charges
TMZ.com is reporting that Shane Sparks,40, a judge on MTV’s “Americas Best Dance Crew”, has been arrested on 8 counts of child molestation this morning.
Here is a quote from their story on this case…
The LAPD took Sparks into custody at 8AM PT this morning on a felony warrant charging him with molestation. The alleged incident occurred in 1994. He is being held on $590,000 bail.
Shane Sparks is a choreographer in So You Think You Can Dance and a judge of MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew. He also choreographed the Dreamgirls tour.
Jane Robison, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, says a criminal complaint was filed by the alleged victim, whose identity we are withholding because she was a minor at the time.
There’s one victim, and it occurred in the ’90s. I believe it started in ‘94 and went on for several years,” Robison tells E! News. “It’s an underage girl. She was under 15 when the alleged crimes occurred. She is an adult now and came forward to authorities.”I am shocked by this news, as I am sure you all are, I thought Lil’ Momma was the only train wreck on that show, but…I guessed wrong.
What is interesting is how old Shane Sparks is….the brother is 40, and does not look it at all.
Here is a link to his Wikipedia biography if you need more information on who this particular alledged molester is-
And here is a link to the actual arrest this morning courtesy of TMZ.com-
We will keep you posted on any new happenings in this case, but,I hope it is a misunderstanding, but if not….good luck Shane!…you are going to need it.
[Via http://jerrybrice.wordpress.com]
The Greatest Moment of My Life, Thus Far
I’ve had a lot of great moments in my life. Winning the international baton and dance championships back in 1994 with my team, the Entertainers, was pretty great. Finding out I’d gotten a job working for MTV News during the ‘08 campaign–heck, that was great, too. Oh, and that one time I came home to my apartment in New Mexico and realized I’d left my window open and my cat had jumped out two stories, and I was freaking out, but then I heard whining at the door and realized the cat had found her way out of the back parking lot, around the front of the building, and to my door VIA SENSE OF SMELL and innate cat genius–that was awesome, too.
But can that compare to this?
Now you may be asking yourself, “Who is this ‘Michael Sorrentino’?”
Allow me to enlighten you.
Mike Sorrentino is a cast member on MTV’s “Jersey Shore.” His nickname is “The Situation.”
The Situation friended me on Facebook.
Thank you and goodnight.
[Via http://sarabenincasa.wordpress.com]
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Jersey Shore: Hate or love?
OK here’s some things about Jersey Shore.
1. It’s hilarious. See any of the remixes of quotes put together by NY Mag. Our favorites?
- “I had a feeling where I wanted to make out with somebody, so, um, I just made out with Ryder, because all the guys like that.” —Nicole “Snooki”
- “I feel like this is beneath me. I’m a bartender. I do great things.” —Angelina “Jolie”
- “Time to get some Ron Ron Juice in my system.” —Ronnie
- “I feel like eating ham and drinking water. Ham. [*raspberry noise*]“ —JWOWW
2. I know people like that. They sit next to me on the beach, shop in Ron Jon’s, and eat at the deli.
3. It takes place 20 minutes from where our house is in LBI.
4. Does it give Jersey a bad name? Perhaps, for those people who don’t know about the vast differences in shore points. Does it stereotype? Definitely. Are they true? Yes.
[See map below for quick geographical lesson on Jerz beaches, however it's not inclusive.]
5. This blog post on cracked expresses that it’s not that people might think that is what Jersey is really like, that makes the show so bad—the writer asserts that there is a huge fear that these kinds of people will see this, and think it’s a great idea to come hang out in Jersey next summer.
I’m not worried that normal, thinking human beings will see the show and think “That must be what Jersey is like.” I’m worried that idiots will see the show and think “Finally! A place where I can be with others! I’m gonna spend my summers in Jersey now, too!”
This is a legitimate concern. Some Jersey shore points have enough of this without recruiting more.
Either way, no matter the violence, stereotypes, Jersey portraying, etc. etc., it’s the ridiculous seven people on this show that make it what it is—not Jersey, the t-shirt shop, or the go carts on the boardwalk. It’s the fact that there’s a hot tub on the roof, crazy Italians, and alcohol all mixing together for one beautiful, sacred, precious hour every Thursday night.
The only downside is that we’re going to have to wait until at least next fall for another season, unless they send these people to a ski resort somewhere for a winter special of some kind. As long as Jersey Shore stays in Seaside, and doesn’t move to any neighboring shore points, I’m good. It’s good. Go watch.
[Via http://lifeneedsedits.com]
Monday, December 14, 2009
Obama Declares War On Pakistan
Obama: "War = Peace"
Written by Webster G. Tarpley
Obama’s West Point speech of December 1 represents far more than the obvious brutal escalation in Afghanistan — it is nothing less than a declaration of all-out war by the United States against Pakistan . This is a brand-new war, a much wider war now targeting Pakistan , a country of 160 million people armed with nuclear weapons. In the process, Afghanistan is scheduled to be broken up. This is no longer the Bush Cheney Afghan war we have known in the past. This is something immensely bigger: the attempt to destroy the Pakistani central government in Islamabad and to sink that country into a chaos of civil war, Balkanization, subdivision and general mayhem. The chosen strategy is to massively export the Afghan civil war into Pakistan and beyond, fracturing Pakistan along ethnic lines. It is an oblique war using fourth-generation or guerrilla warfare techniques to assail a country which the United States and its associates in aggression are far too weak to attack directly. In this war, the Taliban are employed as US proxies. This aggression against Pakistan is Obama’s attempt to wage the Great Game against the hub of Central Asia and Eurasia or more generally.
The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan is merely a pretext, a cover story designed to provide the United States with a springboard for a geopolitical destabilization campaign in the entire region which cannot be publicly avowed. In the blunt cynical world of imperialist aggression à la Bush and Cheney, a pretext might have been manufactured to attack Pakistan directly. But Pakistan is far too large and the United States is far too weak and too bankrupt for such an undertaking. In addition, Pakistan is a nuclear power, possessing atomic bombs and medium range missiles needed to deliver them. What we are seeing is a novel case of nuclear deterrence in action. The US cannot send an invasion fleet or set up airbases nearby because Pakistani nuclear weapons might destroy them. To this extent, the efforts of Ali Bhutto and A.Q. Khan to provide Pakistan a deterrent capability have been vindicated. But the US answer is to find ways to attack Pakistan below the nuclear threshold, and even below the conventional threshold. This is where the tactic of exporting the Afghan civil war to Pakistan comes in.
The architect of the new Pakistani civil war is US Special Forces General Stanley McChrystal, who organized the infamous network of US torture chambers in Iraq . McChrystal’s specific credential for the Pakistani civil war is his role in unleashing the Iraqi civil war of Sunnis versus Shiites by creating “al Qaeda in Iraq ” under the infamous and now departed double agent Zarkawi. If Iraqi society as a whole had lined up against the US invaders, the occupiers would have soon been driven out. The counter-gang known as “Al Qaeda in Iraq ” avoided that possibility by killing Shiites, and thus calling forth massive retaliation in the form of a civil war. These tactics are drawn from the work of British General Frank Kitson, who wrote about them in his book Low Intensity Warfare. If the United States possesses a modern analog to Heinrich Himmler of the SS, it is surely General McChrystal, Obama’s hand-picked choice. McChrystal’s superior, Gen Petraeus, wants to be the new Field Marshal von Hindenburg in other words, he wants to be the next US president.
The vulnerability of Pakistan which the US and its NATO associates are seeking to exploit can best be understood using a map of the prevalent ethnic groups of Afghanistan , Pakistan , Iran , and India . Most maps show only political borders which date back to the time of British imperialism, and therefore fail to reflect the principal ethnic groups of the region. For the purposes of this analysis, we must start by recognizing a number of groups. First is the Pashtun people, located mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan . Then we have the Baluchis, located primarily in Pakistan and Iran . The Punjabis inhabit Pakistan , as do the Sindhis. The Bhutto family came from Sind .
The US and NATO strategy begins with the Pashtuns, the ethnic group from which the so-called Taliban are largely drawn. The Pashtuns represent a substantial portion of the population of Afghanistan , but here they are alienated from the central government under President Karzai in Kabul , even though the US puppet Karzai passes for a Pashtun himself. The issue involves the Afghan National Army, which was created by the United States after the 2001 invasion. The Afghan officer corps are largely Tajiks drawn from the Northern Alliance that allied with the United States against the Pashtun Talibans. The Tajiks speak Dari, sometimes known as eastern Persian. Other Afghan officers come from the Hazara people. The important thing is that the Pashtuns feel shut out.
