The brilliant young scientist pictured above stars in MTV's hit reality show "Jersey Shore". You've no doubt heard about this abomination by now. Well, I love this show. Don't judge me. Not only is it an entertaining train wreck, but it also teaches a very valuable lesson that I previously did not know – being young, attractive, muscular and tan is friggin' awesome. As usual, I'm a little late to the game with this show. They're already well into Season 1 so I need to play a little catch-up. I figure this should be a pretty simple task, with it being the year 2010 and all. Alas, it is not…
MTV does have previous versions of Jersey Shore available online, but not all of them. In fact, episodes #3 and #4 are marked "unavailable" until 2 weeks after the original air date. Right, two episodes in the middle of the damn season are missing. Please explain the marketing strategy behind this. Since I can't catch up with the story there is zero motivation to watch the new episodes; episodes which actually contain the ads which pay for MTV. I never got into 24 because I was late to the show and had no idea who the hell Kieffer Sutherland was screaming at all the time. Do they expect me to search the listings hoping to find re-runs of these missing episodes? What is this, 1985? Fat chance.
If the networks actually made it easy for us to catch up on old episodes, it would increase the likelihood that we'd actually tune into new episodes- thus becoming fans of the show. Feel free to stick ads in there too, I don't mind as long as I can watch the damn show.
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