Monday, November 30, 2009

Record fecha o elenco de "Os Legendários"

A Record fechou recentemente o elenco de “Os Legendários”, humorístico que pretende lançar no começo do próximo ano com objetivo de se aproximar do público jovem.

Além de Marcos Mion, que estará a frente da atração, também estão confirmados o ator e VJ Felipe Solari, Mia Mello, Marcelo Marrom e Gui Pádua.

Danilo Gentili, do “Custe o Que Custar”, e Eduardo Sterblitch, o Cesar Polvilho do “Pânico na TV”,  foram sondados para o projeto mas preferiram continuar em suas respectivas emissoras. Ambos tiveram seus contratos renovados por cifras mais vantajosas

Assim como disponibilizou um bom orçamento para a contratação de seus apresentadores, a Record também promete uma boa estrutura ao novo programa. Ainda não há uma data prevista para estreia, mas cogita-se que o humorístico irá ao ar nas noites de sábado.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Monstro: Lady Gaga com ombreiras gigantes

Lady Gaga e mais uma roupa exótica

As ombreiras podem ter voltado com tudo na moda, mas Lady Gaga levou a sério demais a tendência em seu mais novo modelito exótico. A cantora lançou o CD The Fame Monster em uma loja em Los Angeles na última segunda-feira, dia 23, e, como de costume, surpreendeu os fãs e a mídia no local.
Desta vez, ela não estava com roupa transaparente ou curtíssima, e sim com uma armação no ombro que a deixava com o visual bem diferente. O traje da loira também não poupava no decote.
The Fame Monster nada mais é do que o relançamento do CD The Fame com a inclusão de algumas músicas inéditas, como Bad Romance, que você confere o videoclipe aqui.


Via: R7


Accessible Music (Content), Anytime!!

Tunes changed how music was discovered. Will services like Spotify and We7 revolutionize the collection and sharing of music? The future appears to be all about anywhere access through streaming, not hoarding.

Up-and-coming UK music startup Spotify is gaining traction in the mobile space as it strikes deals with mobile networks and releases applications across multiple platforms. The site relies on advertising and a paid premium service to provide users with unlimited free music. This simple cloud-based access to music from anywhere through our phones is changing the game—and our behavior.

Ownership of sound has come a long way, ever since it became possible to record it. With the MP3, Kazaa, and iTunes, people began hoarding music and asking their friends, “how many gigabytes of music do you have?” With Rhapsody and now Spotify—as well as We7 and Grooveshark—this entire competition to own the most or best disappears. You already “own” all the music. Downloading it almost seems like a waste of time. In Spotify, every song you ever wanted is available with a simple search and without a download.

This privileging of sharing and universal access over ownership has been trending over the past few years. In 2008 MTV’s MX2 study pointed to an insight around consumer music listening behavior: Owning is more and more about timely access and less about physical possession. There is a difference between being able to physically and forever own music like in 1997, and being able to hear it when you want to, now, and in the moment. This is why mobile streaming is the future of music consumption. Expect this trend to magnify as Mobile broadband penetration starts to increase around the globe.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

MTV to Italian-Americans: Suck it

Yeah, take these people seriously. Especially the guy pointing at the camera.

None other than fair and balanced news source Fox News ran a story about MTV’s new reality show “Jersey Shore” and the ire the show has stirred in two pro-Eye-Tie groups, UNICO and the National Italian American Foundation.

First, UNICO’s website doesn’t do much to change an outsider’s view of Italians as pasta-eating, stool pigeon-shooting goons. Seriously, people. It’s called web 2.0 Look into it.

Second, one of UNCIO’s stated goals is “[t]o promote and enhance the image of Italian Americans [sic].” By that reasoning, they should be totes happy with “Jersey Shore.” After all, this show will no doubt enhance the image many regular Americans have of Italian-Americans: muscle bound dipshits with with too many credit cards and way too much hair gel. Sounds like a win-win!

DiMino said he was most insulted by MTV’s usage of the term “guido” to promote the show, which follows eight youngsters at a beach house in Seaside Heights, N.J., including cast members “Paulie D,” “Jenni J-WOW” and “Vinnie.”

It’s really a buffoon-type person who acts crass and vulgar,” [UNICO National President Andre] DiMino said of the slur. “When we saw those promos, it confirmed our fears. Those promotions are a disgrace.”

Um, we don’t want to burst your bubble, Signor DiMino, but “a buffoon-type person who acts crass and vulgar” sounds like every Italian guy we know from the Jersey shore. Maybe you should stop enhancing the image? I dunno.

“Italian Americans are the largest ethnic group in the Garden State and their contributions to New Jersey and the United States are considerable,” [said Joseph Del Raso, president of the National Italian American Foundation] in a statement. “New Jersey has produced prominent Italian Americans such as Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., General Raymond T. Odierno and Bruce Springsteen. MTV should make a program about that instead.”

No they shouldn’t, because no one wants to see a show about fucking Samuel Alito! What the hell is wrong with you, paisan? Lay off the grappa! And just because the cast of “Jersey Shore” prefers to live in 1983, MTV doesn’t, which means shows about Bruce Springsteen are out. Sorry, amico.

Anyway, the “Jersey Shore” cast signed up of their own accord, right? I mean, it’s hard not to go for a casting call announcing free penne a la vodka and all the Coors Light you can drink. Still, they all probably want to be on TV showing the world how rich they are or something. MTV has a response, natch.

The Italian-American cast takes pride in their ethnicity,” a statement from MTV read. “We understand that this show is not intended for every audience and depicts just one aspect of youth culture.”