The US strategy can best be understood as a deliberate effort at persecuting, harassing, antagonizing, strafing, repressing, and murdering the Pashtuns. The additional 40,000 US and NATO forces which Obama demands for Afghanistan will concentrate in Helmand province and other areas where the Pashtuns are in the majority. The net effect will be to increase the rebellion of the fiercely independent Pashtuns against Kabul and the foreign occupation, and at the same time to push many of these newly radicalized mujaheddin fighters across the border into Pakistan , where they can wage war against the central government in Islamabad . US aid will flow directly to war lords and drug lords, increasing the centrifugal tendencies.
On the Pakistani side, the Pashtuns are also alienated from the central government. Islamabad and the army are seen by them as too much the creatures of the Punjabis, with some input from the Sindhis. On the Pakistani side of the Pashtun territory, US operations include wholesale assassinations from unmanned aerial vehicles or drones, murders by CIA and reportedly Blackwater snipers, plus blind terrorist massacres like the recent ones in Peshawar which the Pakistani Taliban are blaming on Blackwater, acting as a subcontractor of the CIA. These actions are intolerable and humiliating for a proud sovereign state. Every time the Pashtuns are clobbered, they blame the Punjabis in Islamabad for the dirty deals with the US that allow this to happen. The most immediate goal of Obama’s Afghan-Pakistan escalation is therefore to promote a general secessionist uprising of the entire Pashtun people under Taliban auspices, which would already have the effect of destroying the national unity of both Kabul and Islamabad .
The other ethnic group which the Obama strategy seeks to goad into insurrection and secession is the Baluchis. The Baluchis have their own grievances against the Iranian central government in Tehran , which they see as being dominated by Persians. An integral part of the new Obama policy is to expand the deadly flights of the CIA Predators and other assassination drones into Baluchistan . One pretext for this is the report, peddled for example by Michael Ware of CNN, that Osama bin Laden and his MI-6 sidekick Zawahiri are both holed up in the Baluchi city of Quetta, where they operate as the kingpins of the so-called “Quetta Shura.” Blackwater teams cannot be far behind. In Iranian Baluchistan, the CIA is funding the murderous Jundullah organization, which was recently denounced by Teheran for the murder of a number of top officials of the Iranian Pasdaran Revolutionary guards. The rebellion of Baluchistan would smash the national unity of both Pakistan and Iran , thus helping to destroy two of the leading targets of US policy.
Even Chris Matthews of MSNBC, normally a devoted acolyte of Obama, pointed out that the US strategy as announced at West Point very much resembles a Rube Goldberg contraption. (In the real world, “al Qaeda” is of course the CIA’s own Arab and terrorist legion.) In the world of official US myth, the enemy is supposed to be “Al Qaeda.” But, even according to the US government, there are precious few “Al Qaeda” fighters left in Afghanistan . Why then, asked Matthews, concentrate US forces in Afghanistan where “Al Qaeda” is not, rather than in Pakistan where “Al Qaeda” is now alleged to be?
One elected official who has criticized this incongruous mismatch is Democratic Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, who said in a television interview that ‘Pakistan, in the border region near Afghanistan, is perhaps the epicenter [of global terrorism], although al Qaida is operating all over the world, in Yemen, in Somalia, in northern Africa, affiliates in Southeast Asia. Why would we build up 100,000 or more troops in parts of Afghanistan included that are not even near the border? You know, this buildup is in Helmand Province . That’s not next door to Waziristan . So I’m wondering, what exactly is this strategy, given the fact that we have seen that there is a minimal presence of Al Qaida in Afghanistan, but a significant presence in Pakistan? It just defies common sense that a huge boots on the ground presence in a place where these people are not is the right strategy. It doesn’t make any sense to me.’ Indeed. ‘The Wisconsin Democrat also warned that U.S. policy in Afghanistan could actually push terrorists and extremists into Pakistan and, as a consequence, further destabilize the region: “You know, I asked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, and Mr. Holbrooke, our envoy over there, a while ago, you know, is there a risk that if we build up troops in Afghanistan, that will push more extremists into Pakistan?” he told ABC. “They couldn’t deny it, and this week, Prime Minister Gilani of Pakistan specifically said that his concern about the buildup is that it will drive more extremists into Pakistan, so I think it’s just the opposite, that this boots-on-the-ground approach alienates the Afghan population and specifically encourages the Taliban to further coalesce with Al Qaida, which is the complete opposite of our national security interest.”‘[1] Of course, this is all intentional and motivated by US imperialist raison d’état. .
Obama’s speech did everything possible to blur the distinction between Afghanistan and Pakistan , which are after all two sovereign states and both members of the United Nations in their own right. Ibrahim Sajid Malick, US correspondent for Samaa TV, one of the largest Pakistan television networks, called attention to this ploy: ‘Speaking to a hall full of cadets at the US Military Academy of West Point, President Barack Obama almost seemed like he might be declaring war on Pakistan . Every time he mentioned Afghanistan , Pakistan preceded mention. Sitting at the back benches of the hall at one point I almost jumped out of my chair when he said: “the stakes are even higher within a nuclear-armed Pakistan , because we know that al Qaeda and other extremists seek nuclear weapons, and we have every reason to believe that they would use them.” I was shocked because a succession of American officials recently confirmed that the Pakistani arsenal is secure.’[2] This article is entitled “Did Obama Declare War On Pakistan?”, and we can chalk the question mark up to diplomatic discretion. During congressional hearings involving General McChrystal and US Ambassador Eikenberry, Afghanistan and Pakistan were simply fused into one sinister entity known as “Afpak” or even “Afpakia.”
In the summer of 2007, Obama, coached by Zbigniew Brzezinski and other controllers, was the originator of the unilateral US policy of using Predator drones for political assassinations inside Pakistan . This assassination policy is now being massively escalated along with the troop strength: “Two weeks ago in Pakistan, Central Intelligence Agency sharpshooters killed eight people suspected of being militants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and wounded two others in a compound that was said to be used for terrorist training. The White House has authorized an expansion of the C.I.A.’s drone program in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas, officials said this week, to parallel the president’s decisionto send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. American officials are talking with Pakistan about the possibility of striking in Baluchistan for the first time – a controversial move since it is outside the tribal areas – because that is where Afghan Taliban leaders are believed to hide.”[3] The US is now training more Predator operators than combat pilots.
The CIA, the Pentagon, and their various contractors among the private military firms are now on a murder spree across Pakistan , attacking peaceful villages and wedding parties, among other targets. Blackwater, now calling itself Xe Services and Total Intelligence Solutions, is heavily involved: ‘At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, “snatch and grabs” of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan, an investigation by The Nation has found. The Blackwater operatives also assist in gathering intelligence and help direct a secret US military drone bombing campaign that runs parallel to the well-documented CIA predator strikes, according to a well-placed source within the US military intelligence apparatus.’ [4]
As shocking as Scahill’s report is, it must nevertheless be viewed as a limited hangout, since there is no mention of the persistent charges that a large part of the deadly bombings in Peshawar and other Pakistani cities are being carried out by Blackwater, as this news item suggests: “ISLAMABAD Oct. 29 (Xinhua) — Chief of Taliban movement in Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsud has blamed the controversial American private firm Blackwater for the bomb blast in Peshawar which killed 108 people, local news agency NNI reported Thursday.”[5] This was blind terrorism designed for maximum slaughter, especially among women and children.
Scahill’s report also suggests that US black ops have reached into Uzbekistan, a post-Soviet country of 25 million which borders Afghanistan to the north: ‘In addition to planning drone strikes and operations against suspected Al Qaeda and Taliban forces in Pakistan for both JSOC and the CIA, the Blackwater team in Karachi also helps plan missions for JSOC inside Uzbekistan against the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, according to the military intelligence source. Blackwater does not actually carry out the operations, he said, which are executed on the ground by JSOC forces. “That piqued my curiosity and really worries me because I don’t know if you noticed but I was never told we are at war with Uzbekistan ,” he said. “So, did I miss something, did Rumsfeld come back into power?”‘ [6] Such are the ways of hope and change.
