Friday, January 29, 2010

Eye See Sound

MTV has graduated, and now it’s in the real world, it has to work hard for it’s money and it just doesn’t get as excited about stuff as it used to. It’s wondering if it should get a mortgage, move in with its long-term girlfriend, or give it all up and bum around the world. Either way, its tired, and music isn’t its number one priority anymore.

So what do you do if you want to discover new music, irreverent humour, new artists and a plethora of randomness all under one virtual roof? Here’s what you do…Eye See Sound is like MTV’s younger brother  and a comrade in arms of VBS, with mix tapes tailored to niche genres and live sessions, which keep you in the loop of London’s monstrously untamed and sprawling musical scene. Eye See Sound are likely to pop down to the Caged Bird Sings opening night to film proceedings, so please take some time to visit their website and find some clicky awesomeness on every page.


Tool Academy 3 premieres February 14, on VH1: Meet the cast

Well that was fast. seems like only yesterday Tool Academy 2 ended. Now there’s a new class of ‘Tools’ you can watch and make fun of. However, this time around, there’s a lesbian couple.  Also, you may recognize one of the ‘Tools’ in one of the pictures below. In case you don’t, the contestant named Jennavecia was on the second season of Oxygen’s The Bad Girls Club.  Tool Academy 3 premieres on VH1 on February, 14. What a nice way to spend V-Day. >>Sarcasm>>


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

David Archuleta Web Buzzzz :)

David Archuleta Sings Prayers For Children

David Archuleta Sings Prayers For ChildrenDavid Archuleta just didn’t have a message for his MTVviewers and fans during last Friday’s Hope for Haiti telethon, he had a song.

MTV correspondent Jim Cantiello is the one to thank for the impromptu song. He posts on the Newsroom’s site, “I casually tweeted that we had witnessed a spur-of-the-moment mini-concert from Archuleta, and within seconds my Twitter was inundated with pleas fromDavid diehards desperate to see the video footage that I had just bragged about. What started as half-joking bribes of cupcakes snowballed into a virtual cupcake drive.”

Jim finished up, “By Tuesday afternoon, a generous group of fans had raised $3,850 in mine and David Archuleta’s names!”

You can check out the virtual cupcake drive timeline at Peace.Love.Cupcake. || SOURCE

David Archuleta Sings Backstage “Hope For Haiti” Telethon, Fans Raise Money – VIDEO

David Archuleta sings backstage at the Hope For Haiti Telethon, (he was answering phones during the telecast) and the fans pony up. Jim Cantiello of MTV News tells the story:

MTV News correspondent Sway chatted with several of the participants of the telethon Friday night, including Archuleta (or as I call him, Archupuppy or Archadorable — depending on my mood). Sway noticed that David was humming to himself before their interview began, so when it came time to roll tape, he asked the “Idol” star if he wanted to share a song with the world.

This should come as no surprise to Archie’s fans, but David happily obliged and treated MTV News to an impromptu (and heart-stoppingly gorgeous) rendition of Kurt Bestor’s “Prayer of the Children.”

Video after the JUMP…

I casually tweeted that we had witnessed a spur-of-the-moment mini-concert from Archuleta, and within seconds my Twitter was inundated with pleas from David diehards desperate to see the video footage that I had just bragged about. What started as half-joking bribes of cupcakes snowballed into a virtual cupcake drive. To donate to the Haiti relief effort, send a TwitPic of a cupcake to @jambajim! (You can see this ingenious idea develop by checking out the timeline on Peace Love Cupcakes.)

By Tuesday afternoon, a generous group of fans had raised $3,850 in mine and David Archuleta’s names! As David would say, “Oh my gosh, Ashley!!”

Impressive. Both David’s singing and the efforts by his fans to raise money for Haiti! || SOURCE

David Archuleta Sings For Haiti, Superfans Raise Big Bucks

Last Friday’s “Hope for Haiti Now” telethon was a smashing success. Not only did it raise a stupendous amount of money for earthquake survivors in Haiti, but it also spread the word that the generosity needs to continue through the coming months. The fans of “American Idol” alum David Archuleta took that message to heart and spent their weekend raising even more money for Haiti in the form of a “virtual cupcake drive,” partially in my honor. Seriously!

Here’s the story: MTV News correspondent Sway chatted with several of the participants of the telethon Friday night, including Archuleta (or as I call him, Archupuppy or Archadorable — depending on my mood). Sway noticed that David was humming to himself before their interview began, so when it came time to roll tape, he asked the “Idol” star if he wanted to share a song with the world.

This should come as no surprise to Archie’s fans, but David happily obliged and treated MTV News to an impromptu (and heart-stoppingly gorgeous) rendition of Kurt Bestor’s “Prayer of the Children.”

I casually tweeted that we had witnessed a spur-of-the-moment mini-concert from Archuleta, and within seconds my Twitter was inundated with pleas from David diehards desperate to see the video footage that I had just bragged about. What started as half-joking bribes of cupcakes snowballed into a virtual cupcake drive. To donate to the Haiti relief effor, send a TwitPic of a cupcake to @jambajim! (You can see this ingenious idea develop by checking out the timeline on Peace Love Cupcakes.)

By Tuesday afternoon, a generous group of fans had raised $3,850 in mine and David Archuleta’s names! As David would say, “Oh my gosh, Ashley!!”

So to @janey79, @karenkid, @momJulee, @BeckyFOD, all the David Archuleta fan sites and blogs who helped spread the word (as well as the dozens of fans who donated money), I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my “Idol”-addicted heart. Your dedication and ingenuity is an inspiration to us all. They don’t call you guys “Arch Angels” for nothing.

Read more here:
David Archuleta Sings For Haiti, Superfans Raise Big Bucks || SOURCE


Friday, January 22, 2010

"Situation" Conflict

I make my living walking dogs, in northern Brooklyn, just a few subway stops from Manhattan. I’ve been running my own business for six years (next month), and it’s been a wonderful opportunity for me to not only spend hours each day with my favorite of life forms – dogs – but it’s also afforded me the opportunity for mental downtime, allowing me to free up all of my thoughts so creative ideas can flow my way. I’ve written two screenplays as well as several short stories and short plays and have used my dog time as a means to formulate many of my creative ideas.

So, what I’m thinking here is to supply, to the Blogosphere, my observations of what’s been happening here, on the ground, of this planet earth. I’m just a week shy of turning forty-four, and, at times, I feel as though I’m ninety, having entered that old-age demographic of those who just don’t seem to understand all the advances that have occurred in their lifetime. For you younger ones, the internet was not happening until I was well out of college – scary, eh? – and cell phones? No. We had answering machines, with little mini cassette tapes, that recorded messages, and we got back with people, with our actual voices. No texting. No emails. Only talking. It even worked.

Ok, I digress with what I’m wanting to do here. My week in review, as I walk and sit . . .

I never take medication. I loathe the pharmaceutical industry. It started when I used to live in Cincinnati, where I grew up and lived until almost thirteen years ago. In my last job there, I worked as an account service representative at a commercial and web printer. One of our customers did a great deal of printing for Procter & Gamble – Cincinnati’s most high-profile company. The primary contact at the agency was a delightful woman who developed cancer, and while she was on chemotherapy, I learned that a pharmaceutical company was so wonderful and actually offered her a pill, that she could take, that would ease the nauseating and painful effects that the chemo took on her body. The pill didn’t make that much of a difference for her – she always felt awful – but each pill did cost her $100. Each pill. $100. That’s all I needed to learn to forever loathe that industry. I subscribe to the theory that karma’s a bitch and feel that the universe will get its revenge on the person(s) responsible for taking advantage of those in desperate need. That’s not up for me to decide though.