Of course they’re proud, cuz it’s all about tats and tans, pomade and pappardelle! Hey, Paulie! Bring me some wine!

DiMino, however, was unmoved by that explanation and is considering further action.

Translation: Sleep with the doors bolted and guns under the pillows, MTV. I’m-a-so scared!


Diversão » Diversão Panicat pode ter recebido R$ 60 mil para posar na 'Playboy'

A panicat Juliana Salimeni pode ter levado R$ 60 mil para tirar a roupa para a revista Playboy. As inimigas desceram a lenha, dizendo que isso é dinheiro de caixinha, cachê de Sexy de aniversário. A assessoria de Juliana tem pavor em falar de cifras e diz que tudo não passa de intriga. Mas como a gente conhece o mercado, e a crise, é bom não descartar nenhuma possibilidade. Afinal, R$ 60 mil não é de se jogar pela janela. E tem gente que faria até de graça. Viva a Julianinha, peladona, sessentona. Ui.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Prontos pra Detonar! 14h45 – Cinema em Casa no Sbt


Prontos pra Detonar

Gordie e Sean, fãs alucinados de luta livre, fazem loucuras para tentar devolver ao decadente ídolo da dupla, Jimmy King, o cinturão de campeão mundial.

Título Original: “Ready to Rumble” – Elenco: David Arquette; Oliver Platt; Scott Caan; Bill Goldberg – Diretor: Brian Robbins – Origem: EUA / 2000 – Classificação: Livre


The Future of Music

CD sales in the US saw a decrease in 14% in the year 2008. The drop was largely due to “Internet piracy and competition from other forms of entertainment, namely video game” (Music News Net, 2009)

Despite the decrease in CD sales, digital music sales reaped a 32% increase (65.8 millions units) in 2008.

Welcome to the world of music.

What was once only for Aristocrats and church-goes has become something that is so common in our everyday life. Switch on the television, you hear a band’s music video playing on MTV. Step into the shopping mall, it will be hard to find a store that does not play music in it. Take a look at an average teenager’s bag, you would very likely be able to find an iPod or MP3 inside.

The music industry has come a long way. From vinyl to cassette tapes to compact discs (CDs), the digital form seems to be the way to go.

Just check out the number of music streaming sites out there! (and I don’t think that’s all of them!)
However, even as more people purchase digital albums/singles on online music stores like the iTunes store, I believe that there are still people out there who still prefer purchasing the physical album.

“Sigh, if albums cease to exist. Then what about album photos and signatures. Digital media revolution is unpredictable.” -@kellinachin

“maybe its just me, but i’d prefer to have a physical album.. its like a little collection i suppose? =/ #nct” -@leejii
(@kellinachin & @leejii are avid K-pop fans. )

I suppose consumers who like a particular music personality would prefer having a physical album because it contains lyrics and photos of the singer/band. It also serves as a medium where artistes sign on during fan meetings. They are able to collect these albums and I suppose each new album comes as a surprise to these with fans when it’s packaged differently/ the album includes hidden tracks.

Personally, I do not particularly like any music personality. I like singers or bands, because I like their songs. I admire them because they make, in my opinion, good music. (Some of my favourites are Rachael Yamagata and Kings of Convenience!) Hence it doesn’t really affect me much whether I purchase a physical or digital album. To me, I just want to get my music easily at an affordable cost. With the popularity and convenience of MP3s, I transfer songs from the CDs into my iPod and CDs that I’ve bought in the past have become white elephants at home; they are left on my shelf and collect dust.

This brings to my next point- Piracy.

A funny comic about the Internet & Piracy

I’m sure nobody who is tech-savvy can ever deny that they’ve been a pirate before.

No, I don’t mean that pirate!
Let’s face it. Piracy will never be gone. Even with affordable music up for purchase, many would still prefer to get free things. In fact, there has been debate on whether the easy access of digital music leads to more piracy. But I beg to differ.

There was an increasing trend of US teens purchasing music online, from 20% in 2004 to 36% in 2006. Peer-to-peer network (where people share music illegally) dropped 8%.

For me, I wouldn’t mind buying music online if its available to me easily at an affordable price (Oh, iTunes, why aren’t you available in Singapore? I want to be able to get music singles instead of buying one whole album!☹ ) Most artistes create music not only for passion, but for a livelihood. I seriously wouldn’t mind paying for good music, to honour the effort & talent of these artistes. Piracy is as bad as shoplifting, it IS stealing! (even though it’s done on cyberspace) Moreover, paying for music means I won’t need to risk for the fear of getting caught. I don’t have to feel guilty. If digital music is easily available, I believe that there will be people like me with the same mindset; switching from sharing music illegally to purchasing digital music.

Artistes must know how to ride on this digital music wave for their benefit. One example would be Radiohead. In 2007, the band their 7th album, In Rainbows as a digital download. Anyone could order the album and pay any amount that they wanted to.

Guess what happened?

“Upon its retail release, In Rainbows entered the UK Album Chart and the U.S. Billboard 200 at number one; by October 2008, it had sold more than three million copies worldwide in both digital and physical formats. The album earned widespread critical acclaim, and was ranked as one of the best albums of 2007 by several publications. In 2009, the record won two Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Music Album and Best Special Limited Edition Package.”
(extracted from Wikipedia: In Rainbows)

I really admire this approach that the band was willing to take. At the risk of profits, I feel that Radiohead really gave fans the credibility and trust that they’re not out there just to earn fan’s money, but to really produce music that consumers love.