The role of US intelligence in fomenting the Baluchistan rebellion for the purpose of breaking Pakistan apart is also confirmed by Professor Chossudovsky: ‘Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a “Yugoslav-like fate” for Pakistan “in a decade with the country riven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Baluchistan.” (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005 ). According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is slated to become a “failed state” by 2015, “as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talibanization and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons”. (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK , Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Times of India, 13 February 2005 ). Washington favors the creation of a “Greater Baluchistan” which would integrate the Baluch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and possibly the Southern tip of Afghanistan, thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran and Pakistan.’[7] The Iranians, for their part, are adamant that the US is committing acts of war on their territory in Baluchistan : ” TEHRAN , Oct. 29 (Xinhua) — Iran ’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that there are some concrete evidences showing U.S. involvement in recent deadly bomb explosions in the country’s Sistan-Baluchistan province, the official IRNA news agency reported. . The deadly suicide attack by Sunni rebel group Jundallah (God’s soldiers) occurred on Oct. 18 in Iran ’s Sistan-Baluchistan province near the border with Pakistan when the local officials were preparing a ceremony in which the local tribal leaders were to meet the military commanders of Iran ’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).[8]
Why would the United States be so obsessed with the breakup of Pakistan ? One reason is that Pakistan is traditionally a strategic ally and economic partner of China , a country which the US and British are determined to oppose and contain on the world stage. Specifically, Pakistan could function as an energy corridor linking the oil fields of Iran and possibly even Iraq with the Chinese market by means of a pipeline that would cross the Himalayas above Kashmir . This is the so-called “Pipelinestan” issue. This would give China a guaranteed land-based oil supply not subject to Anglo-American naval superiority, while also cutting out the 12,000 mile tanker route around the southern rim of Asia . As a recent news report points out: ‘ Beijing has been pressuring Tehran for China ’s participation in the pipeline project and Islamabad , while willing to sign a bilateral agreement with Iran , has also welcomed China ’s participation. According to an estimate, such a pipeline would result in Pakistan getting $200 million to $500 million annually in transit fees alone. China and Pakistan are already working on a proposal for laying a trans-Himalayan pipeline to carry Middle Eastern crude oil to western China . Pakistan provides China the shortest possible route to import oil from the Gulf countries. The pipeline, which would run from the southern Pakistan port of Gwadar and follow the Karakoram highway, would be partly financed by Beijing . The Chinese are also building a refinery at Gwadar. Imports using the pipeline would allow Beijing to reduce the portion of its oil shipped through the narrow and unsafe Strait of Malacca , which at present carries up to 80% of its oil imports. Islamabad also plans to extend a railway track to China to connect it to Gwadar. The port is also considered the likely terminus of proposed multibillion-dollar gas pipelines reaching from the South Pars fields in Iran or from Qatar , and from the Daulatabad fields in Turkmenistan for export to world markets. Syed Fazl-e-Haider, ” Pakistan , Iran sign gas pipeline deal,” Asia Times, 27 May 2009 .[9] This is the normal, peaceful economic progress and cooperation which the Anglo-Americans are hell-bent on stopping.
Oil and natural gas pipelines from Iran across Pakistan and into China would carry energy resources into the Middle Kingdom, and would also serve as conveyor belts for Chinese economic influence into the Middle East . This would make Anglo-American dominion increasingly tenuous in a part of the world which London and Washington have traditionally sought to control as part of their overall strategy of world domination.
US domestic propaganda is already portraying Pakistan as the new home base of terrorism. The four pathetic patsies going on trial for an alleged plot to bomb a synagogue in the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx in New York City had been carefully sheep-dipped to associate them with the shadowy and suspicious Jaish-e-Mohammad, allegedly a Pakistani terrorist group. The same goes for the five Moslems from Northern Virginia who have just been arrested near Lahore in Pakistan.
As far as the neighboring states are concerned, India under the unfortunate Manmohan Singh seems to be accepting the role of continental dagger against Pakistan and China on behalf of the US and the British. This is a recipe for a colossal tragedy. India should rather make permanent peace with Pakistan by vacating the Vale of Kashmir, where 95% of the population is Moslem and would like to join Pakistan. Without a solution to this issue, there will be no peace on the subcontinent.
Regarding Iran, George Friedman, the head of the Stratfor outlet of the US intelligence community recently told Russia Today that the great novelty of the next decade will be an alliance of the United States with Iran directed against Russia. In that scenario, Iran would cut off oil to China altogether. That is the essence of the Brzezinski strategy. It is urgent that the antiwar movement in the United States regroup and begin a new mobilization against the cynical hypocrisy of Obama’s war and escalation policy, which suprasses even the war crimes of the Bush-Cheny neocons. In this new phase of the Great Game, the stakes are incalculable.
[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/06/feingold-why-surge-where_n_381729.html
[2] Ibrahim Sajid Malick, “Did Obama Declare War On Pakistan?,” Pakistan for Pakistanis Blog, 2 December 2009. http://ibrahimsajidmalick.com/did-Obama-declare-war-on-pakistan/484/
[3] Scott Shane, “C.I.A. to Expand Use of Drones in Pakistan,” New York Times, December 3, 2009. See also David E. Sanger and Eric Schmitt, “Between the Lines, an Expansion in Pakistan,” New York Times, 1 December 2009.
[4] Jeremy Scahill, “The Secret US War in Pakistan,” The Nation, November 23, 2009
[5] “Taliban in Pakistan blame U.S. Blackwater for deadly blast,” Xinhua News Agency, 29 October 2009, http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-10/29/content_12358907.htm
[6] Jeremy Scahill, “The Secret US War in Pakistan,” The Nation, November 23, 2009
[7] Michel Chossudovsky, The Destabilization of Pakistan, Global Research, December 30, 2007
[8] “Iran says having evidences of U.S. involvement in suicide bomb attacks,” Xinhua, 29 October 2009.
[9] http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/KE27Df03.html
Source: Rense
[Via http://afteramerica.wordpress.com]
Friday, December 11, 2009
Can you get STDs from watching MTV's Jersey Shore?
Come for the abs, stay for the hilarious irony of it all
If there is one thing reality television does really really well, it is to feed on the insecurities of its “stars.” And the shows are actually better for it. Afterall, no one wants to watch what happens when seven level-headed people get picked to spend time together and have their lives taped, to find out what happens, when people stop being polite, and start getting real™. It’s called work, and we see it everyday.
No, we want to see seven, eight, nine, or as many people that can fit, who each have their own societal abnormalities and idiosyncrasies, totally different from one person to the next, get put together in a house so they can verbally and sometimes physically rip each others heads off. Why else would MTV’s The Real World be on it’s 400th season(disclaimer: it’s actually the 23rd, which is still pretty outstanding)? And why else would Big Brother, the most boring sounding show on paper, turn out to be so damn popular?
So MTV took a big chance when they drew up the plans for its most recent adaptation of reality, Jersey Shore. You know how every episode of every reality show has to have that one completely out to lunch, over the top, annoying as hell character? They serve the role of black sheep, and have to have certain attributes, such as: narcissistic, selfish, ignorant, sub-intelligent, loud and attention seeking all at the same time. That is what Jersey Shore is.
Every character has everyone of those characteristics, and to top it off they are all “big I” Italian. Now regularly that wouldn’t be a bad thing, as there is nothing wrong with Italians, but every one of Jersey Shore’s Italians are a walking stereotype. Like how in so many movies about New York there is that fight between the boy and the girl out on the street, and just before they make out some booming voice that sounds like a Super Mario Bros. comes out the window and yells: “Hey, shutta the fuck uppa!” Take that nameless character, give it a name, and send it Jersey Shore, because that’s who these people are. Except, they all have their own catchphrases (Literally. Just click here. It’s like playing Simon, but way more hilarious).
The racial profiling this show has managed to accomplish in just its hour long premiere (the third 30 minute show is on MTV.ca today), has been enough that Dominoes Pizza has pulled advertising from that time slot, the actual region of Jersey Shore is coming out against it , and MTV is even receiving death threats (no horses’ heads showing up in producers‘ beds have been reported yet).
The good thing, however, is that not only are the ratings good (1.3 million viewers for the premiere), but it’s some of the most entertaining TV ever, whether we’re laughing with them, or against them. Actually, it’s definitely against them. Just a look at the homepage for Jersey Shore on MTV. On each side of the viewer is a flexed bicep, and around those biceps are some of the most commonly used words or phrases on the show: “guido, pumped, pop that collar, juiced, jacked, tan, guidette, hair gel, broski.”
There are also some they forget to include though, such a Affliction t-shirts, Ed Hardy, fist pumping, and of course, the situation. No, not an actual situation, but a character on the show who not only named himself “the situation” because, as he puts it, “my abs are so ripped up it’s called the situation (see photo above),” but because he also refers to himself in the third-person.
Definitely the star of the show, he has even come out to the media defending the term guido and guidette, words that every other Italian on the face of the planet thinks are steeped in racism. Here’s what the Situation says about them though: “No. No. If you do see the show, you see it used in a loving or a good way. The older generation doesn’t understand. These days in New York and New Jersey a ‘guido’ is a good-looking Italian male that likes to have fun and a ‘guidette’ is a good-looking Italian girl.”
There should be a correction to that though. They don’t necessarily mean good looking Italian male or female, in as much as they mean an Italian male or female who is so blinded by their own disillusionment that they think they are in fact the best looking person on the planet – so much that they no longer can serve any sort of purpose on said planet other than eating three square meals of steroids a day, getting “pumped” and “juiced” at the gym, picking up juiced guys, applying hair product and fist pumping (for guys) or grinding up against guys crotches (for the ladies) “like no other.”