Wow, I digressed again.

Yes, I do not take medications. My cholesterol was high, so I upped my workout regime, started taking spinning classes, ate more whole grains, increased my flax seed intake by over 1000%. Viola! My cholesterol decreased 75 points in one year. But, a few weeks ago, after feeling sick for almost all winter, I finally called the doctor, and after a brief office visit, I learned that I had the beginnings of bronchitis. $49 later, generic antibiotics, six pills, and it would be wiped out. As I mentioned, I’m a dog walker, I’m not one of those who have an overabundance of cash lying around, and unfortunately, I became quite the douche bag at Rite Aid when the pharmacist informed me that my total was not to be in the $15-$20 range, like the doctor had predicted. I was that guy at Rite Aid that day. There appear to be an over-abundance of that guy’s walking around, so when it’s me, I don’t take it lightly. I’m grateful that I am not one of those people where unlabored douche-esque outbursts occur frequently, and I find myself mesmerized by those who have perfected it so effortlessly. But, being human and all, I’m not perfect and all, and most certainly wasn’t at Rite Aid. I wasn’t awful awful, but the profanity came flowing from my lips, and really, what stranger needs that while they’re trying to do their job? So, I went back to Rite Aid, two days later, and apologized to the pharmacist. I subscribe to the mantra: if ever you find yourself acting like a tool, you need to make amends. The pills all worked out, and I’m finally feeling better this week. So, yes, the pharmaceutical company came through in the end, even if they hosed me on the price.

Ok, be patient, I’m getting to the point.

With all that being said, we laid low this weekend. While my health improved, my partner developed a terrible cough, so he got his shifts covered, cancelled all his commitments and rested, taking good care of himself. So, my week in review revolves a great deal around television. Let’s get real here, though. Much of my week revolves around television, and I often find myself conflicted as to the number of hours I waste, each week, staring at our beautiful Sony 40” HDTV. I love that television and those adorable red Netflix envelopes that appear in our mailbox three times each week. You’ll learn that movies are pretty much everything to me – I watch, on average, about five a week. But, over this past weekend, while taking a break from movies, I finally watched a segment of MTVs full-day marathon of their latest hit Jersey Shore, the show that’s currently enjoying its pop-cultural climax with four-million viewers each week. One of my greatest weaknesses is name recollection, so I apologize with my inability to recollect the names of many of the characters involved. One of the characters was excited about starting his new job at a souvenir and t-shirt shop, and the day he was supposed to embark on his career in merchandising, he woke up, with what he self-diagnosed as pink eye. After sharing the news with all of his housemates – which was met with varying degrees of alarm and/or concern and/or who gives a shit?! – he was able to get a doctor’s appointment at 3:30pm. Crisis. His shift was something like 2-9pm that day. After going to discuss the dilemma with his new boss, he learned that he was required to get the entire shift covered. Two of his housemates would split the shift, but no one would work for him until 9pm for they all needed adequate primp time before going out. I think one co-star/housemate offered to stay until 7pm though. This, of course, led to further discussions about the fact that they don’t even go out until about 10:30pm, so the people who wouldn’t work for him until 9pm were ridiculous. Unreasonable even. And really, it was just so unfair to him! No one seemed to question why he couldn’t take over at 5pm, after the conclusion of his doctor’s appointment. That is what thrilled me the most. Oh, and before all of that drama, I learned about the latest money-making venture offered by one of the housemates, Nicole “Sooki” Polizzi, who I learned about somewhere in my periphery this week (t.v. news program, the internet, on the actual show, I don’t know), that she will attend your party if you pay her $2000. You’ve probably heard all about Sooki – she was the woman who got hit at a bar, punched in the face even. I think I even heard it happened a second time. Maybe? Apparently, you can go online and see a video of her bar assailant, sans Sooki, as he gets knocked out, in some fighting ring somewhere. Fascinating stuff. It was all the talk a few weeks ago as MTV had decided to not air the actual hit, but one could view the outtake, on virtually every website, and news program, imaginable. MTVs choice to exclude the footage yielded all kinds of new viewers for their program – a choice that was destined to not backfire. I’m sure someone will take Sooki up on her offer to make her one of their party guests and pay her $2000, even if it’s just so they can touch her hair. I’ve never seen hair do what her hair does. Like the show, itself, something about her hair works, in an odd, surprising way, and you can’t imagine Sooki with any other hairstyle – anything else would just be wrong, somehow. If you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing the show for yourself, it’s worth a quick viewing, even if just for Sooki’s hair. I learned, a few years back, that Halle Berry would attend your party but you’d have to pay her $500,000 to do so – I don’t know if she still has the same offer. Clearly, Sooki is no Halle, but I still feel that Sooki has undersold herself with a lowball appearance figure of $2000. Rumor has it that dating reality show offers are filling Sooki’s inbox, so if you’re interested in including her on your upcoming guest-list to your fabulous soiree, you’d better book her soon. There I go digressing again. Ok, back to the episode. Sooki brought some guy home from a bar so they could totally make out, but to her utter disappointment, he passed out, just slouching there, next to her, on a sofa on their second-floor, outdoor patio, and upon her attempting to awaken him so they could get down to business, which I’m sure would have been nothing short of vile, he vomited – on himself and on their patio. She asked that he go and finish his purging over the side, over the rooftop railing, so his vomit would land on the sidewalk below instead of on their outdoor patio. Vomit is a difficult thing to pull off on television, or anywhere for that matter, but when it works, it works beautifully. This scene fit into the works category. Again, I don’t know why. He, the vomiter, seemed like a nice guy, so he obliged Sooki with her over-the-railing request. We then got to see Sooki walk the vomiter home. He wanted a good-night kiss, but Sooki would have no part of it – as she pointed out to him, he had vomit breath after all. Again, he remained the nice guy that he was and told her that he expected that answer from her. Hey, a boy’s gotta try, under any circumstance. Also, on the episode, on the same night, and at the same club where Sooki met the vomiter, someone cheated on her boyfriend, and she felt awful – she played coy with her housemates and acted like she didn’t remember anything about the previous evening’s infidelity, but they all knew better. They were on to her lies. She phoned her boyfriend, but he cut their phone conversation dangerously short. She learned this after he hung up on her and wouldn’t answer any of her four or five additional attempts to phone him back. One of the characters in the home is named Mike “The Situation”. I don’t know what he did, but it’s funny, the only names I remember are Sooki and “The Situation.” I guess the white kids are now emulating the one-name-recognition success that African American hip hop artists have been enjoying for years. Finally. I can’t believe it took so long. All of this Jersey Shore fun I’ve mentioned occurred in about twelve minutes of the program. I could feel myself being sucked in, completely engrossed by its tasteless brilliance, but again, conflict entered my mind. The last thing I need is another television program to add to my weekly roster. We have DVR, so I rarely watch commercials, which saves about 15 minutes with every hour I watch, but still, my curriculum of televised entertainment could not, would not, include Jersey Shore. It did get my partner and I talking about the phenomenon the show has become though. I decided to name myself The Conflicted, and he settled with a name proclamation of The Problem. We don’t watch much reality television – ok, Denise Richards: It’s Complicated – he doesn’t watch that one, but I do – and RuPaul’s Drag Race, but they’re a must. Oh, and I watched the first season of Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab, which, if it still continues, I’m thinking, we may be seeing at least one of Jersey Shore housemates in one of its future seasons. Oh yeah. Then there was Survivor. We took the ride on the first season of that program, watched every episode, and even then, while we witnessed the excitement of the lying and alliances unfold, I knew we were well on our way to a universal demise, of some sort. I think Jersey Shore confirms my predictions.