What would the future of music be like? Will CDs die in a couple of years’ time? Will Piracy be more rampant, or would it be less common? I do not know, but one thing I know is that: the demand for music will always be there. No matter what- CDs, digital music or illegal downloads, music will not, and will never die.


Friday, November 20, 2009

TV Globinho ganhará novos apresentadores

A TV Globo vai mudar mais uma vez os apresentadores da TV Globinho.

De acordo com informações do jornal Folha de São Paulo já estão decididos os novos apresentadores. Entre os novos apresentadores estará Giovana Ewbank. A namorada de Bruno Gagliasso dividirá a atração matinal com Mussunzinho, Rafael Ciani, Eduardo Kaká e Lorena Comparato.

“TV Globinho” é lider de audiência nas manhãs da Globo com uma média entre 8 e 10 pontos com pico de 12.


If a genie magically granted me three wishes, one of them would be to erase any knowledge in my brain of Miley Cyrus. I know way too much about this teeny popper than I should. The sad part is that I purposely avoid her, but, much like those stalker Jo Bros, she’s everywhere, spouting absurdities to anyone who will listen. This week, she invaded my realm again inciting a media frenzy when she told Q92 that she hated all things Twilight. So, why does this teeny popper hate the single thing that girls her age around the globe are drooling over 24 hours a day? Well, she claims that she doesn’t believe in it, leading people to think that Cyrus isn’t a fan of mythological creatures, but that can’t be true. She signed on to play a teen fairy in an upcoming film. I suspect there are other reasons behind her weekly outburst. Hmmm, could it be that her arch nemesis Thom Yorke, whom she threatened to destroy because he didn’t want to do a meet and greet with her, is on the New Moon soundtrack? Or could it be that New Moon is all any one can talk about this week and the trailer for Cyrus’s new movie Last Song has been virtually ignored? Who knows the real answer. Remember, this a girl who gave an interview in a locker room dressed like Pocahontas and said she doesn’t like pop music. And there was also that time she posted that picture of her and her little friends making slant eyes and being all derogatory towards Asians. And that other time she said she hated Twitter, which she uses all the time. Seeing a pattern? As Paris Hilton breathes a sigh of relief, Cyrus is turning into the media’s favorite new joke. There is too much going on behind the music for her to be taken seriously. Why can’t the music industry push the serious artists into the mainstream and leave the teeny poppers in the land of indie obscurity? It’s because intelligence is not so easily manipulated nor exploited, duh.

And now a Band of the Week I wish was mainstream…Miike Snow!

I just discovered this super-sweet, Swedish trio. Just one listen and I was hooked. Their sound is very nostalgic yet fresh and new. I love the fusion of 60s reverb, poppy beats, and funk. They just released their first album this year. You must check out the disco worthy “Animal” and the poppy track “Song for No One.” If you’re looking for something a little slower, check out “Faker.” This band is gaining a following in Europe and we are so lucky they will be touring the states in the spring. Don’t miss them on their small club tour. It’s sure to sell out. And you don’t want to miss their fabulous mustaches in person.

Until next time, “Is that all you really have to offer?” Bad Religion - K

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Berlin wall is down

Nov. 8, 1989. All is normal in Berlin. Normal city, normal people and a giant wall (hated by every one of them normal people) sitting in the middle of the town, doing it’s thing, dividing the communists and democrats, setting them straight. Nov. 9, 1989. That wall fell. Mass hysteria, people are happy. Fast forward 20 years. Irish rock band U2 is set to have a free concert commemorating the falling of that exact wall. Organizing that concert is MTV. They give away 10,000 free tickets online, which are gone in a matter of hours. And here’s the kicker. MTV decides that it’s a good idea to build a wall surrounding that 10,000 people so none of those who wasn’t fast enough to get a ticket can enjoy the FREE concert. So to recap, MTV builds a wall surrounding the FREE concert being held for the sole purpose of commemorating the falling of the Berlin wall. People are furious. MTV is dumb. I mean c’mon, wasn’t there at least one guy with half a working brain to say “now that’s just dumb” when the idea was still bouncing in the heads of those who thought of this thing. Any way, that’s that. The 10,000 lucky ones got to see U2 and Jay-Z (surprise act) preforming live in front of Brandenburg Gate, and all the rest got to see a two meter high metal barrier in front of them. Bad move MTV, bad move.

Resumo das Novelas 18/11/2009

Rodrigo e Cíntia se beijam e Bela flagra os dois juntos

Rodrigo diz a Bela que ela é muito importante em sua vida. Luiza diz a Nelson que quer ajudá-lo a reconquistar Bela. O médico fica preocupado com Olga, que não reage aos medicamentos. Cíntia atende ao telefonema de Rodrigo e ele pede que ela vá ao seu encontro o mais rápido possível. Rodrigo revela a Cíntia que ele não é filho de Ricardo. Cíntia diz que vai precisar do apoio de Rodrigo para superar todos os problemas. Eles se beijam e Bela flagra os dois juntos.

Um homem observa Gustavo e Rose se beijando na praia e liga para Verônica

Gustavo teme que Rose tenha sido seguida. Roberto fica furioso por ficar sem gasolina e sem celular no meio da estrada. Tião é obrigado a dormir na cadeia. Dr. Fonseca acredita que Alcino esteja sendo envenenado e Verônica fica nervosa. Um homem observa Gustavo e Rose se beijando na praia e liga para Verônica. Ela avisa a Péricles que vai à casa de praia checar a denúncia que recebeu por telefone. O motorista fica nervoso por não conseguir avisar Gustavo.

