I’ve been having a lot of really crazy dreams lately. I’m not sure what they mean or if they are meant to mean anything at all but I’ve been thinking that maybe I could write some kind of fantastical story from them one day. That is, if I can be bothered to add that to my long list of “stuff I’d really love to do that I never have time for!”
Anyways, I had one dream the other night that felt a bit like a monster horror film. The first part of the dream is a little blurry but I do remember the part where myself and a group of friends were trying desperately to trap a pterodactyl in a dungeon and set it on fire.
This isn't a real pterodactyl by the way... duh!
Goodness knows why I was dreaming about a pterodactyl but it was pretty scary. It was jet black with bright glowing red eyes and no matter how much I tried to prod the thing into this little dungeon, it kept trying it squeeze-out. At one point, I almost set it alight but it wriggled away. It was enormous!
Enough of my crazy dreams… I finally got round to watching and reviewing Thirst. I was in a bit of a reviews-based mood on Monday so I ended-up reviewing Up on DVD as well. Thirst was ok and Up is just amazing.
My review of Thirst
My review of Up
Next week I may review Jennifer’s Body on DVD although I’m unsure how much I’ll actually enjoy it. I’m sure my boyfriend will get some kind of enjoyment from that one (Megan Fox *ahem*)!
I’m currently writing this blog with MTV Two blaring in the background. It’s Fall Out Boy’s Top 20 Comedy Videos. “Stacy’s Mom” by Fountains of Wayne is really bizarre. I mean, Rachel Hunter doing a kinky lap-dance for what is, essentially, a really wee boy is a bit odd. Ah, good old MTV eh? I’m no prude and I do enjoy my fair share of musical MacDonald’s-for-the-ears once in a while, but I guess, it just seems bit too much sometimes.
We’re gearing-up to do our first gig of the year this Friday – These Monsters album launch. Everything seems to be in hand, which unnerves me slightly as something mostly always goes wrong. We shall see. I’m really looking forward to this show though and the bands are really ace plus most of our friends should be down – Friday night party!
Well, this blog post was just a mere distraction from actual work. I better get back to it. Hopefully no more dreams of weird, scary pterodactyls tonight!
[Via http://weeclaire.wordpress.com]
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