Then, The Golden Globes came on. Yes, I, too, got wrapped up in the gowns. When Chloë Sevigny, or is it spelled Chloï? I think they wrote it that way on the screen when she won her award, just before she was pissed off because that guy who escorted her onto the stage, stepped on, and ripped her dress. You could tell she was upset because after her first or second sentence into her acceptance speech, she proclaimed: I can’t believe you just ripped my dress, with an emphasis on the word dress. My prediction: this beautiful line will be shared by many a drag queen for decades to come. I, for one, did not like Chloë’s dress. I think that Valentino is a genius, but it was either the wrong dress for Chloë or just the wrong dress, period. My partner grabbed our laptop and searched, online, as the event unfolded, and even before Chloë’s speech was a wrap, people had already tweeted about how hideous her dress was and that they’re glad it ripped – according to more than a few who tweet, the guy apparently had done her a favor by tearing it. We were both fascinated by the speed at which nastiness can unfold. It astounded us both. I used to dig Chloë but no more. I don’t even know why. I wasn’t pissed she won – it’s not that I hate her – but something about her speech, though, just confirmed to me that I still don’t like her. But I’m a bit off anyway. I hated Meryl Streep for more than a decade because I thought she was a total bitch, simply based on the fact that she had done such an amazing acting job in Kramer vs. Kramer. Don’t worry Meryl. I adore you now – I think you’re the shit! In a good way. This past Monday morning, the day after The Golden Globes had been handed out (Meryl even won for Julie and Julia), I searched and searched, hoping that someone, somewhere, would agree with me about Chloë ‘s Valentino gown not working. It took two days to find one though – everyone had photos of the best and worst dressed and no one, I found, had her in either category, until Tuesday. Wait a second. Something’s seeping into my consciousness. I think one of the sites I found actually had her on a best-dressed list. Clearly, I tried to block that revelation out. No fashion experts seemed to agree with one another, but everyone, with their chosen words, clearly had some opinion – some of which you couldn’t even decipher what their opinions were, for their language was overly littered with contradictory adjectives. Two days later, on some site, there it was. A picture of Chloë, in her gown, and with no ambiguities in the language. That person felt that she belonged in the category of the worst-dressed of the evening. I felt validated, even relieved that I could finally put that online quest behind me. But also, again, I felt conflicted. I hate opening pages that deal with that type of nastiness. I feel that by my opening them, I am contributing to the success of the downward spiral of the human race. (But really, it’s likely that by my writing this blog, I, too, am contributing to the demise as well – but hang in there, I’ll be getting to some points to be made soon, I think.) Sometimes, though, I just can’t help myself. Oh wait, before I continue, one more thing. If you’re reading this Chloë, don’t worry, many other famous people have traveled across my like/dislike-o-meter, just to return to like again. It could happen for you as well, so hang in there Chloë.

Then, on Tuesday, there was that ever-important election in Massachusetts. The Republican won. Health care in danger. Obama’s bummed but takes the blame – now he wants to use this opportunity to connect with the American people. The senatorial winner, Scott Brown, even used his victory speech as an opportunity to pimp out his two daughters. You can’t make this shit up. Really, if you haven’t watched his speech yet, find it on YouTube. It’s an unbelievable train wreck, but then again, it seems to suit our times in a most fascinating way. Again, I’m not exactly sure why. But it was on Facebook, where I read, a friend of a friend had commented: “Teddy Kennedy looks up from hell and cannot believe it. The audacity of failure.” I don’t even know what he meant by his post, but even writing that someone “looks up from hell” was something I still can’t believe I read. Wow!

Nike was the last advertiser to drop Tiger Woods – if it didn’t happen this week, I heard about it late, so it was this week to me. I find Nike to be brilliant in their marketing. How can a company exploit their workers and still have us eager to buy the shit out of their products? Maybe because the exploited aren’t American. Who knows why we accept it, but we do – and they made us, somehow they did, accept it. Okay, still though, I’m thinking that Nike finally dropped the ball with this Tiger story. What they should have done, is to continue to pay Tiger whatever it is that they had agreed upon, and to just lay low for awhile. Tiger always looked so impressive (clean and together) in his Nike – all athletes do. I’m thinking if clothes were cars, Nike would fall into the Mercedes or Lexus class. Nike likes to associate with athletes at the top of their game – Federer, Nadal, The Williams’ sisters – and they’re going to be awfully upset when Tiger returns to the game this Spring without a swoosh on his hat or one across his chest, that same chest we all saw uncovered on the cover of Vanity Fair. Tiger, Spring, 2010, The Reunion Tour. I can hear the advertising sales execs now, already lining up deals with their best advertisers, promising to hold thirty seconds of air time, for the discounted rate of 1.25 million (I’m totally pulling this number from an undisclosed orifice), for when Tiger returns to the fairways. And what’s Nike going to do then? They dropped him – how could Tiger go back to Nike now? It really is unimaginable – Tiger without a single swoosh. Note to self: if I find an abundance of free time, find my friend Melissa and borrow her sewing machine and design a line of golf clothing and somehow locate Mr. Woods, himself, and give him some samples, with the hopes that he’ll wear my pieces. It’d be a nice, lottery-win, sure-thing idea – for, like many fiascos, there is a backlash against the backlash, and there will, without a doubt, be one with Tiger as well. Look at Mariah Carey. We were supposed to love her, then laugh at her pain when she had her breakdown (i.e. Tiger’s in sex rehab), and then sometime around her Saturday Night Live appearance (i.e. when Tiger comes back and wins The Masters) when she popped out with that smokin’, hot body of hers, we were to like her again. I think we’re supposed to hate Mariah again – I think it’s because her breasts are large, larger than they’ve ever been – I’m not completely sure, but I think that’s the reason. As for Tiger, it is likely that Nike will regret this latest decision. Funny how infidelity has become the latest of hate crimes. I just don’t know why we’re so preoccupied with it all. Ex Governor Spitzer was such a trailblazer. I hope somewhere, inside of Eliot, he feels a great sense of pride for being like, any true artist, so ahead of his time.

Other than the occasional Olympics, tennis is the only sport I watch, generally spending only about four weeks a year involved in its volleys, with watching Wimbledon and The U.S. Open. I even go to The Open one night each year and sit high, in the nosebleeds, in shittier seats than our living room. Nadal’s my favorite player – I love anything and everything from Spain and he’s all Spanish – so I do watch at least one of his matches when he plays on clay at The French Open – his craft is most beautiful on clay. But, this week started The Australian Open. Time change is so extreme between this time zone and Australia, but I am able to catch it in the evening and have been seeing a bit of it, but it just doesn’t feel the same for some reason. If you haven’t been following it, the women’s game got a shot in the arm at the end of last season. Kim Clijsters rejoined the game after her retirement hiatus to have a baby. With her win at last year’s U.S. Open, she’s the first mother to have ever won one of the four majors. And if you haven’t been following The Australian Open this year, the first major of the calendar year, Justine Henin, the world’s previous number one, who few ever beat, is back and has already beaten fifth-seeded Elena Dementieva (in the second round.) You may remember Elena from the Beijing Olympics – she took home the gold. So, the Belgians are back, stronger than ever, and the women’s game just got a bit more interesting. And if you haven’t watched it on YouTube yet, you can see American Andy Roddick mildly lose his shit with a referee, even after he won the match. It was only a three-setter, too. Oh Andy! You make it so easy to not like you. Andy eventually tweeted an apology concerning this outburst. Tweeted his apology. Wow. Andy was briefly on my like meter, when Jimmy Connors was his coach, but those days ended when he fired Jimmy. See Chloë, how easy it is to travel across my like/dislike-o-meter?