But back to the situation with the Situation. Just looking at him and what he goes through in two episode is enough to convince anyone that this show is worth watching. To start with, here is a guy who says things like “I check out the mirror and am like, whoo, today is gonna be a good day.” Or “you can hate on me all you want, but what can you possibly say to someone who looks like Rambo with his shirt off pretty much.” I mean, no writer or comedian can come up with shit this funny. And the best part is, he’s not kidding.
Convinced he can have the “hottest” character on the show at any time he wants, who happens to look like a Sears catalogue model from 1994, the Situation is literally crushed beyond belief when she makes out with him, then someone else, all in one night. The Situation has spent his entire life pumping his own tires so full of air that they completely explode with the tiniest pin prick (who’s name happens to be Sammi Sweetheart, AKA, the slutty chick who made out with two of her new roommates in one night).
Anyways, the Situation spend the rest of the episode giving Sammi the finger, then moping all by himself all over the house, curled up in the fetal position at one point, in near tears at another, and watching the sunrise by himself in what is supposed to be one of the most depressing scenes, but is actually one of the best and funniest. Really, is there anything better than watching such a massive ego come tumbling down in a mess of hair gel, tanning oil and third person references? Jesse doesn’t think so. Or, I mean, I don’t think so.
The Situation is just the tip of the oiled up and ironic iceberg, as each and every character is full of their own comedic gold nuggets. Take Snooki, whose “ultimate dream is to move to Jersey, find a juiced, hot, tan guy and live my life.” Or Pauly D, who not only has a tanning bed in his place, “that’s how serious I am about being a guido,” but who also brings at least two dozen bottles of gel with him and takes 25 minutes to do his hair – “it comes out perfect every single time,” he says.
I wouldn’t want to be on the same beach, yet alone in the same country, as any one of the people on Jersey Shore, but I love watching them through the safe distance of the tv screen so much more for it.
[Via http://ashcan.wordpress.com]
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Vevo – MTV for the 2.0 generation?
There’s been substantial interest in the news this week about the Stateside launch of Vevo – an online music player that is being dubbed MTV for the 2.0 generation, and perhaps rightly so. Firstly, the service has the buy-in of three of the major labels (at present, EMI, Universal and Sony), and has done so by novel means; EMI has gone down the tried and tested licensing routes, but interestingly the latter majors have gone for equity in the business. This equity approach shows a robust confidence of the service and perhaps also suggests the licensing route is perhaps going to wane in entertainment industries if major labels can instead get a share of the profits outright.
Secondly, what Vevo looks to have solved was the perhaps fundamental flaw in Google’s high value acquisition of YouTube, with many analysts and industry commentators at a loss as to where the return on investment was really coming from, given the vast majority of content on YouTube is poor quality, grainy and often filmed from another medium in the first place, such as a TV or is a skateboarding cat. Would record labels want to have their brand next to a poor quality music video – pretty much no, and YouTube continues to flatter to deceive with regards giving Google back the billions spent to acquire it. That YouTube is powering Vevo however could resolve this; Vevo will be a branded, dedicated player with high quality content that will interest advertisers much more than current video quality – its CEO has suggested phenomenally strong rates as high as $25 – $40 per 1,000 views, an incredible jump from today’s norm of $3 – $8.
What’s more, if this content really is as high quality – and in the long term potentially exclusive or streamed live – this will encourage more people to share it and thus drive traffic even further; a solution to monetising peer-to-peer sharing (in the friends sense, not the technological sense). So is Vevo the saviour of the entertainment industry? Initial reaction has been very positive and it will be interesting to see how it rolls out in the States before hitting the UK sometime next year. Fingers crossed.
[Via http://thenakedpheasant.wordpress.com]
Audrina Patridge has finnally signed on to star and play in the new season of episode The Hills.
After sveral weeks of discussions and negotiations, we have learned exclusively she maybe will return to the Hills show which made her so famous.
Watch how all your favorite Hills stars have been changed
“I may officially confirm now that Audrina Patridge will star in the 6th new season of The Hills,” Jennifer Shoucair Weaver, a rep on behlaf of all the actress, tells MTV and Usmagazine.com. “Production shall resume shortly right after the new year. Next week, Patridge will begins filming the new pilot episode of her currently unnamed Show, also for MTV . The new unnamed show will be produced by Mark Burnett.”
Let’s wish her new reality series will be far better than these old scandalous shows
A source very close to Patridge, 24, confirm saying it’s possible that both of her shows will be intertwined.
A second source informs Us, “She will be getting six figures per episode this year. It is an incredibly very lucrative deal for her
[Via http://thelatestepisodes.wordpress.com]
Monday, December 7, 2009
Clone High
I’ve realized that, although I love animation, I have yet to write about any animated series on this blog (except for a couple of mentions in this entry on my favorite pilots).
I started thinking about why this is. There are a couple of characteristics that make animated series a little different from other series in the pilot department. Animated series tend to have more emphasis on the plot-per-episode than on a longer story arc. In other words, nothing much changes episode to episode. Bart Simpson has been in fourth grade for 20 years, for chrissake. So the pilot is not necessarily distinguishable from later episodes.
Also, animated series are often based on existing properties, like comic book or film characters, who don’t need a lot of introduction. There are some obvious exceptions to this, like Seth MacFarlane’s brain candy or earlier, Futurama (great pilot).
I couldn’t decide what animated series to start with, but then I happily discovered a little show from the creator of Scrubs, Bill Lawrence, called Clone High. There were 13 episodes, which aired during the 2002-03 season on MTV, and it still airs in Canada, according to www.clone-high.com.
It’s the first day back at a high school where all of the students are young, contemporary versions of historical figures. There’s Abraham Lincoln (Will Forte), Joan of Arc (Christa Miller, Mahatma Ghandi, John F. Kennedy (Chris Miller), Cleopatra (Nicole Sullivan), and—you gotta love this—two Elvises, one young/thin and the other old/fat. Already you know by the wackiness of the premise this show is going to be different, as well as irreverent. In the first moments we get a crude sexual joke from JFK, and a drug use bit from old/fat Elvis, and learn that Ghandi is a lech. The animation looks a bit like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends with the sharp angles and bold outlines.
Each character falls into a high school social category. JFK is a handsome jock, Abe Lincoln is a gangly nerd, Joan of Arc is a down to earth do-gooder, Cleo is the popular chick, etc. There’s a love triangle: Joan likes Abe, who likes Cleopatra. (Who wouldn’t, right?)
The principal, Dr. Scudworth is pulling the strings. He is visited by someone from the military and we learn, in case it wasn’t obvious from the title, that the students are clones. They were created by the government, though we’re not yet told why. The pricipals office comes equipped with test tubes and other mad scientist paraphernalia. And he’s nuts.
There are lots of whimsical little details, like the diner where they hang out is called the Grassy Knoll. Van Gogh calls the school suicide hotline.
The episode plot has to do with Abe supplying a keg of non-alcoholic beer for the Big Party, but it appears the real story will be the aforementioned love triangle. We’re also told that Marilyn Manson will make an appearance next week. If the pilot is any indication, this show is funny, edgy, and has plenty of room for political commentary. I’m hooked, and can’t wait to watch the remaining episodes.
Memorable line: “Hey man, Ghandi’s anti-violence, not anti-comedy.”
[Via http://anatomyofapilot.wordpress.com]
Connections: Body, Spirit, and SEX SLAVERY around the World
November 8, 2007 at 12:54pm
Connections: Body, Spirit, and SEX SLAVERY around the World
Do you realize that the body is connected to the spirit? Your body is not cheap, or to be used for prostitution, but for GOD, and very valuable.
Connection: the spiritual support that we give to sin helps increase the number of girls being raped, molested, and forced to be prostitutes.
We may not be able to save every molested little girl, or sex slave in Thailand, Africa, or America, but We can make a difference! How? By refusing to support sin, and the cheapening of the human body, in ANY form.
Also, by praying that God would save them, and save their abusers, and CRUSH any industry that abuses the human body to advertise or make money. (magazines, music, movies, clubs)
Do you realize that every time you support:
a porno video
a party, club or nightspot that uses sex to sell
a porn website
a hip hop video that cheapens womens bodies
any other magazine or advertisement that cheapens womens or mens bodies
using the term ‘pimp’ as a positive word
a movie that uses sex or naked bodies to attract viewers
that you are spiritually or financially supporting ‘human trafficking’ aka SEX SLAVERY
which is the NUMBER ONE SLAVE INDUSTRY EVER in the World?
Did you know that there are more SEX SLAVES in the world right NOW then all the African American slaves ever?
Did you know that Prostitution is the BIGGEST FASTEST growing Industry across the EARTH right now?
Most of these are preteen (4-12) and teenage girls that are either sold by their parents for money, or kidnapped by strangers.
How does America support the Child Prostitute Slave Industry?
A Lot of it is Purchased through the INTERNET!
Bought by vacationers.