Dafne conta para Gabriel que está grávida

Ernani constata a gravidez de Dafne, mas pede que ela faça um exame de sangue para confirmar. Judith contrata Jandir para trabalhar na galeria e lembra que ele será considerado cúmplice se denunciá-la. Pelópidas fica preso no depósito e torce para que Cléo estranhe o seu desaparecimento. Vicente procura Hannah e descobre que ela marcou a data de seu casamento com Benjamin. Gabriel pega o resultado de seu exame. Dafne conta para o marido que está grávida.

Beto teme que Antônio e Nancy contem aos pais de Bernardo sobre a festa na mansão

Bernardo avisa a Nanda que ele e os amigos estão apenas brincando com Cristiana e a convence a não contar a verdade para a irmã. Valentina repreende a atitude de Lucca e o deixa sozinho no cinema. Nanda vê Cristiana de saída para buscar as bebidas e se sente culpada por não contar a verdade para a irmã. Lucca se desculpa com Valentina e os dois marcam de sair novamente. Beto teme que Antônio e Nancy contem aos pais de Bernardo sobre a festa na mansão.

Rudi se arrepende de ter entregado o irmão para Bruno

Bruno afirma a Rudi que vai virar seu inimigo caso ele não entregue o irmão. Rudi garante a Bruno que vai entregar Tony para salvar o resto da família. No quarto de Wagner, Felício acha um papel onde está escrito: “Dívida de Rodrigo. Total: 15 mil”. Dulce dá dinheiro a Nina e diz que Pedro está sendo acusado de matar dois policiais. Rudi liga para Tony e conta que descobriu onde Bruno guarda as armas. Rudi se arrepende de ter entregado o irmão para Bruno.

Rubens e Renata ficam em clima de romance

Ulisses ameaça Klauss de morte. Josias conta a Zé Moreia que o corpo do Diógenes foi encontrado. Eliana conta a Rita que conseguiu o dinheiro para a cirurgia de Fabrício. Klauss pede para se esconder no barco de Zé Moreia. Eunice e Marize contam a Rubens que ele vai ser avô. Tia Cora chega à sala de Rubens e ouve a conversa. Tia Cora diz que não vai permitir que Gustavo case com Marize por obrigação. Rubens e Renata ficam em clima de romance.

Helena conta sobre sua gravidez e Marcos fica surpreso

Léo e Ariane vão ao encontro de Marta, que se emociona ao reencontrar a médica. Helena acorda com o telefonema de Marcos. Ele avisa que vai à casa de Tereza para uma reunião com Miguel. Helena vê as fotos que Bruno mandou e depois sua mensagem. Bruno dança com uma amiga em uma boate. Felipe chega com Fanny e procura por Bruno. Paulo se arruma para o encontro com Soraia e Edite o elogia. Dora reserva a mesa mais romântica para Soraia e Paulo no restaurante. Durante a reunião na casa de Tereza, Miguel é bastante claro e objetivo sobre a condição de Luciana e todos reagem com sofrimento. Onofre fica desconfiado quando Flavinho fala sobre o movimento no restaurante de Garcia. Ele passa lá e Dora fala com ele, mas não consegue impedi-lo de ver Soraia. Onofre exige que a filha vá embora e arruma uma grande confusão no local. Paulo tenta defender a namorada e Garcia expulsa Onofre do restaurante. Dora fica orgulhosa de sua atitude. Raquel, Clarisse, Paixão e Nice não acreditam na explicação que Mia dá para justificar o comportamento frio de Isabel em relação ao acidente da irmã. Bruno e Felipe se encontram na boate. Luciana sonha que está dançando salsa com Miguel. Helena conta para Marcos o que aconteceu entre ela e Luciana, mas ele reage friamente à conversa. Helena conta sobre sua gravidez e Marcos fica surpreso.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Prévias da Estréia de A Fazenda 2 Em Algumas Capitais

São Paulo – 19 de média (23 de pico)

Brasília- DF- 35 de média (39 de pico)

Belo Horizonte – MG- 18 de média (23 de pico)

Fortaleza – CE- 37 de média (42 de pico)

Florianópolis – SC – 17 de média (22 de pico)

Curitiba-PR – 23 de média (26 de pico)

Salvador – BA – 20 de média (26 de pico)

A Soapbox Moment: MTV's "Love Bites"

I’ve contemplated several days about this, deciding whether or not I wanted to write about this or not. But, seeing how people keep asking my opinion on it all, I think I should do this and I’ll let you allfigure out what you think.

Last week, MTV sent me a press release about 2 new shows they are planning on showing later tonight, one called “Love Bites” and “New Moon Revealed.” Here are the descriptions they sent to me:

“Love Bites” gets up close and personal chronicling the budding rumored romance between Pattinson and Stewart from its early stages through present day. MTV digs into the archives to give viewers a look at their first, very intimate audition on a casting couch and their first interview, where the two candidly talk about nights spent together. Hitting the streets of Vancouver and Portland where the films were shot, viewers will find out what goes on when the cast has down time and what local bars, restaurants and locations they frequent, as well as hear from people who see them when they are off camera. From rumors of an engagement, to nasty break-ups and even nights with other celebrities, the love life obsession with the cast is at an all-time high, so when it comes to “Twilight,” love certainly bites.