I’m almost wrapped up for this week. I promise.

Rush and Pat not only stand by their ignorance and hatred, but somehow, through some miracle, that is likely to be financially, and not divinely, inspired, they both have kept their jobs. Bill Maher lost his job after 9/11 – maybe it’s time to send out a similar message to Rush and Pat. Wait as second, though. Is racism okay now? I can’t keep track of it. Imus got his job back. And wait, Rush and Pat are still occupying air time, so it must be okay to still be racist. Maybe racism will be out of style next season. One can only hope.

Before this Wednesday, I’ve only watched about a half hour of American Idol – I watched part of a finale, once, a few years ago. I don’t remember either of the contestants, but it may have been the year of the two Davids. Was that one of the years? It’s something about judge Simon that has kept me from watching. I know each contestant willingly enters their realm, each knowing that bad news could come their way. I’m just big on encouraging anyone to pursue any art that speaks to them, and when people like Simon say the nastiest of comments, just to generate good ratings and a large signing bonus, it makes me sad. I can’t imagine how many dreams have been shattered by Simon’s comments. But now that Ellen has joined the judge circle, I was curious to watch. Apparently, though, Ellen won’t be sitting in a judge seat until they start the next round in Los Angeles. I saw a half hour of their Orlando visit – unfortunately, I missed Kristin Chenoweth’s participation as guest judge. I loved her in the Broadway hit Wicked, on Pushing Daisies, even her guest spot on Frasier – didn’t love her on Glee though – I stopped watching Glee, I know that makes me uncool, but the writers removed everything likeable from all of the characters and I can’t take a ride when I’m not rooting for anyone. Ok, back to Idol. I saw one guy sing Amazing Grace – my all-time least-favorite church hymn – and he was not going to leave his audition without being told that he was going to Hollywood. They had to escort him out, after telling him he had a bad singing voice, and then the poor guy, after being carried off by security, got taken to the ground and handcuffed. It made me sad. Next, came on a 25-year-old who spent four years in prison for robbing a bank with a b.b. gun. His was a touching story, and his voice, and heart-felt presentation, were so engaging, I felt chills consume me. They worked the hell out of his story, and now, everyone who’s ever made any mistake will be hoping that he wins. He did have an incredible voice. A question I’ve had has finally been answered – I now understand the appeal of American Idol. I don’t expect to take the Idol ride – who knows, though, Ellen may win me over and didn’t I hear that Simon’s leaving to go do the exact, same thing on a show with a different name and isn’t LaToya Jackson rallying for his spot and isn’t Paula Abdul going to go with Simon to his show? Really, though, I was surprised how un-dick-ish Simon was in the half hour I watched. I was completely surprised how he only seemed douche-esque a couple of times. It did seem effortless, though, in those moments. He seems to be a natural. Note to Simon: make amends – you’ll feel much better.

Yes, my American Idol question may have been answered, but I have so many more. Perhaps my walking dogs and limiting my human encounters to quick, little (at times awkward) dog-to-dog encounters on Brooklyn sidewalks has kept me from fully understanding what’s been happening. After all, a lot has changed in the past six years since I got out of the subway-riding-rush-hour-commuting-corporate-world-craziness life that I led for so many years. And now, I’m left with the doggies trying to figure out where it all went so, not wrong, but strange. People seem to be losing their shit, and I don’t feel as though I’m an exception – look, I’m writing this and could be out having coffee, interacting with a friend. Texting, tweeting, Facebooking. No one seems to really be connecting anymore – some kind of disconnect seems to be occurring as technology evolves. A friend of ours took his high school daughter to a two-and-a-half hour movie a few months ago, and in the time it took them to watch the three acts of the movie unfold, his daughter got over 120 texts on her phone. I say OMG, WTF and I would just die (IWJD). Hey, did I just invent something useless? I was talking with one of my nearest and dearest friends earlier today – she is one of my biggest supporters who was happy to hear that I’m beginning this blog thing – and we were talking about how we all have more things to consume our days than ever before, so much more, in fact, that the only way to make it through is to make sacrifices, albeit, personal, social, economical, professional, even those involving issues of integrity. We’re all so worn out that we can’t possibly do it all, which leads to an ever-increasing sense of conflict. Conflict is “The Situation.” I think that so many of the answers, even the questions, lie in popular culture. We’re bombarded with so many of its references every time we turn around, and each image, soundbite, cable program, whatever, it all affects us in some way. I’m ready, finally, to see how I fit into it all and am eager to take the journey of attempting to unravel the mystery of our current human, condition? Dilemma? Whatever it is, I’m ready. I hope you enjoy taking the ride with me.

Everywhere you turn, people are making fun of NBC – especially on NBC. You can’t get through even an episode of SNL without three jokes about the failing network. Conan’s leaving now, it’s official, and what did I hear? He’s getting thirty million to do so. Wait, it went up to forty million. Get out! Forty-five million. Apparently, he’s getting around thirty-two million of that amount and will likely be sharing some of it with his staff as well. I feel sorry for the man. He clearly loves entertaining, and money, without the opportunity to entertain, can’t be a good thing for him. For anybody really. Conan continues to joke about his departure, but he’s got to be dying inside. His contract allows him to start on another network in September. Here’s hoping that he lands even better on his feet than he did when he landed the highly-coveted 11:30pm time slot. On Wednesday this week, he informed us all that, yes, he’s leaving, but he’s got whatever budget he needs to finish his show off. He brought on the world’s most expensive car, a Bugatti Veyron, and decorated it like a mouse. As we watched the stationary mouse car remain motionless, the The Stones’ (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction was being played, bringing the total of the gag to one point five million dollars. Conan was having fun with this one as he relayed: “Let me ask you a question. Is this appropriate music for a car that looks like a mouse? No. Does it add anything at all to this comedy bit? No, it doesn’t. Is it crazy expensive to play on the air, not to mention the rights to re-air this clip on the internet? Hell yes.” Brilliant! You go Conan! I’m not thinking that NBC bashing is going to be ending anytime soon.

Hey, this may have been a bit longer than most blog entries. I’m so green at this, does one even refer to it as a blog entry, a posting? What? But, please forgive me. It’s my first contribution to The Blogosphere, and as I already indicated, I walk dogs for a living and have lots of time to dedicate to examination.

So, until next week . . . Adiós, from keV!

P.S. At the end of last week, we saw the Off Broadway hit The Understudy – I think we got in just before its extension closed. Brilliant piece of theater. If it comes your way, or if you’re involved with bringing theater to any venue near you and you’re looking to mount a crowd pleaser, see if you can nab it. Three characters – two men / one woman. A delightful evening of theater, indeed. Among its three stars, was none other than Zack from Saved by the Bell. Time has been kind to Zack, and he, like the other cast members, nailed it!


B'Day Bash For The 'Prince Of New York'!