Entertainment Industry
Pornography over the Internet
watching horny videos. Or even “Positive” Rappers that make body cheapening songs like Talib Kweli’s “Hot Thing”
supporting Filthy music about sex
Strip clubs, orgy parties, American sin-clubs
Advertisements that display sexual images, that should be private
These things make the human body a cheap thing for display, not the temple of God like it should be. This contributes to people’s thinking that they can sell it for real.
Travel Industry
“business” vacations in Asia with a LOT of extra curriculars
Spiritually (In Yourself)
Men, when you let sexual sin use you as a slave, in your eyes or your body, and allow others to do the same you are contributing spiritually to the rape of an 8 year old girl in Thailand, Africa, or Cambodia… or the molestation of a little girl in America… How? Because sin grows and spreads spiritually. The lifestyle we live spreads into the culture that surrounds us. The culture that surrounds us spreads into other cultures. (Look at hip hop and the American entertainment culture. it spreads everywhere.
You have to hate sin to destroy it.
Fashion Industry (Spiritually)
Women when you sell your own body with the clothes you half-wear, showing cleavage, not covering your bootie (not being modest acc to 1 Peter 2 ), you spiritually contribute to lust of men, and to the prostitution industry, and the CHEAPENING of the body of a 13 year old girl in Thailand, Africa, or Cambodia… AND America!
This message is about connecting our lifestyles to how it affects others. You will definitely suffer for it, but sin affects more than just you.
Teach someone else not to support sin in ANY way! Do not support the cheapening of the human body in ANY way.
Look it Up!
hip hop video about it by Mr. J (this video is an answer to Talib Kweli’s song “hot thing”)
see international Justice Mission
see trafficking
dateline video
Sex slave sting
November 8, 2007 at 12:54pm
Connections: Body, Spirit, and SEX SLAVERY around the World
Do you realize that the body is connected to the spirit? Your body is not cheap, or to be used for prostitution, but for GOD, and very valuable.
Connection: the spiritual support that we give to sin helps increase the number of girls being raped, molested, and forced to be prostitutes.
We may not be able to save every molested little girl, or sex slave in Thailand, Africa, or America, but We can make a difference! How? By refusing to support sin, and the cheapening of the human body, in ANY form.
Also, by praying that God would save them, and save their abusers, and CRUSH any industry that abuses the human body to advertise or make money. (magazines, music, movies, clubs)
Do you realize that every time you support:
a porno video
a party, club or nightspot that uses sex to sell
a porn website
a hip hop video that cheapens womens bodies
any other magazine or advertisement that cheapens womens or mens bodies
using the term ‘pimp’ as a positive word
a movie that uses sex or naked bodies to attract viewers
that you are spiritually or financially supporting ‘human trafficking’ aka SEX SLAVERY
which is the NUMBER ONE SLAVE INDUSTRY EVER in the World?
Did you know that there are more SEX SLAVES in the world right NOW then all the African American slaves ever?
Did you know that Prostitution is the BIGGEST FASTEST growing Industry across the EARTH right now?
Most of these are preteen (4-12) and teenage girls that are either sold by their parents for money, or kidnapped by strangers.
How does America support the Child Prostitute Slave Industry?
A Lot of it is Purchased through the INTERNET!
Bought by vacationers.
Entertainment Industry
Pornography over the Internet
watching horny videos. Or even “Positive” Rappers that make body cheapening songs like Talib Kweli’s “Hot Thing”
supporting Filthy music about sex
Strip clubs, orgy parties, American sin-clubs
Advertisements that display sexual images, that should be private
These things make the human body a cheap thing for display, not the temple of God like it should be. This contributes to people’s thinking that they can sell it for real.
Travel Industry
“business” vacations in Asia with a LOT of extra curriculars
Spiritually (In Yourself)
Men, when you let sexual sin use you as a slave, in your eyes or your body, and allow others to do the same you are contributing spiritually to the rape of an 8 year old girl in Thailand, Africa, or Cambodia… or the molestation of a little girl in America… How? Because sin grows and spreads spiritually. The lifestyle we live spreads into the culture that surrounds us. The culture that surrounds us spreads into other cultures. (Look at hip hop and the American entertainment culture. it spreads everywhere.
You have to hate sin to destroy it.
Fashion Industry (Spiritually)
Women when you sell your own body with the clothes you half-wear, showing cleavage, not covering your bootie (not being modest acc to 1 Peter 2 ), you spiritually contribute to lust of men, and to the prostitution industry, and the CHEAPENING of the body of a 13 year old girl in Thailand, Africa, or Cambodia… AND America!
This message is about connecting our lifestyles to how it affects others. You will definitely suffer for it, but sin affects more than just you.
Teach someone else not to support sin in ANY way! Do not support the cheapening of the human body in ANY way.
Look it Up!
hip hop video about it by Mr. J (this video is an answer to Talib Kweli’s song “hot thing”)
see international Justice Mission
see trafficking
dateline video
Sex slave sting
xxxxxx xxxxxx December 7 at 2:10am
u should send this message out again!!
[Via http://sospression.wordpress.com]
Friday, December 4, 2009
Guidos, Guidettes and Whorebags, Oh My! It's the Jersey Shore
Because I am apparently a sick, twisted glutton for punishment, I watched the two-hour premiere of MTV’s Jersey Shore tonight. God help me.
To say that it was like watching a train wreck would be like saying that the Titanic suffered just a small scratch.
Admittedly, I’ve been to the Jersey Shore only twice in my life, and Manasquan/Bayhead is NOT Seaside Heights. So, this was a whole new world for me (remember, I grew up in California). I sat literally slack-jawed through the first 10 minutes. I had never seen anything like this before. Men and women referring to themselves proudly as “guidos” and “guidettes”? What? Men who took more time getting ready to go out than even the highest of high maintenance women? I couldn’t believe my eyes. Hair gel, cologne, hairspray and tans everywhere.
The Guidos and Guidettes of MTV's Jersey Shore
Can you imagine what the casting notes were for this show? Seeking the kings and queens of guidos and guidettes for a reality show. Must have a nickname. And at least one of you must be named Vinny. And another one must refer to yourself in the third person. At all times. My mind is reeling.
After 10 minutes of this nightmare, I thought about giving up. But I am a trooper and believe in taking one for the team. So I stuck it out. And tweeted. And tweeted. And tweeted. I honestly think the tweeting made watching the show bearable. Knowing that I wasn’t alone watching this foreign world of guidos, guidettes and juiceheads gave me comfort. A sick, twisted form of comfort. Misery does love company.
Without further ado, here is the Jersey Shore Premiere: Tale of the Tweets
Who is watching #JerseyShore live at 10 p.m. ET? I’m watching for as long as I can stomach it.
I had no idea that guidos refer to themselve as guidos. And are proud of it. #jerseyshore #godhelpme
She actually called herself the “The Kim Kardashian of Staten Island.” Like it’s a god thing. #facepalm #jerseyshore
And there’s a new series called “Teen Moms.” I’m horrified for so many reasons I don’t even know where to start.
Huge gold cross chain AND ginormous tattooed cross on back? Yeah, we get it Ronnie. #JerseyShore
“I don’t have time for stupid bimbos.” Oh how I wish I were as strong as Sammi. #jerseyshore
RT @MAD_DENDOR: @amandarykoff #jerseyshore word of the day, “Whorebags”
OMG. The ink on Pauly D’s back is outrageous. Is that Italy or an italian flag? Or both? #jerseyshore
“All the whores…shut up.” Classic dialogue. #jerseyshore
The Situation does not freakin’ tweet. RT @Bankoff: Not very realistic, no one is Tweeting, not even The Situation. #JerseyShore
There’s a reason they got the impression you’re a crazy, sluty-ass girl, Snooki. #jerseyshore
@TheNateMundy “I’m a bartender. I do GREAT things.” #jerseyshore
“Dude. You’re a guidette.” #peptalksonjerseyshore #jerseyshore
RT @ErinMcCaffrey: “All the girls are like fish, we just throw out a line and see who bites” #jerseyshore
“My ideal man would be Italian, dark, muscles, juicehead, guido.” What the hell is a juicehead? #jerseyshore
Oh my god. Of course “juicehead” is “steroid user.” #idontspeakguidette #jerseyshore
“You’re the Queen of Guidettes. Not just a Guidette.” Still LMAO. #jerseyshore
“Pink eye is very contagious. I don’t know much about it, but I heard you can catch it just from the air.” Pauly D on #jerseyshore
RT @Stefmara: “It’s not a matter of when she’s going to hook up with me. It’s more about when I decide” #jerseyshore
And perhaps Teen Moms. RT @Stefmara: This show is the reason why many people should not procreate #jerseyshore
“I am a c*&k block. Um hm. Yeah. Not gonna lie.” #jerseyshore
“I will cut your hair while you’re sleeping.” #hitaguidowhereithurts #jerseyshore
In retrospect, I didn’t tweet enough about The Situation. He may require a separate blog post. When I’m ready to deal with The Situation properly. Until then, god help me. And god help us all.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
NEW MOON NEWS - New Moon Box Office Update
“I think that anytime you have a film like ‘Twilight’ in there– like when ‘The Dark Knight’ [hit theaters], it came in with ‘Mamma Mia,’ [which] did really well… as sort of a counter-programming, and both films just took off. And that’s what you’re seeing with ['New Moon' and 'The Blind Side'],” Bock said.