In “New Moon Revealed” MTV News will continue to provide fans with unrivaled access to the “Twilight” saga. Hosted by Kim Stolz, this 30-minute special will be anchored from “New Moon” mall events in Los Angeles and Chicago, and will prominently feature the die-hard fans of the series as they gather to get close to the actors they’ve worshipped from afar. In the show, MTV News will countdown the five hottest, most burning questions fans of the “Twilight” series want answered — from exploring how stardom has changed Robert Pattinson, to finding out whether Kristen Stewart is on Team Edward or Team Jacob, to telling the behind-the-scenes story of how Taylor Lautner almost lost the role of Jacob, MTV News has all the answers.

So, I really have no issue with the latter of the two, other then I am getting a bit burned out on all the New Moon and I probably won’t be watching it. Friday is coming up fast and furious so I don’t need all this piblicity now to hold me over. We are almost there! ::happy dance::

But this whole “Love Bites” thing is kind of rubbing me the wrong way. After I read the description, I felt a bit sick about it all.

Here is thing, whether or not Rob and Kristen are in a relationship is kind of a moot point to me. If they are, great. If they aren’t, great. Whatever it is, they have both pretty much stated that it is not something they want out in the public. I don’t blame them. It’s nice to have ONE thing that is solely yours, something that you know that no one else knows. But it seems like MTV was waiting in the wings with this show and as soon as they saw something that appeared to be a “public outing” of Robsten (which to me, a super duper zoom lens papz photo is not “public”), they threw out this show about their relationship, really focusing on the “romance” part.

Not cool MTV. What do you not get about keeping it private? Keeping whatever is or isn’t going on between them private is obviously important to them, so why can’t you respect that.

The audition tape is something Rob doesn’t seem proud of, so I’m kind of luke warm about that because it is property of Summit, most likely. I watched the How to Be ones, but they were officially released as extras on the DVD, so at least Rob had to give some kind of okay to use them. But the ones for Twilight? I don’t know about that.

And showing all the areas the cast like to hang out yet seems off. So, rumor is Breaking Dawn will be filmed in Portland, and you are going to give away every hang out in Portland? Sucks for Rob and Kristen if they have to go back there.

It just seems like MTV is trying to add more fuel to the fire, which is not necessary. There are plenty of other “lesser” news outlets doing a great job at that. Seems very OK! Magazine to me, if I am being honest.

So here is the thing MTV… How about you get out of the gossip industry and do what you used to do? Play music! I just don’t understand what happened. I miss the days of music videos, hearing new stuff and news on musicians.

I guess I don’t get it. Maybe I am totally overreacting to this, but I’m not feeling this show. What do you all think? Will you be watching this tonight?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wale: "Jay-Z is the hardest working person in music"

Wale Says His Boss Jay-Z ‘Leads By Example’
“He’s like the godfather of Roc-A-Fella, Roc Nation and Roc everything,” he said. “He leads by example. Everything that he does, he makes good decisions. One thing that people don’t understand is that he’s like the hardest-working person in music, period. Not black music, not white music — the hardest-working person in music, period!”

Wale said he’s glad Jay-Z has had success critically and commercially with The Blueprint 3. He’s seen Jay’s hard work take him from Yankee Stadium to Canada to Berlin and not miss a beat.

Wale, who is signed to Jay’s Roc Nation, said he realizes he isn’t the label’s “go-to guy,” but he’s willing to play his position and make quality music. He thinks his grind is similar to Jay’s when he first broke onto the scene.
“I told [Jay-Z], ‘I feel like you in ‘94,’ ” Wale recalled. “Everybody’s not screaming my name like they were for ‘Pac and Biggie at that time, but I got a strong fanbase that’s growing slowly and people know that my time is coming.”

Yup, Wale gives props where props are due! loves it.

Audiência: "Primeiro Jornal" e "São Paulo Acontece" continuam em baixa na Band

A Band ainda não emplacou os dois noticiários que exibe diariamente em suas manhãs. O “Primeiro Jornal” e o “São Paulo Acontece” seguem com baixos índices de audiência e são preteridos pelo telespectador, que optam pelos jornais da Globo e Record.

Na manhã da última quinta-feira (12), o “Primeiro Jornal”, comandado por Fernando Vieira de Mello, marcou apenas 0,2 de média. O jornal ocupou a quinta colocação no ranking do Ibope, sendo derrotado pela RedeTV!, SBT, Record e Globo.

Na sequência, o “São Paulo Acontece” elevou os índices do “Primeiro Jornal” porém não de forma suficiente para que uma boa média fosse atingida. Exibido entre 07h30 e 08h00, o informativo registrou 0,7 de média, em quarto lugar no Ibope.

Esses índices são prévios e baseados na preferência de um seleto grupo de telespectadores da Grande São Paulo.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'Twilight' Author Stephenie Meyer To Sit Down With Oprah Winfrey This Friday

‘Twilight’ Author Stephenie Meyer To Sit Down With Oprah Winfrey This Friday by Jocelyn Vena

Stephenie Meyer wanted to make it clear when she announced that she would be a guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” Friday, that this was going to be her one big interview about “New Moon.” Arguably, Oprah is kind of a big deal, so we get it. The “Twilight” author took to her blog to announce that she was excited to chat with the talk show maven when she sits down with her on Friday (November 13). Yes, the author extraordinaire will be stopping by “Oprah” on — wait for it — Friday the 13th!

“You know I’ve been doing the hermit thing this last year, in so far as media is concerned, and I’m not changing that now, but I am making an exception,” she wrote on her website. “I’m doing this for a good reason: I am so pleased and amazed and thrilled with what Chris Weitz has done with ‘New Moon’ that I want to talk about it, and to show my support for him. And since I’m only doing one interview, better make it big. Really big. So….I will be on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ on Friday, November 13th.”