Sean “Diddy” Combs is throwing a star-studded “Prince of New York” 16th birthday party for his eldest son, Justin. The rapper — still on a high after his epic, “party of the year” 40th birthday bash in November — has lined up a series of big-name performers and guests including Chris Brown for the event at an unidentified local club on Saturday, which will be filmed for MTV’s “My Super Sweet 16.” A source said, “The club will be decorated with images from the New York skyline. Diddy will perform with his band, Diddy-Dirty Money, but there will also be some big-name performers taking the stage to surprise Justin.” Guests will also include Combs’ pals Snoop Dogg, Li’l Kim, boxer Floyd Mayweather and possibly Jay-Z and Beyoncé. The source added, “It’s going to be big, but it won’t be as lavish as Diddy’s 40th. Instead of gifts, guests will be asked to make a donation to the Haiti fund.

-”The BklynBandette.” Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jay-Z, Bono set to headline "Hope for Haiti" MTV telethon

Jay-Z, Bono, and Edge are teaming up to headline MTV’s “Hope for Haiti” television special, which is scheduled to air Friday, Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on all major networks along with CNN, VH1, and of course MTV.  Rolling Stone reports that Jay-Z will be performing with the U2 pair in London for the special, and that the effort has already generated a yet-untitled new song, which will be up for sale at iTunes in the near future.

Other artists set to perform include: Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Shakira, Rihanna, Dave Matthews Band, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Keys, Sting, Christina Aguilera, Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Jennifer Hudson, and Mary J. Blige. George Clooney and Wyclef Jean are slated as the co-hosts, according to MTV.  All the proceeds raised at the event will benefit Oxfam America, Partners in Health, Red Cross, UNICEF and Wyclef’s Yéle Haiti Foundation.

Don’t forget, you can also donate to the cause using your HitPredictor points to “purchase” a $15 donation.  Check out the details here.

New music first — HP


Dear The Hills

**Yep, The Hills. I know my posts thus far have been “deeper” than this, and there’s plenty of depth and trauma to wade through before this blog is over… but this one’s pretty funny and I thought you’d like it. Enjoy!**

Dear Idiotic Women of “The Hills”… and the teenagers who emulate them:

No it does not always take that one other person to really get you over someone else. In fact, sometimes one can actually take some time, think things through, and get over it on her own. It’s amazing, I know, that a woman could do that, but I swear to you it can be done. In fact, I’ve never gotten over a relationship any other way. It doesn’t even hurt! And best of all, it doesn’t hurt anyone else!

Also, Heidi, Thank God you grew some balls! Apparently they came with the wedding ring! I have to say, though, that I’m of a mind that it’s a pussy move on a woman’s part to act so easily cowed beforehand. I’ve never actually known someone to morph like that. Marrying someone, especially this day and age, doesn’t mean you’re safe to all of a sudden become a whole different person and think that the person will have to stay because you’re married.


You are such a little dummy. You’re my favorite little idiot on the show now that Lauren’s gone, but you’re still an idiot. Justin Bobby doesn’t love anyone more than he loves playing games. He fucks with your head ON PURPOSE and he always had. He hasn’t even hidden that fact from you! Leave the poor fucker to mess with someone else, someone who can fight back a bit, like Kristen, because you’re too damned nice to be as jaded as you seem to wish you were. Also, you tend to exaggerate the things people say to you. When you repeat something later on to someone else, your version is always more drama and emotion charged… I understand that you probably don’t realize you do this, but you do. How someone made you feel isn’t a fact, and re-arranging the story so they said what you felt like they said doesn’t make it so.


You seem like one of those women who never works out because you’re naturally thin and you’re busy drinking Anorexics (or whatever the new hip equivalent is)… But you so need to work out. I can see every night of your overindulgence on your saggy butt and arms. You shouldn’t look like that, just use your blondie friends as a guide. This advice should keep you from looking like the prematurely aging, used up, rinsed out, and hung up wet slaggy dishrag that you truly are. PS the reason you’re popular with men is that your appearance screams “I will fuck you immediately in a public bathroom and not care if you never learn my name!” You ain’t foolin’ anyone, lady.

Speidi: I find you boring now that you’re borderline likeable. Spencer, you deserve so much worse than you’re getting but it’s still nice to see you squirm. Heidi: I can’t figure out if you’re just a completely calculating facade or if you’re really as useless and clueless as you seem. Are you two really going to spend your entire lives scheming against each other and getting paid to show up at 12 year old’s birthday parties? Wouldn’t you be bored? Aren’t you already?

Justin Bobby: You’re a bipolar jackhole who deserves a cork boot to the gonads. Your faux-zen manipulative bullshit should be so much more transparent to these women. It’s a good thing you landed yourself in the city of dumb blondes and naïve brunettes.


I love you. Thank you for keeping yourself classy at all times. You are a woman to be admired.

Ditto for the most part to Lauren, though you had your moments of drama.


I can’t help but like you, even though I feel you’re a major tool a good portion of the time. I guess you’re just too much like the tools I know and love in my own life.


You’ve grown into a likeable if complex character since Laguna but your constant defensive stature won’t get you too far in life. It’s nice to see you’ve let your walls down a bit even if it is for Justin Bobby. You’re a very smart woman and you’re certainly living by your own rules. Your saving grace, if you ask me, is that you lay it all out on the table. Kudos for the blunt honesty, it’s a nice counterpoint to the machinations of Speidi.


Honey, you’re beautiful. And you are so on the live hard, die early track. Please stop drinking so much and put your drama down for awhile. Please just do it for those of us who will otherwise have to watch another beautiful young Hollywood woman kill herself because she can’t convince herself she’s worthy of a good and worthwhile life.

Dear Bald guy in the background scene of Kristen’s party when Holly is drunk dancing:

You’re hot. You make me want to lick you. That’s all. Just thought I’d mention it.

Dear Holly:

See the Jayde portion of this ridiculousness, but read it with a more affectionate tone because I like you way more than her. You’re quirky and fun. Live like you know it.

Dear everyone else on this ridiculous show that I always find myself watching and hating myself a bit for being so drawn in by:

I get it. You all get to be semi-famous and make some money for doing basically nothing plus perks like trips and parties and such. I totally get it. Still makes you look stupid for hanging out with 25 year olds who act no different now, really, than they did on the reality shows they starred in during High School.

Ooh, just an end note to Frankie: I have a total thing for you not in small part due to your voice and your ability to seem like you don’t give a shit about the drama and to not be pulled in. Good job, and also, you should hope you never find yourself close enough to me to be rufied. LOL. :D


A Fanemy. (Get it, Fan, enemy?)


