Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gorillaz + Bruce Willis = Yes

Remember when music videos mattered and music artists got as much publicity for their videos as for the songs, sometimes more? I always thought that was odd as it was likely a director putting his or her stamp on the artist/group’s sound rather than the music artist coming up with the idea. That being said there are some groups that consistently produced interesting videos, probably the best recent example would be the White Stripes who partnered with a number of great directors to produce video shorts that were works of art on their own.

Though the video is basically dead since MTV stopped promoting them heavily, there are still interesting shorts being produced. The internets were all atwitter (see what I did there) about ‘Telephone’ by Lady Gaga, which I thought was stupid, and the song sucked, but at least she is trying something (you can watch it on her site). The Gorillaz, being a band comprised of cartoons, have used video heavily during their career, with their concerts consisting of a mix between live performance and projected performance.

This video is a great example of what the medium is capable of producing. An interesting song, a defined style to the video, an homage to movies (looks like the same 70s action/chase movies Tarantino referenced in Death Proof) and a badass celebrity cameo. And really, isn’t everything better with Bruce Willis?


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