Stephenie also announced that on “‘New Moon’ Premiere Day as it is known around my house,” November 16th, she would take to to post answers to questions that fans ask. Though she noted, she’s just really ready for the fans to finally get the chance to see the much-hyped movie. “I’m so very excited that you’ll all get to see ‘New Moon!’” she wrote. “Then you’ll see what I’m going on about.”



this is a friggen travesty. mtv has done it again. i stumbled upon this promo below. it is for a show called “jersey shore,” which features douchebag guidos taking over the bar/club scene for the summer. gag me. i saw these guys filming all over seaside this summer. and naturally, they were assholes.

as a jersey shore girl myself, i want to make a public service announcement. GO HOME. no offense to you north jersians and new yorkers (hell, i love ny!), but i don’t come to your neighborhood acting like a jerk and claiming i’m the local. sorry for the hostileness, but this is a sore subject for me.

if you bennies want to go to the clubs fist-pumping with your overly-geled hair and wife beaters, by means go ahead. helps the local economy. and i am not a big club-goer. but don’t go getting in fights with locals about how you own this town and blah blah. we don’t care. and please, just please, wear appropriate attire to the beach. skimpy barely-there bikinis are not attractive.

once again, i apologize for my candor on the subject, but all we ask is for you to be respectful, spend your money and then go the hell home. this post is long overdue and clearly pent up anger from this past summer when i couldn’t stop at a bar, the beach or drive to wawa without getting in some kind of argument (which reminds me–please DRIVE better).

love, sharon

ps. i will be boycotting this show until curiousity gets the best of me. consequently, i will hate myself for letting mtv get the best of me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Fire in the Disco, fire in the Taco Bell"

Hello once again good people of blogworld. I felt that it was about time I posted again as it’s been nearly a month, my excuse if you’re interested is that I started a new job just about a month ago and I have been just a little busy. But enough of that and on with the post!

Have you read in the press about the celebrations accompanying the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall? I can’t believe that it was 20 years ago, can you? Anyway part of the celebrations involved a concert near the site of the old east-west barrier which included a twenty minute set from U2. The whole shebang was promoted and I believe set up by MTV. I assume that they have some highly paid and highly skilled PR people working for them. Highly paid maybe but highly skilled I doubt very much. Why do I draw this conclusion? Well largely because in their infinite wisdom MTV decided to ensure that the 10,000 ticket holders were going to be the only people that would see the stage. How did they do this? Well they built a wall of course! Did no one see the irony in this? Many German Radio Stations with tickets to give away in competitions sent them back in protest and I must say that I don’t blame them. You can read about it here

Even the combined weight of the giant members of U2 couldn't crush MTV's Berlin Wall

It’s been a while since I last posted any criticism of the banking industry, but now those poor impoverished bankers (apologies I should have started that with a W rather than a B shouldn’t I?) are getting close to their bonus levels of old the time is surely ripe. What I will never understand is how a bunch of people who came close to destroying the whole industry and have caused serious damage to the world economy should be paid any form of bonus? What the f*ck is that all about. Anyway if that wasn’t bad enough it has been brought to my attention that Wall Street Banks Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley have bullied their way to the front of the queue for the swine flu vaccine H1N1. At the same time many health care workers, pregnant women and people at risk are still waiting. Click here to read the story. It used to be said that in the event of a nuclear catastrophe in the world the creatures that would survive and thrive in post apocalyptic times would be rats and cockroaches. I believe that is still essentially true, however I think that bankers should also be added to that list although perhaps they are just rats and cockroaches already! What do you think? OK as I have said many times before that this is essentially a music blog so let me bring so music into it, something relevant to the story of course.

“Rat In Mi Kitchen” – UB40. The band bought their first instruments with £4,000 compensation that former lead singer Ali Campbell received from injuries he received in a bar fight as a 17-year-old. Compensation people, not a bonus ok!

“Reward” – Teardrop Explodes. One of the bands early singles was “Bouncing Babies” which actually had its own tribute song released by the Freshies, “I Can’t Get Bouncing Babies By The Teardrop Explodes“

A banker with swine flu.........'nuff said!

Another story in yesterdays newspaper was about yet another failure in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Cerne. It has just been returned to service after nearly a year out of action and £23 million of repairs following a serious electrical fault in September 2008. The LHC in simple terms is trying to recreate conditions that existed just before the Big Bang that created the universe billions of years ago. The search for the elusive ‘god particle’ was stopped this time by another power cut. How was this caused? Well when an LHC support worker found the source of the outage he found a piece of bread being eaten by a bird! I wonder if the bread was the remains of an LHC workers lunch or was it manna from heaven? I thought I’d include the last comment to placate any creationists that might be reading this, you’re wrong but at least I placated you! You can read the Guardian’s article on this incident by clicking here. I must add that this is also one of the headlines of the year too! Big Bang Goes Phut As Bird Drops Baguette Into Cern Machinery!

This time those boffins at the large hadron collider in Cern had made sure that their plans for a big bang would not be upset by some bird brained idea. Crustice had to be seen to be done

“Danger High Voltage” – Electric Six. A rather excellent song and listen out for the counter point vocal from none other than Jack White off of the White Stripes, Raconteurs and Dead Weather

And finally I simply have to mention ITV’s X Factor, sadly I have been hooked beyond the point where all the no hopers have gone (well except for john and Edward, although more about them later). Finally this week John and Edward (or Jedward as the tabloids have christened them) made it into the bottom two this weekend. I would have expected Simon Cowell to use his casting vote to cast them out, but he chose to put it to the public vote which meant that Lucie Jones leaves the show. I never have had any respect for Louis Walsh but I used to maintain a degree of respect for Mr Cowell. However that has completely gone now. Given the opportunity to rid us of Jedward he copped out, or did he simply want to get rid of the act most likely to beat one of the acts he is mentoring. At this point I really hope that Jedward win the competition, not because I think that they have any talent or deserve to win, but simply because that would mean Mr Cowell would have to give these two walking toilet brushes a £1 million recording contract. Perhaps that would finally kill off awful TV shows like X Factor. Big Brother is dead now let’s kill the X Factor!