Monday, January 18, 2010

#NATPE/The Guide

Find the pulse of premium content at NATPE Market, up next, at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, where on the floor, in suites, and on panels programming executives, brand managers, showrunners, and device manufacturers map together the future of entertainment.  From Michael Eisner and Donald Trump, to Illeana Douglas and Justine Bateman, to Jordan Levin and the Modern Family cast & crew, there’s never a dull moment.  Here’s the guide to what’s going on:

Sunday, January 24
2-3, Islander I
Selling Telenovelas with The Bold and the Beautiful, Telemundo, Dori Media, Globo
3:30-5, Islander I
Screening:  India – A Love Story
*5-7, Border Grill
SXSW Kick-Off Party

Monday, January 25
8-10, Four Seasons, Level 2, Acacia Ballroom
Globo Breakfast Screening:  India – A Love Story
*9-10, Islander B
Keynote:  David Zaslav, Discovery
10-10:30, Digital Theatre
Grow Your Audience with Stickam, MTV, CBS Radio
10-6, Show Floor
*10:30-12, Islander D
Mentor Round Robin (Unscripted) with Paul Buccieri, ITVS, Andy Stabile, CAA, Bertram van Munster, Earthview, Eric Shotz, LMNO, Philip Gurin, Gurin Co, Douglass Ross, Evolution Media, Stella Stolper, Wikked, Ken Mok, 10×10
10:30-11:30, Islander I
What TV Needs to Know about Social Media with Shelly Palmer
11:30-12, Digital Theatre
Formatting Content for Digital Delivery
*11:30-12:30, Islander B
Anatomy of a Hit:  Modern Family with Dana Walden, 20c Fox TV Chair, Steve Levitan, Ed O’Neill, Sofia Vergara (Gloria), Ty Burrell (Phil), Julie Bowen (Claire), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Mitchell),  Eric Stonestreet (Cameron)
11:45-12:45, Tradewinds C
Fans & Brands with Fox, Demand Media, Omelet…
12:15-12:45, Digital Theatre
Twitter TV with Chloe Sladden, Twitter, Daisy Whitney,
12:15-1:45, Mentor Round Robin (B &C)
Barbara Fisher, Hallmark, Tom Zappala, Disney/ABC, Jon Helmrich, IBC, John Moczulski, KTLA-TV, Sandra Stern, Lionsgate, Gary Marenzi, MGM, Leslie Chesloff
12-3, Islander I
Pitchfest – The Agency, Lone Star Opera, Vicious Circle
(last year’s winner sold show to History)
12-4, Theatre on the Floor
Reality Food TV – Top Chef Quickfire Competition, Paul Bartolotta, Wynn
1-1:45, Tradewinds C
TV as Branded Business with Brian Seth Hurst, ATAS, Lisa Hsia, Bravo, Kim Niemi, NBC, David Norton, Ladder Up, John Couch, Titanium Sky
1:15-2, Islander I
Digital Spectrum, Revenue Resource with Brandon Burgess, ION…
1-1:45, Digital Theatre
Mobile Monetization on TV with Jim Beddows, MEF, David Kruis, Metranome…
*1:30-2:15, Islander B
Keynote with Michael Eisner, The Tornante Company
2-2:45, Digitial Theatre
PGA Toolbox:  Unlocking Mobile Content for Interactive TV with John David Heinsen, Bunnygraph..
2:30-3:15, Islander I
Profit in Recovery with Sean Compton, Tribune, Emerson Coleman, Hearst, Brooke Spectorsky, Gannett, Doug Lowe, Meredith
*2:30-4, Islander D
Mentor Round Robin (Digital) with Lori Schwartz, IPG, Curt Marvis, Lionsgate, Anthony Soohoo, CBSi, Keith Richman, Break, Nathan Coyle, CAA, Kevin Yen, YouTube, Jim Louderback, Revision3, Michael Kernan, NuMedia
2:45-3:30, Tradewinds C
Online Advertising with VideoNuze, GroupM, Google
3-3:45, Islander B
Storytelling with Bill Lawrence, Cougar Town, Scrubs
3:15-4, Digital Theatre
Mobile Video with FLM, Babelgum, FLO TV
3:30-4:15, Islander I
Global Entertainment Development with Charles Kenny, World Bank
4-5, Tradewinds C
Lights Camera Lawsuit! with James Lichtman, NBCU, Kirk Schenck, RDF Media
*4-6, Theatre on the Floor
Happy Hour Cocktail Competitions, Blind Wine Tastings, Art of the Drink, Network Executive Mixology
*4:15-5, Islander B
Cable 360 with Jeff Wachtel, USA, Michael Wright, TBS, Tony DiSanto, MTV, Kevin Beggs, Lionsgate
4:30-5, Digital Theatre
Leveraging GMX (Global Media Exchange)
4:45-5:30, Islander I
Nonfiction Budgeting with Donna Michelle Anderson, Planet DMA
5:15-6, Digital Theatre
NY Video Start-Ups Awards
6-8, South Seas Ballroom F
*Brandon Tartikoff Legacy Awards – Jeff Gaspin, NBCU, Irwin Gotlieb, GroupM, David E Kelley & Judge Judy
10-12, House of Blues
Party with El Bambino

Tuesday, January 26
9-9:45, Digital Theatre
Manage Social Media Flow with Jumpwire Media
9-9:30, Islander B
Legacy Talk Back with Judge Judy
9-6, Show Floor
9:35-10:05, Islander B
Legacy Talk Back with David E Kelley
10:10-10:40, Islander B
Legacy Talk Back with Irwin Gotlieb, GroupM
10:45-11:15, Islander B
Legacy Talk Back with Jeff Gaspin, NBCU
11-11:45, Tradewinds C
Syndication with Vivi Zigler, NBCU, Albert Cheng, Disney ABC..
11-11:30, Digital Theatre
Cool Ads with Alex Bogusky and Sarah Szalavitz
11:30-12:30, Islander I
Keynote with Esther Lee, Brand Marketing & Advertising, ATT
11:45-12:30, Digital Theatre
IAWTV with Tubefilter, ICM, Digitas
*11:45-12:45, Islander B
Watch What Happens at NATPE 2010 with Donald Trump, Celebrity Apprentice, Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser, Andy Cohen, Bravo..
12-4, Theatre on the Floor
Celebrity Chef Competitions
12:15-1, Tradewinds C
Daisy Whitney interviews Ross Levinsohn, Fuse Capital
*12:45-1:30, Islander I
Addressable, Interactive, Platform-Proof Content with Drew Buckley, Electus, Keith Hindle, Fremantle, David Verklin, Canoe, John Ross, IPG
*1-1:30, Digital Theatre
From Disney to with Peter Murrieta
*1:15-2:15, Islander B
Reality Blockbuster with Jonathan Murray, Bunim/Murray, Lisa Berger, E!, 51 Minds, World Race, Atlas Media
1:15-2:45, Islander D
Mentor Round Robin (Scripted) – Neal Baer, Law & Order SVU, Kim Moses & Ian Sander, Ghost Whisperer, Ted Miller, CAA
1:30-2:15, Tradewinds C
Cross-Media Planning with comScore, Havas, MPG
*1:45-2:30, Digital Theatre
Anatomy of a Hit Web Series:  Illeana Douglas, Justine Bateman, Brent Friedman, Electric Farm…
*2-2:45, Islander I
Branded Content with Jordan Levin, Generate, Howard Owens, Reveille, Russ Axelrod, Microsoft…
*2:45-3:30, Digital Theatre
NexGen Showrunner:  Jonathan Prince
2:45-3:45, Islander B
Sizzle Reel Secrets with RDF, LMNO…
2:45-4, Tradewinds C
Tribal Leadership with USC
3:15-4, Islander I
Private Equity with Michael Kassan, PwC, Michael Lang, Fox, Ed Wilson, Tribune…
*4-5, Islander B
Cable Superstars with Nancy Dubic, AETN/History, Dave Howe, Syfy/NBCU. Marc Juris, truTV, Ryan O’Hara,
*4-5:30, Islander D
Mentor Round Robin (Brands) – Michael Herst, EA, Chad Stubbs, Pepsi, Niko Chauls, Bing, Steve Amato, Omelet
4-6, Theatre on the Floor
Happy Hour Cocktails
4:15-5, Tradewinds C
Relevant Ratings in a Distributed Content Ecosystem w Tubefilter,, Digitas…
5-6, Digital Theatre
SXSW Transmedia Storytelling
*6-7:30, Show Floor
Digital Luminary Awards Reception honoring Felicia Day, The Guild, Marc Whitten, Xbox LIVE, Frank Biancuzzo, Hearst, Geoff Stedman, Omneon