“Sometimes you get big films… and it creates sort of a box office tsunami, it just breeds moviegoers,” he continued. “[There was a time that a studio] would say, ”Twilight’’s opening, let’s not even release our film on that date.’ But that’s becoming less and less traditional now. even if there is a huge film that you know is going to do big business, sometimes you’ll put your film out there and you’ll… feed off of the hype. it just creates a general excitement about going to the movies.”
Read more here.
Asian Economy Korea
The film, which has started a so-called ‘New Moon Syndrome’, has also been faring well on the foreign circuit, making a first-place bow in various countries such as North America, Europe and South America.
MyNews.in (India)
After creating history at the box office with record collection of 140.7 million dollar in the US, ‘New Moon’, the second in the ‘Twilight Saga’ films, is all set to hit Indian screens on December 4.
‘New Moon’ will be released in India on 300 screens by PVR Pictures.
The release on 300 prints makes it one of the largest release for a Hollywood film in the country.
Sources in PVR Pictures said ‘New Moon’, second part of the saga, will be released in India with over 300 prints and for the first time, PVR Pictures will be releasing the movie in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu as well.
Titled ‘Amavasya’ in Telugu and ‘Digilan’ in Tamil, ‘New Moon’ has achieved milestones never seen before.
The movie has created a worldwide history by achieving No.1 position through its box office collections.
The Guardian, UK
The significance of New Moon’s heavyweight performance – it’s grossed $474m worldwide in less than two weeks – cannot be understated. At a time when the independent sector is overcrowded and perilous, a success story like this provides a welcome boost to everyone. Producers, financiers and distributors will remain committed when they are reminded that there is the potential for quality non-studio fare to deliver the kind of blockbuster results that we’re used to seeing from the Warner Bros and Sonys of this world.It’s a similar story overseas, too. Summit’s well established international sales division licensed rights to New Moon all over the world and the movie’s runaway success sends out a message to international distributors that independent cinema made at a price with high-value elements (cast, script, director, production values) can prosper. It’s a message that goes a long way towards sustaining a vibrant international marketplace, which is vital in these uncertain times.
Who is it / Give in to me (145/365)
Please read this entry first because the following post is a continuation of that.
The first time I heard “Who is it” was when Michael sang it a cappella during the Oprah interview. I’ve mentioned in this blog before that I wasn’t allowed to buy the “Dangerous” album because my mother thought it was too sexual. However, she did allow me to record most of the songs off the radio or buy the cassingles, which is what I ended up doing with “Who is it”. The tape not only featured the original song, but also the a version with the Oprah intro added.
So, why is “Who is it” in my top 5 Michael Jackson songs? There are several reasons, actually. “Who is it” is one of those songs that is layered with musical depth. You can listen to it countless times and each time, pull something different from it that you hadn’t heard before, or perhaps even hear the song in a different way.
However, the reason I fell in love with it in the first place wasn’t because of the musical dynamics but more because of the emotional drive that I felt Michael put into it. The driving beat at the beginning could have made the song steer in any path that Michael chose. Dark sexuality was my first impression of it until the keyboards and strings kicked in giving the song more of a hollow and lonely tone.
Before “Human Nature” and “Will You Be There”, “Who is it” was my #1. I couldn’t really relate to the story line of the song, I was only thirteen after all, but it was the angst and beautiful lonliness that came through quite clearly in his voice that I was drawn to. The song’s tone and atmosphere fit my spirits during those times and it was nice to have an emotional outlet of a jam such as “Who is it” to blast in my headphones.
The actual video of the song wasn’t released on MTV in the US. Instead, the video was replaced with footage of Michael’s various music videos as well as performances of the Bad tour and Motown 25. I didn’t have MTV anyway, so I didn’t know any better. I rented “Dangerous: The Short Films” from Blockbuster Video, however, and was able to see the video then and did it ever give me a surprise after being a fan of the song for so many months!
I’m an incredibly private person, so I hate to go into too much detail about who I am, but I’m going to make an exception for this entry this time –By the way, I realize and I apologize that most of my personal stories most of the time are so pathetic and depressing. It’s just that I discovered Michael and his music during one of the darkest periods of my life and I just always go back to those times because his music and messages helped pull me through them.– ANYWAY, what I was saying.. a little bit of personal info in the next paragraph.
My first name is rather uncommon. It’s not hideously strange, but I’ve really only met one other person in my life who has shared the same name. It bothered me a bit when I was a kid that everybody would always mispronounce or misspell my name. Don’t get me wrong, I like my name, but sometimes I have to say I felt a little left out that I was never able to find anything personalized in stores. Not a huge deal, but sometimes I wished I could decorate my room with personalized stickers and such.
There was one other thing that bothered me about my name. A bit before Michael was accused of child molestation, a cruel boy in my grade discovered that my name rhymed with “Molest” and he would call me by that word instead of my actual name and get others to do the same. What made is worse is that they discovered my best friend’s first name actually rhymed with “Molester”, so we were called “Molest and Molester”. I had no idea what the word meant at the time, but what a way to find out, right?
A short time later, Michael was accused of molesting a child and although I could only relate to being called such a thing and not actually ACCUSED of it, I really felt for him for having that word attached to his name. Of course, I was tortured a bit more at school after Michael was accused of molesting the kid because I was a fan of Michael and “Oh, how funny that your name is ‘Molest’! Hohoho!”
The time frame in which I first saw “Who is it” off of “Dangerous: The Short Films” was closely after he was accused of the charges. When I watched it, my jaw dropped to the floor.
For the first time I saw my name elsewhere besides my own handwriting! I wondered if Michael personally chose all the names on those cards. The total dork in me fantasized about him researching names for the video in the weeks prior to the shoot by looking through baby-naming books Maybe he stumbled across mine and thought, “That name is really beautiful and unique!” then wrote it down on a piece of paper and stuffed it into his wallet. While making the video, perhaps he pulled out the paper and instructed, “Make sure this name is on one of the cards”.
lolol! Oh me!
Well, this is my “Who is it” entry FINALLY
Monday, November 30, 2009
Record fecha o elenco de "Os Legendários"
A Record fechou recentemente o elenco de “Os Legendários”, humorístico que pretende lançar no começo do próximo ano com objetivo de se aproximar do público jovem.
Além de Marcos Mion, que estará a frente da atração, também estão confirmados o ator e VJ Felipe Solari, Mia Mello, Marcelo Marrom e Gui Pádua.
Danilo Gentili, do “Custe o Que Custar”, e Eduardo Sterblitch, o Cesar Polvilho do “Pânico na TV”, foram sondados para o projeto mas preferiram continuar em suas respectivas emissoras. Ambos tiveram seus contratos renovados por cifras mais vantajosas
Assim como disponibilizou um bom orçamento para a contratação de seus apresentadores, a Record também promete uma boa estrutura ao novo programa. Ainda não há uma data prevista para estreia, mas cogita-se que o humorístico irá ao ar nas noites de sábado.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monstro: Lady Gaga com ombreiras gigantes
As ombreiras podem ter voltado com tudo na moda, mas Lady Gaga levou a sério demais a tendência em seu mais novo modelito exótico. A cantora lançou o CD The Fame Monster em uma loja em Los Angeles na última segunda-feira, dia 23, e, como de costume, surpreendeu os fãs e a mídia no local.
Desta vez, ela não estava com roupa transaparente ou curtíssima, e sim com uma armação no ombro que a deixava com o visual bem diferente. O traje da loira também não poupava no decote.
The Fame Monster nada mais é do que o relançamento do CD The Fame com a inclusão de algumas músicas inéditas, como Bad Romance, que você confere o videoclipe aqui.
Via: R7
Accessible Music (Content), Anytime!!
Tunes changed how music was discovered. Will services like Spotify and We7 revolutionize the collection and sharing of music? The future appears to be all about anywhere access through streaming, not hoarding.
Up-and-coming UK music startup Spotify is gaining traction in the mobile space as it strikes deals with mobile networks and releases applications across multiple platforms. The site relies on advertising and a paid premium service to provide users with unlimited free music. This simple cloud-based access to music from anywhere through our phones is changing the game—and our behavior.
Ownership of sound has come a long way, ever since it became possible to record it. With the MP3, Kazaa, and iTunes, people began hoarding music and asking their friends, “how many gigabytes of music do you have?” With Rhapsody and now Spotify—as well as We7 and Grooveshark—this entire competition to own the most or best disappears. You already “own” all the music. Downloading it almost seems like a waste of time. In Spotify, every song you ever wanted is available with a simple search and without a download.