John and Edward

Two toilet brushes

Pro.So Presents 2 You ~~~~~~>Shawna Michelle


SHeeeeeeeeeeeeSH……South Carolina’s Ya Girl Holdin Yall Down!!



















Shawna Michelle
Atlanta, GA/Charlotte, NC/Beaufort, SC
How did you get involved in the modeling world? A good friend of mines booked me a professional photo shoot and I fell in love with modeling.

Do you think its possible to maintain a relationship while modeling?
It is possible only if the guy supports what you do. Most guys act like they can handle it at first, then they fall in love and what to change their outlook on what you are doing. I just got out of a relationship and part of this was the problem.
How can a guy get your attention if he’s interested in sweeping you off your feet?
To get my attention is not hard. Someone who is true and real is what catches my eye. Doing the small things will sweep me off my feet.

Do you have a particular diet that you try to follow?
Not really. I just dont eat fried foods or any fatty foods. Exercise is also important. I try to get it in about three times a week.

So I’ve heard a rumor that modesl only talk to guys who can make them famous, is this true, in your opinion?
I can see why models would do that, but earning something on your own is so much more self satisfying. I don’t need a famous guy to put me on the map. He may end up destroying my career rather than helping it. Achieving success on your own is something you can brag about and tell people “Yeah i did this all by myself!!!”

Favorite vacation spot?
 I dont really have one. But i would love to go to the Cayman Islands again. Its so lovely there!
With all the different talents and beautiful women in your industry, do you find it difficult to stand out?
I look at modeling as the rap game. Its the same thing. There is a place for everyone. The thing is everyone can’t get their shine on all at the same time. You have to be patient and play your position. Your time will come. Anyone on their grind and hustle will stand out. Taking photos and looking pretty on the internet is just a stepping stone. What are you doing after that to become rich and famous? Photos will never make someone stand out, its your grind. I possess that grind mentality so I WILL stand out.
Im pretty sure your familiar with the new phenomenom of Butt/Breast implants. Do you feel that this is a good idea for women to have done to themselves?
I will never do anything of that nature unless it was health related. But i feel women get these things done to themselves for male attention. Women must realize that the magazines and videos are for arousement purposes. At the end of the day, a guy will fuck a video vixen and then move on to the next one. So why go through all this stress and possible death to be something someone will want for about 20 minutes????

What determines if your interested in being apart of a music video?
I do my research on the artist. They must be a rising star or already an A-lister. There is no point of doing a video that will get you no where. Also the song has to be hot. The director has to be well known and has a lot of awesome videos under his belt.

Favorite type of guy, “HOOD vs. SUBURBAN?
It doesn’t matter. I love them all as long as they are a good guy and supports my goals.
If you had the choice between an UGLY guy with a BIG d*** versus a HANDSOM guy with a SMALL d***, which would you choose, LoL ?
D*** size doesnt really matter. So in this case i would choose none of the above. lol! I rather have an ugly or handsome guy with a small or big d*** as long as he knows how to work it and eat some good p***y.

In your opinion what is the most overly used phrase in the hip hop community?The word “swag” is overly used.

Who wins in a rap battle between Nicki Minaj vs. Foxy Brown?
Foxy Brown. She may be crazy but she can rap.
How can potential photographers reach you? (myspace,facebook,twitter ect…)

I am always on twitter so dont be afraid to tweet me. Also on myspace: and also modelmayhem:

On behalf of the entire Pro.So staff we appreciate your time and pray nothing but the best in all your future endeavours…God Bless
Thank you! I appreciate you featuring me!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Europe Music Awards 2009, οι νικητές

Νικήτρια των φετινών EMA’s είναι η Beyonce η οποία έφυγε με 3 βραβεία, καλύτερου video για το “Single Ladies”, αυτό του καλύτερου τραγουδιού για το “Halo” καθώς και αυτό της καλύτερης γυναίκας καλλιτέχνιδας. Στην ίδια οικογένεια (το πήρε ο Jay-Z), πήγε και το βραβείο του καλύτερου urban καλλιτέχνη. Καλύτεροι rock αναδείχθηκαν οι Green Day, νεοανερχόμενος καλλιτέχνης η Lady Gaga και το βραβείο του καλύτερου άνδρα καλλιτέχνη πήρε ο Eminem. Αναλυτικά οι νικητές εδώ.

Απολαύστε την ερμηνεία της Beyonce στα EMA’s και ετοιμαστείτε να την δείτε από κοντά αύριο Κυριακή 8/11.


木兰情 – 孙燕姿

作词:易家扬 作曲:李偲松

这是谁的沙漠 我忘了我是谁
又是谁 让这天灰

我问天 是白是黑


沧海世界 一眼成灰


我问天 是白是黑


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Hills: This Show Is as Fake as Heidi's Face. And Audrina's Boobs.