Wednesday, January 27
*8-8:45, Islander I
Coffee with Roma Khanna, NBCU
*9-10, Islander B
Keynote with Elisabeth Murdoch, Shine
*9:15-10, Digital Theatre
Games with John Roberts, Lucasfilm, Jesse Rednis, USA, Kris Soumas, AETN, Bill Kispert, Universal Pictures Partnerships
9-6, Show Floor
10-10:30, Islander I
Keynote with Andy Duncan, UK Channel 4
*10:30-11:15, Islander B
International Co-Production with John Morayniss, E1, Tandem, Reveille, Fox
10:30-11:15, Digital Theatre
Online Video Ad Inventory with Tim Street, Brett Wilson, TubeMogul…
11:15-11:45, Islander I
Biometrics with NBCU – Telemundo
*11:30-12:15, Digital Theatre
Alex Albrecht, Diggnation interviews Gary Vaynerchuk, Crush It
11:45-12:30, Islander B
Latin Content with beTV, Fox, MarVista…
12-4, Theatre on the Floor
Celebrity Kitchen
*12:30-1:15, Digital Theatre
Packaging for the Pitch with George Ruiz, ICM, Omid AShtari, CAA, Jason Nadler, UTA, Brandon Martinez, Abrams Artists, David Tochterman, Innovative Artists, Barrett Garese, Spytap
12:30-1:15, Islander I
Latino Programming Trends with Warner Artist Management, Fox…
*1-1:45, Islander B
International Format with Philip Gurin, Karrie Wolfe, RDF..
*1:30-2:15, Islander I
Slashing Your Sizzle Reel Budget with DMA..
1:30-2:15, Digital Theatre
3D with Steve Schklair, 3ality
*2-3, Islander B
Making Money with FT, Oglivy, Nokia, NBCU, CAA
3:30-5, Islander D
Mentor Round Robin ($$$) with Greycroft, matrixx, MESA


Friday, January 15, 2010

Casting Characters

One of my favorite things about reading a good book is the way a story plays out in my mind as I read. The best books have settings, actions and characters that are so well developed and described, I can see them vividly, as if playing on a movie screen in my head. Sometimes, I imagine the story actually is being made into a movie, or hear that the novel has been optioned, and I try to cast actors or actresses for the characters in the book.

Yesterday, I came across this post about a Swedish movie being made based upon The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This, of course, starts speculation as to who should play “the girl” in the US version of the movie. The UK Telegraph is linking Kristin Stewart, of Twilight and The Runaways, while MTV has a few other ideas. My favorite is Shannyn Sossamon.

Who would you cast to play Lisbeth Salander? Do you ever try to pick actors for characters? I do it all the time, and expect we’ll be talking about this again soon.


Hollywood stars lead Haitian quake charity drive

Pitt and his partner actress Jolie pose at the premiere of “Inglourious …More


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were the first to reach out to Haiti by donating $1 million (612 million pounds) from their foundation to Doctors Without Borders, which has been tending to victims of the quake that demolished buildings in Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince on Tuesday. Tens of thousands are feared dead.

Actress Alyssa Milano, a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, on Thursday used her blog on The Huffington Post to challenge U.S. corporations to match her donation. She said the funds would go to buy medical supplies, tarpaulins, food and water kits for Haiti.

“I cried and then I did the only thing I could do … I wrote a check to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF for $50,000,” she wrote.

Haiti-born hip-hop musician Wyclef Jean launched a texting campaign, calling on fans to donate $5 to his Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund charged to their cell phone bills by texting “Yele” to 501501.

Jean has already raised more than $1 million for the disaster relief effort and is in Haiti “giving aid and assessing the situation,” according to his website.

Actor George Clooney will host a telethon on MTV next week to raise funds for victims of Tuesday’s earthquake, the music network said on Thursday. 

The event will be broadcast on all MTV Network channels on January 22. Clooney is expected to be joined by as yet unnamed pop music and movie stars.

Grammy-winning Latina pop singer Shakira asked her fans for donations to help rebuild Haiti to be channelled through UNICEF and Wyclef Jean’s foundation.

Coldplay musician Chris Martin called for donations through Oxfam, whose global ambassador, actress Scarlett Johansson, also appealed for contributions for Haiti. 

Oprah Winfrey got involved on Wednesday by asking viewers of her popular show to donate to the Red Cross.

Actor Ben Stiller, who has been raising money for a school in Ceverine in Haiti through Save the Children, also made an appeal on CNN’s “Larry King Live” for $10 donations charged to phone bills by texting “Haiti” to 90999.

First lady Michelle Obama made a public appeal for this texting campaign, which had raised $5.9 million dollars for the red Cross by late Thursday.

 Cycling legend Lance Armstrong’s LiveStrong Foundation pledged $250,000 to help Haiti’s recovery, according to its website. The money will go to Doctors Without Borders and Partners in Health founded by Harvard professor Paul Farmer.

(Reporting by Anthony Boadle, editing by Bill Trott)

 Reuters News report.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tonight January 13th... "Robert Galinsky's Reality Wanted" with Co-Host Philip Galinsky Live Tonight at 6pm

“Robert Galinsky’s Reality Wanted” – Every Wednesday 6-8pm EST on energized by CBS. Call in live to 877.CHAT.212 and be a part of the show… featuring the Kodak Zi8 Pocket Camera

Wednesday January 13th Guests Include:
Steve Bula “Protege” from “G’s To Gents” Season 2
Scott Herman from “Real World Brooklyn”
Todd Krim Founder of
Patrick Terry – Film Maker, “The Interlopers”
Mark Yawitz Co-Founder of Reality Wanted
Features from
and we may also be visited by “Buckwheat” from the original Little Rascals!

“Robert Galinsky’s Reality” is an online radio show right here on and features the Kodak Zi8 Pocket Camera. The show is co-hosted by the hilarious Philip Galinsky and energized by CBS – CALL IN TO THE SHOW LIVE 877.CHAT.212 (877.242.8212) .


Monday, January 11, 2010

Fashion Forecast: Candy Coloured Clothing

Fashion is about taking risks, its about being bold, and its about being beautiful. Stars have taken note that candy coloured frocks fulfill these three very important elements, the reason? The colours are so powerful! Its hard to not catch attention in something this daring, and I find that the stronger the colour the better the look. Pastels are wonderful, but many people can’t pull them off properly and may feel washed out. A bold apple red or a vibrant turquoise will give your skin a glow and your eyes some pop!  What better way to brighten up your wardrobe than with a sweet, candy-colored frock? No matter what your age, personality, or style, add a little candy and ‘taste the rainbow’. Below are some chic examples from stylish celebs. From left to right, top to bottom: Cindy Crawford, Selena Gomez, Kristin Cavallari, Ali Larter, Becki Newton, Fergie, Khloe Kardashian, Carrie Underwood, Kristin Davis, Brittany Snow, Natalie Portman, and Rachel Bilson.

Don’t they all look yummy?



Oxygen Jumps On the Jersey Reality-TV Bandwagon, In The Wake Of 'Real Housewives Of New Jersey' and 'Jersey Shore,' With 'Jersey Couture' Show

Well, we’ll be damned. Jersey girls rule on reality TV.