This privileging of sharing and universal access over ownership has been trending over the past few years. In 2008 MTV’s MX2 study pointed to an insight around consumer music listening behavior: Owning is more and more about timely access and less about physical possession. There is a difference between being able to physically and forever own music like in 1997, and being able to hear it when you want to, now, and in the moment. This is why mobile streaming is the future of music consumption. Expect this trend to magnify as Mobile broadband penetration starts to increase around the globe.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
MTV to Italian-Americans: Suck it
Yeah, take these people seriously. Especially the guy pointing at the camera.
None other than fair and balanced news source Fox News ran a story about MTV’s new reality show “Jersey Shore” and the ire the show has stirred in two pro-Eye-Tie groups, UNICO and the National Italian American Foundation.
First, UNICO’s website doesn’t do much to change an outsider’s view of Italians as pasta-eating, stool pigeon-shooting goons. Seriously, people. It’s called web 2.0 Look into it.
Second, one of UNCIO’s stated goals is “[t]o promote and enhance the image of Italian Americans [sic].” By that reasoning, they should be totes happy with “Jersey Shore.” After all, this show will no doubt enhance the image many regular Americans have of Italian-Americans: muscle bound dipshits with with too many credit cards and way too much hair gel. Sounds like a win-win!
DiMino said he was most insulted by MTV’s usage of the term “guido” to promote the show, which follows eight youngsters at a beach house in Seaside Heights, N.J., including cast members “Paulie D,” “Jenni J-WOW” and “Vinnie.”
It’s really a buffoon-type person who acts crass and vulgar,” [UNICO National President Andre] DiMino said of the slur. “When we saw those promos, it confirmed our fears. Those promotions are a disgrace.”
Um, we don’t want to burst your bubble, Signor DiMino, but “a buffoon-type person who acts crass and vulgar” sounds like every Italian guy we know from the Jersey shore. Maybe you should stop enhancing the image? I dunno.
“Italian Americans are the largest ethnic group in the Garden State and their contributions to New Jersey and the United States are considerable,” [said Joseph Del Raso, president of the National Italian American Foundation] in a statement. “New Jersey has produced prominent Italian Americans such as Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., General Raymond T. Odierno and Bruce Springsteen. MTV should make a program about that instead.”
No they shouldn’t, because no one wants to see a show about fucking Samuel Alito! What the hell is wrong with you, paisan? Lay off the grappa! And just because the cast of “Jersey Shore” prefers to live in 1983, MTV doesn’t, which means shows about Bruce Springsteen are out. Sorry, amico.
Anyway, the “Jersey Shore” cast signed up of their own accord, right? I mean, it’s hard not to go for a casting call announcing free penne a la vodka and all the Coors Light you can drink. Still, they all probably want to be on TV showing the world how rich they are or something. MTV has a response, natch.
The Italian-American cast takes pride in their ethnicity,” a statement from MTV read. “We understand that this show is not intended for every audience and depicts just one aspect of youth culture.”
Of course they’re proud, cuz it’s all about tats and tans, pomade and pappardelle! Hey, Paulie! Bring me some wine!
DiMino, however, was unmoved by that explanation and is considering further action.
Translation: Sleep with the doors bolted and guns under the pillows, MTV. I’m-a-so scared!
Diversão » Diversão Panicat pode ter recebido R$ 60 mil para posar na 'Playboy'
A panicat Juliana Salimeni pode ter levado R$ 60 mil para tirar a roupa para a revista Playboy. As inimigas desceram a lenha, dizendo que isso é dinheiro de caixinha, cachê de Sexy de aniversário. A assessoria de Juliana tem pavor em falar de cifras e diz que tudo não passa de intriga. Mas como a gente conhece o mercado, e a crise, é bom não descartar nenhuma possibilidade. Afinal, R$ 60 mil não é de se jogar pela janela. E tem gente que faria até de graça. Viva a Julianinha, peladona, sessentona. Ui.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Prontos pra Detonar! 14h45 – Cinema em Casa no Sbt
Gordie e Sean, fãs alucinados de luta livre, fazem loucuras para tentar devolver ao decadente ídolo da dupla, Jimmy King, o cinturão de campeão mundial.
Título Original: “Ready to Rumble” – Elenco: David Arquette; Oliver Platt; Scott Caan; Bill Goldberg – Diretor: Brian Robbins – Origem: EUA / 2000 – Classificação: Livre
The Future of Music
CD sales in the US saw a decrease in 14% in the year 2008. The drop was largely due to “Internet piracy and competition from other forms of entertainment, namely video game” (Music News Net, 2009)
Despite the decrease in CD sales, digital music sales reaped a 32% increase (65.8 millions units) in 2008.
Welcome to the world of music.
What was once only for Aristocrats and church-goes has become something that is so common in our everyday life. Switch on the television, you hear a band’s music video playing on MTV. Step into the shopping mall, it will be hard to find a store that does not play music in it. Take a look at an average teenager’s bag, you would very likely be able to find an iPod or MP3 inside.
The music industry has come a long way. From vinyl to cassette tapes to compact discs (CDs), the digital form seems to be the way to go.
Just check out the number of music streaming sites out there! (and I don’t think that’s all of them!)
However, even as more people purchase digital albums/singles on online music stores like the iTunes store, I believe that there are still people out there who still prefer purchasing the physical album.
“Sigh, if albums cease to exist. Then what about album photos and signatures. Digital media revolution is unpredictable.” -@kellinachin
“maybe its just me, but i’d prefer to have a physical album.. its like a little collection i suppose? =/ #nct” -@leejii
(@kellinachin & @leejii are avid K-pop fans. )
I suppose consumers who like a particular music personality would prefer having a physical album because it contains lyrics and photos of the singer/band. It also serves as a medium where artistes sign on during fan meetings. They are able to collect these albums and I suppose each new album comes as a surprise to these with fans when it’s packaged differently/ the album includes hidden tracks.
Personally, I do not particularly like any music personality. I like singers or bands, because I like their songs. I admire them because they make, in my opinion, good music. (Some of my favourites are Rachael Yamagata and Kings of Convenience!) Hence it doesn’t really affect me much whether I purchase a physical or digital album. To me, I just want to get my music easily at an affordable cost. With the popularity and convenience of MP3s, I transfer songs from the CDs into my iPod and CDs that I’ve bought in the past have become white elephants at home; they are left on my shelf and collect dust.
This brings to my next point- Piracy.
A funny comic about the Internet & Piracy
I’m sure nobody who is tech-savvy can ever deny that they’ve been a pirate before.
No, I don’t mean that pirate!
Let’s face it. Piracy will never be gone. Even with affordable music up for purchase, many would still prefer to get free things. In fact, there has been debate on whether the easy access of digital music leads to more piracy. But I beg to differ.
There was an increasing trend of US teens purchasing music online, from 20% in 2004 to 36% in 2006. Peer-to-peer network (where people share music illegally) dropped 8%.
For me, I wouldn’t mind buying music online if its available to me easily at an affordable price (Oh, iTunes, why aren’t you available in Singapore? I want to be able to get music singles instead of buying one whole album!☹ ) Most artistes create music not only for passion, but for a livelihood. I seriously wouldn’t mind paying for good music, to honour the effort & talent of these artistes. Piracy is as bad as shoplifting, it IS stealing! (even though it’s done on cyberspace) Moreover, paying for music means I won’t need to risk for the fear of getting caught. I don’t have to feel guilty. If digital music is easily available, I believe that there will be people like me with the same mindset; switching from sharing music illegally to purchasing digital music.
Artistes must know how to ride on this digital music wave for their benefit. One example would be Radiohead. In 2007, the band their 7th album, In Rainbows as a digital download. Anyone could order the album and pay any amount that they wanted to.
Guess what happened?
“Upon its retail release, In Rainbows entered the UK Album Chart and the U.S. Billboard 200 at number one; by October 2008, it had sold more than three million copies worldwide in both digital and physical formats. The album earned widespread critical acclaim, and was ranked as one of the best albums of 2007 by several publications. In 2009, the record won two Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Music Album and Best Special Limited Edition Package.”
(extracted from Wikipedia: In Rainbows)
I really admire this approach that the band was willing to take. At the risk of profits, I feel that Radiohead really gave fans the credibility and trust that they’re not out there just to earn fan’s money, but to really produce music that consumers love.
What would the future of music be like? Will CDs die in a couple of years’ time? Will Piracy be more rampant, or would it be less common? I do not know, but one thing I know is that: the demand for music will always be there. No matter what- CDs, digital music or illegal downloads, music will not, and will never die.
Friday, November 20, 2009
TV Globinho ganhará novos apresentadores
A TV Globo vai mudar mais uma vez os apresentadores da TV Globinho.