My Tuesday nights typically look like this:

After class I put on my workout clothes and head over to the gym for a 5pm yoga class. When yoga is over and I’m good and centered (and quite limber), I head home, cook myself something healthy (last night it was chili…good thing that happened after yoga) then run to my friend’s apartment to get inspired by The Biggest Loser. And drool for Bob. And when that two hours is done and I’m feeling happy, good and healthy…I come home and watch The Hills.

Which makes me feel shallow, angry…and in the mood for something unhealthy and dipped in chocolate.

I know that no one is forcing me to watch this sh*tshow, but no matter how annoying it has become, I’ve been watching these kids since the beginning and I refuse to quit now. Mama didn’t raise no quitter! But that doesn’t mean I don’t hate all 22 minutes of it. Two of which (yes, I was timing it) were taken up by long and angry stares last night.

I guess my main problem with the show these days is that MTV isn’t even trying to convince us of its reality anymore. It’s like they know we’re hooked so they don’t even try to explain anything. Whereas it used to be that they claimed these kids were living their real lives in their 20’s and MTV was just along for the ride, now no one works, but everyone seems to live in giant houses and drive around in $80,000 cars.

Did Audrina purchase that Mercedes with her internship at the record label?
Did Heidi and Spencer afford that house in the Hollywood Hills on Spencer’s….wait, can you make money from sitting around reading magazines all day?
And how did Stephanie afford her total reconstructive surgery?

Well, on second thought, she probably saved a ton of money when she stopped eating…

Anyways, that’s not the point. Despite the fact that these people aren’t living a life even close to reality, I watch because I love the drama. And stupidity. And long, angry stares. And there was a little of each last night.

The drama:
The fight between Kristin and Audrina, which went a little something like this:
Kristin: Blah, blah, fake nice, blah, blah
Audrina: Blah, blah, Justin Bobby and I had drinks and he doesn’t like you, blah, blah, fake smile with big teeth
Kristin: YOU BITCH
Audrina: Stares blankly in the distance

Aaaaaand end scene. Well done, girls. Well done, indeed.

The stupidity:
Did Spencer really keep two dogs sitting in a bag all day and then give them to Heidi right when their “big” party started? Because I’m sure having a bunch of drunk d-bags over is the perfect opportunity to bring two living, breathing, needy babies into the house.

The long, angry stares:
Kristin and Justin Bobby, obviously. And I know we see the staring a lot on this show, but I swear I thought they were having an old-school staring contest this time. It went on forever. And, seriously, I never really understand why these people meet at really good restaurants to have fights and break up. No one ever gets to eat anything and they’re just taking a table from someone who might want to. Can’t they do it like real people and just send a text?

Or just never call back?

God, this show is so fake!



#25 Vanilla Ice

Best of?!?! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

Species Name: Onehitwonderus Whoricus

“Alright stop, collaborate and listen, Ice is back” with the same fucking song he’s been singing for the last twenty years.  I know, I know, Vanilla Ice doesn’t seem like such a timely victim to be thinned from the herd, but that was before this aired on the “Early Show” this morning:

Robert Van Winkle, aka Vanilla Ice, I bow my head to you for being the first white boy to take the rapping world by storm.  The guy does deserve some accolades, after all, “Ice Ice Baby” was the first hip hop song to top the Billboard single chart and the album the hit was on became the fastest selling hip hop album of all time.  Not to mention the fact that every suburban white kid at my school, including myself, knew the words to “Ice Ice Baby.”  Now that all that flattery is out of the way, lets get down to the nitty gritty.  Vanilla Ice just won’t go the fuck away.  He couldn’t go quietly into the night like such one hit wonders as Dexy’s Midnight Runners and Chumbawumba. No, this shit stick had to wear out his welcome by not only changing his music style to crappy hard rock, but then still expecting everyone to buy his crappy hard rock albums. Instead of trying to reinvent yourself, why couldn’t you just quit while you were ahead?  Actually I know why, because he’s a walking celebrity cliche and has too big of a drug habit to support.

So once again you have made your way back into the mainstream thanks to the Early Show having some bullshit segment on what was cool twenty years ago.  Although I don’t think you should have delusions of grandeur about being too cool to perform your one hit, I also think it’s a tad bit pathetic that you seem to whore yourself out for any opportunity to perform the one song that made you socially relevant.  It’s sad to think that by imagining a world sans Vanilla Ice, a major portion of my childhood would be stripped away from me…but nobody said this job would be easy.

In a world where Vanilla Ice didn’t exist to make all future white boy rappers the laughing stock of the hip hop world:

  • We’d all have that $6 back that we spent on going to see one of the worst movies of all time, Cool as Ice.  Don’t act like you weren’t stoked when that movie came out…

    • The “Surreal Life” would’ve been forced to find another washed up celebrity to be on their show, what a dilemma…
    • Todd Bridges would’ve had to fight another washed up celebrity on “Celebrity Boxing.”
    • We would’ve never been able to witness this amazing meltdown broadcast on MTV:

    • No one would’ve been able to look so ridiculous in glittery jump suits and whatever that hairdo was:

    • On a sad note, we would never have gotten to experience the “Ninja Rap” in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze:

    • Florida would be minus one more crazy, white trashy, spouse abusing, drug using, self destructive loser.

    We all had fun singing “Ice Ice Baby,” but now its time for it to die along with Vanilla Ice.  Unfortunately, unless this clown is locked up in the slammer, he’ll keep pushing his crappy straight edge rock and whoring himself out to anyone who wants to pay him to sing “Ice Ice Baby” for fifty bucks.  Hey Vanilla, I’ll pay you fifty bucks to sing “Ninja Rap” and then jump off a building, how bout that?

    But one has to have dreams right?