Our beloved Garden State, the new mecca for reality-TV producers, will be the site of yet another “docu-soap.” This one, in development by the women’s network Oxygen, has a working title of “Jersey Couture,” echoing the name of that overpriced brand for tween and teen girls, Juicy Couture.

The show was announced Sunday at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena, a shindig we attended last year, just two weeks before we were abuptly laid off.

From what we understand, “Jersey Couture” is about an upscale Freehold, N.J., women’s formalwear shop, Diane & Co. It is owned by Diane Scali and her family.

“From canary yellow beaded sheaths to gold lamé, the Scali family offers over-the-top dresses to satisfy every girl’s special event needs,” Oxygen said in a press release.

New Jersey, once the butt of jokes, is now the new hot spot for reality-TV shows that in many cases play on stereotypes the rest of America has about us. We’ve had Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,” MTV’s “Jersey Shore,” TLC’s “Cake Boss” and “18 Kids and Counting,” and Style Network’s “Jerseylicious,” which debuts in March.

We wrote about this new trend in Jersey-set programming for, where experts told us that TV producers believe that the Garden State’s “loud and proud” residents are perfect for reality-TV shows.

Before Oxygen's Jersey Couture will be Style Network's Jerseylicious, which is about the women of the Gatsby Salon in Green Brook, N.J. You go Jersey girls!

“Jerseylicious” is about the women who run the Gatsby Salon in Green Brook, N.J. We visited the place during one of the last weeks it was shooting in December, and filed a package of stories for

As for “Jersey Couture,” here’s the sketchy info that Oxygen has provided.

“With a no nonsense attitude, the Scali family’s extravagant dress store is the premiere glamour stop in New Jersey,” Oxygen said in its TCA press release. “Get ready for the Cinderella experience of a lifetime. Whether it’s for her bride’s maid’s needs or her high school prom frills, when it comes to ‘what to wear’ to that elegant affair, no one gets the job done like the ladies at Diane & Co.”

Remember that “Jersey Couture” is just in development, which means Oxygen has not committed yet to pick it up as a series.


Friday, January 8, 2010

MTV Doesn't Want Me to Watch Their Show

The brilliant young scientist pictured above stars in MTV's hit reality show "Jersey Shore". You've no doubt heard about this abomination by now. Well, I love this show. Don't judge me. Not only is it an entertaining train wreck, but it also teaches a very valuable lesson that I previously did not know – being young, attractive, muscular and tan is friggin' awesome. As usual, I'm a little late to the game with this show. They're already well into Season 1 so I need to play a little catch-up. I figure this should be a pretty simple task, with it being the year 2010 and all. Alas, it is not…

MTV does have previous versions of Jersey Shore available online, but not all of them. In fact, episodes #3 and #4 are marked "unavailable" until 2 weeks after the original air date. Right, two episodes in the middle of the damn season are missing. Please explain the marketing strategy behind this. Since I can't catch up with the story there is zero motivation to watch the new episodes; episodes which actually contain the ads which pay for MTV.  I never got into 24 because I was late to the show and had no idea who the hell Kieffer Sutherland was screaming at all the time. Do they expect me to search the listings hoping to find re-runs of these missing episodes? What is this, 1985? Fat chance.

If the networks actually made it easy for us to catch up on old episodes, it would increase the likelihood that we'd actually tune into new episodes- thus becoming fans of the show. Feel free to stick ads in there too, I don't mind as long as I can watch the damn show.

Posted via email from I/O: Tech Introvert


Real World XXIII - Washington D.C. Lackluster Start

Real World Washington DC Cast

After the rambunctious Real World Cancun,  one set in D.C. needed to really live up to high expectations.  I had imaginations of  an equally divided house of right wingers and left wingers.  You know something with some heavy political twist.  Or maybe really rich kids and poor kids to stir up the mix and bring many socio-economic and political issues to the forefront.  What we got was the usual bag of issues, nothing spectacular, some of it redone.

Sure there  was the religious argument in the first episode that had some promise but kind of disappeared in the second episode.   Then there is the bisexual storyline running with Emily and Mike.  However, that deserves, well…a yawn. Andrew, the boy who wants to get laid, is an after school special at best.

Maybe the show will get better with more episodes. However,  during a time when more voices of young people need to be heard on important life issues, I wish that with some of the relationship struggles , the show would return to some of its issue driven roots in a very real way.

Because, if I wanted to watch a guilty soap opera there is always Jersey Shore or Gossip Girl.


Monday, January 4, 2010

"Why Is The 'Bachelor' So White?" & Other Little-To-No Diversity Casting on TV

Derek McGinty, an anchor at W-USA9 located in Washington, D.C., just posted a link to an article from AOL’s Inside TV based on the lack of diversity that the popular ABC network show, The Bachelor, often broadcasts…

Do you see something wrong in this picture?

Photo Courtesy of ABC

Here’s a snippet of the article written by Scott Harris:

The 14th season of ABC’s popular reality dating show ‘The Bachelor’ airs tonight, and fans will be seeing some familiar faces — white faces, that is.

Jake Pavelka, who previously appeared as a rejected suitor on the show’s sister series ‘The Bachelorette,’ will be starring as the man in command this year, vying for the affection of 25 attractive women. But while the network’s strategy of bringing back popular contestants form one series to star in the next has proven successful in the past — the first season finale of ‘The Bachelorette’ snagged over 30 million viewers — it has also helped contribute to the impression that the series is uninterested in courting minority viewers.

To read the article in it’s entirety… CLICK HERE

Nevertheless, ABC isn’t the only network that needs to hire new Casting Directors for some of their programming…

My friends and I, as well as several DC natives, have recently had an issue with MTV’s new season of their Real World television show, which is in it’s twenty-third year and is MTV’s longest running program. Over the years, however, each cast has become so similar it’s hard to decipher between the seasons. This new season of the Real World is located in Washington, D.C. a.k.a. “The CHOCOLATE City”, but let’s take a look at the cast:

Photo Courtesy of

Now, I know diversity doesn’t always have to do with race and ethnicity, but in Washington, D.C., where the Black population is 55.6%, I know I’m not the only one that sees the one chocolate “brother” in the crowd. I also know that MTV doesn’t cast based on the city… But let’s be real, if MTV was to ever do a Real World Atlanta, would it not be odd to have a cast similar to the cast of “Friends”? Maybe I’ve been going to an HBCU for too long where I notice these types of issues a bit too much, maybe I’m not another “Complacent Negro”, or maybe I live in the United States in 2010 and I would rather see a cast that actually is a true melting pot of the population… OR MAYBE, I would like a job in the Casting Department at MTV after graduation?!? ;-);-)


Friday, January 1, 2010


So if you look on T.V. you’ll see celebrities.  Such as actors, singers, and even mcs like Ryan Seacrest.  They all look pretty happy right.  All of that money has to bring them a bunch of happiness.  I mean it is pretty hard not to smile when you are driving a hot car or riding on a twenty thousand dollar jet ski off the coast of Maui. 

With all that wealth you would think they would be pretty happy.  Thats the external truth though.  What is their spirit like is it happy, depressed, or is it joyful because of all their wildest dreams are coming true.  I’m not one to say the way someone feels I can only guess.  So any of you celebrities out their who come across this I am curious as to know If you are really happy.  Let me know it would be cool to talk to someone of a “higher social rank”.\BlakeMaki