De acordo com informações do jornal Folha de São Paulo já estão decididos os novos apresentadores. Entre os novos apresentadores estará Giovana Ewbank. A namorada de Bruno Gagliasso dividirá a atração matinal com Mussunzinho, Rafael Ciani, Eduardo Kaká e Lorena Comparato.
“TV Globinho” é lider de audiência nas manhãs da Globo com uma média entre 8 e 10 pontos com pico de 12.
If a genie magically granted me three wishes, one of them would be to erase any knowledge in my brain of Miley Cyrus. I know way too much about this teeny popper than I should. The sad part is that I purposely avoid her, but, much like those stalker Jo Bros, she’s everywhere, spouting absurdities to anyone who will listen. This week, she invaded my realm again inciting a media frenzy when she told Q92 that she hated all things Twilight. So, why does this teeny popper hate the single thing that girls her age around the globe are drooling over 24 hours a day? Well, she claims that she doesn’t believe in it, leading people to think that Cyrus isn’t a fan of mythological creatures, but that can’t be true. She signed on to play a teen fairy in an upcoming film. I suspect there are other reasons behind her weekly outburst. Hmmm, could it be that her arch nemesis Thom Yorke, whom she threatened to destroy because he didn’t want to do a meet and greet with her, is on the New Moon soundtrack? Or could it be that New Moon is all any one can talk about this week and the trailer for Cyrus’s new movie Last Song has been virtually ignored? Who knows the real answer. Remember, this a girl who gave an interview in a locker room dressed like Pocahontas and said she doesn’t like pop music. And there was also that time she posted that picture of her and her little friends making slant eyes and being all derogatory towards Asians. And that other time she said she hated Twitter, which she uses all the time. Seeing a pattern? As Paris Hilton breathes a sigh of relief, Cyrus is turning into the media’s favorite new joke. There is too much going on behind the music for her to be taken seriously. Why can’t the music industry push the serious artists into the mainstream and leave the teeny poppers in the land of indie obscurity? It’s because intelligence is not so easily manipulated nor exploited, duh.
And now a Band of the Week I wish was mainstream…Miike Snow!
I just discovered this super-sweet, Swedish trio. Just one listen and I was hooked. Their sound is very nostalgic yet fresh and new. I love the fusion of 60s reverb, poppy beats, and funk. They just released their first album this year. You must check out the disco worthy “Animal” and the poppy track “Song for No One.” If you’re looking for something a little slower, check out “Faker.” This band is gaining a following in Europe and we are so lucky they will be touring the states in the spring. Don’t miss them on their small club tour. It’s sure to sell out. And you don’t want to miss their fabulous mustaches in person.
Until next time, “Is that all you really have to offer?” Bad Religion - K
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Berlin wall is down
Nov. 8, 1989. All is normal in Berlin. Normal city, normal people and a giant wall (hated by every one of them normal people) sitting in the middle of the town, doing it’s thing, dividing the communists and democrats, setting them straight. Nov. 9, 1989. That wall fell. Mass hysteria, people are happy. Fast forward 20 years. Irish rock band U2 is set to have a free concert commemorating the falling of that exact wall. Organizing that concert is MTV. They give away 10,000 free tickets online, which are gone in a matter of hours. And here’s the kicker. MTV decides that it’s a good idea to build a wall surrounding that 10,000 people so none of those who wasn’t fast enough to get a ticket can enjoy the FREE concert. So to recap, MTV builds a wall surrounding the FREE concert being held for the sole purpose of commemorating the falling of the Berlin wall. People are furious. MTV is dumb. I mean c’mon, wasn’t there at least one guy with half a working brain to say “now that’s just dumb” when the idea was still bouncing in the heads of those who thought of this thing. Any way, that’s that. The 10,000 lucky ones got to see U2 and Jay-Z (surprise act) preforming live in front of Brandenburg Gate, and all the rest got to see a two meter high metal barrier in front of them. Bad move MTV, bad move.
Resumo das Novelas 18/11/2009
Rodrigo e Cíntia se beijam e Bela flagra os dois juntos
Rodrigo diz a Bela que ela é muito importante em sua vida. Luiza diz a Nelson que quer ajudá-lo a reconquistar Bela. O médico fica preocupado com Olga, que não reage aos medicamentos. Cíntia atende ao telefonema de Rodrigo e ele pede que ela vá ao seu encontro o mais rápido possível. Rodrigo revela a Cíntia que ele não é filho de Ricardo. Cíntia diz que vai precisar do apoio de Rodrigo para superar todos os problemas. Eles se beijam e Bela flagra os dois juntos.
Um homem observa Gustavo e Rose se beijando na praia e liga para Verônica
Gustavo teme que Rose tenha sido seguida. Roberto fica furioso por ficar sem gasolina e sem celular no meio da estrada. Tião é obrigado a dormir na cadeia. Dr. Fonseca acredita que Alcino esteja sendo envenenado e Verônica fica nervosa. Um homem observa Gustavo e Rose se beijando na praia e liga para Verônica. Ela avisa a Péricles que vai à casa de praia checar a denúncia que recebeu por telefone. O motorista fica nervoso por não conseguir avisar Gustavo.
Dafne conta para Gabriel que está grávida
Ernani constata a gravidez de Dafne, mas pede que ela faça um exame de sangue para confirmar. Judith contrata Jandir para trabalhar na galeria e lembra que ele será considerado cúmplice se denunciá-la. Pelópidas fica preso no depósito e torce para que Cléo estranhe o seu desaparecimento. Vicente procura Hannah e descobre que ela marcou a data de seu casamento com Benjamin. Gabriel pega o resultado de seu exame. Dafne conta para o marido que está grávida.
Beto teme que Antônio e Nancy contem aos pais de Bernardo sobre a festa na mansão
Bernardo avisa a Nanda que ele e os amigos estão apenas brincando com Cristiana e a convence a não contar a verdade para a irmã. Valentina repreende a atitude de Lucca e o deixa sozinho no cinema. Nanda vê Cristiana de saída para buscar as bebidas e se sente culpada por não contar a verdade para a irmã. Lucca se desculpa com Valentina e os dois marcam de sair novamente. Beto teme que Antônio e Nancy contem aos pais de Bernardo sobre a festa na mansão.
Rudi se arrepende de ter entregado o irmão para Bruno
Bruno afirma a Rudi que vai virar seu inimigo caso ele não entregue o irmão. Rudi garante a Bruno que vai entregar Tony para salvar o resto da família. No quarto de Wagner, Felício acha um papel onde está escrito: “Dívida de Rodrigo. Total: 15 mil”. Dulce dá dinheiro a Nina e diz que Pedro está sendo acusado de matar dois policiais. Rudi liga para Tony e conta que descobriu onde Bruno guarda as armas. Rudi se arrepende de ter entregado o irmão para Bruno.
Rubens e Renata ficam em clima de romance
Ulisses ameaça Klauss de morte. Josias conta a Zé Moreia que o corpo do Diógenes foi encontrado. Eliana conta a Rita que conseguiu o dinheiro para a cirurgia de Fabrício. Klauss pede para se esconder no barco de Zé Moreia. Eunice e Marize contam a Rubens que ele vai ser avô. Tia Cora chega à sala de Rubens e ouve a conversa. Tia Cora diz que não vai permitir que Gustavo case com Marize por obrigação. Rubens e Renata ficam em clima de romance.
Helena conta sobre sua gravidez e Marcos fica surpreso
Léo e Ariane vão ao encontro de Marta, que se emociona ao reencontrar a médica. Helena acorda com o telefonema de Marcos. Ele avisa que vai à casa de Tereza para uma reunião com Miguel. Helena vê as fotos que Bruno mandou e depois sua mensagem. Bruno dança com uma amiga em uma boate. Felipe chega com Fanny e procura por Bruno. Paulo se arruma para o encontro com Soraia e Edite o elogia. Dora reserva a mesa mais romântica para Soraia e Paulo no restaurante. Durante a reunião na casa de Tereza, Miguel é bastante claro e objetivo sobre a condição de Luciana e todos reagem com sofrimento. Onofre fica desconfiado quando Flavinho fala sobre o movimento no restaurante de Garcia. Ele passa lá e Dora fala com ele, mas não consegue impedi-lo de ver Soraia. Onofre exige que a filha vá embora e arruma uma grande confusão no local. Paulo tenta defender a namorada e Garcia expulsa Onofre do restaurante. Dora fica orgulhosa de sua atitude. Raquel, Clarisse, Paixão e Nice não acreditam na explicação que Mia dá para justificar o comportamento frio de Isabel em relação ao acidente da irmã. Bruno e Felipe se encontram na boate. Luciana sonha que está dançando salsa com Miguel. Helena conta para Marcos o que aconteceu entre ela e Luciana, mas ele reage friamente à conversa. Helena conta sobre sua gravidez e Marcos fica surpreso.